Uceek Family/Danzi/Edwin

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25th April 2007

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Wink

"Coming to visit me?"

  • Edwin turns and walks to his balcony knowing that he has done the realm's business for ages yet has not seen another noble/realm asset for years. It is almost like he does not know what to do or how to act. His manners and demeanor have been tainted by the common folk in his day to day life, especially with those maidens at the Tavern. mmmmm. he liked it when they . . . ah-hem.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi crossed the border of Abykal and Korlok, the signpost read 'Welcome to the Duchy of Ikalak'. It had a been a long time since she'd come this way, and many things had changed. She had changed a lot, but rumours were the Duke was becoming recluse, entertaining rebels/spies and even commoners within his walls. She wondered if there was any truth to it, she would soon find out.

OOC - referring to Tyr, discovered as a rebel/spy and was in Ikalak city at the time.

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • After receiving Danzi's message, he became very paranoid. No one other than our Good PM knows of my business for the realm. Carefully thinking over his response, he shoveled out a quick message that went to the effect . . .

"Good Danzi, many wonder what my business is, however no one questions what I do, even our Good Prime Minister Maximus. You have not heard of such actions, because such actions do not exist. I would be more than excited if you would join me for dinner. I hope that my somewhat uncouth behavior does not offend you. I assured you that . . . *the message was cut short after he thought to him self. "no, wait, that was last night." Argh. I gotta figure this out." He smiled and walked away.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Folding up the letter she wondered about Duke Edwin. A foreboding presence in the north, greatly respected amoung the nobles of Ikalak, and he wanted to dine with her. Besides which, he had called her 'good', maybe he had her confused with someone else.

Danzi hadn't been seen by another person in Ikalak since she stepped into the shadows so long ago, except by Nico. Letting her blades spin lazily in her hands as she walked, she felt more nervous about this than she did when she was endangering her life for Ikalak.

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Edwin continued his normal daily activities because he does not know of Danzi's thoughts so get cannot give a reaction to anything she does.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi had entered Ikalak city through the sewers, she never needed to bother with guards, and no one ever knew where she was unless she chose to tell them.

She pushed the doors open to a nondescript tavern, the owner of which cared not who you were or what you did, Danzi needed to clean the dirt and grime from her travels before she met the Duke. She wouldn't wear a gown, in truth she didn't even own one, but she did select her most becoming dark outfit, which hugged her curves and enabled her to move fast and quietly. Completely out of character, perhaps a lingering habit from her past, Danzi sprayed herself lightly with a subtle, lilac perfume.

Scaling the outside wall of one of the palace turrets silently, she wondered if she should allow herself to be announced properly like a noble lady, but she would not feel comfortable with that. Too many eyes watching her and seeing her, besides, perhaps the Duke had business with her that he might want kept secret. Feeling the reassuring steel pressing on the inside of her arm, this would not bother her either.

Once on the rooftop she began to search out lit windows in a bid to find the Duke. Finally, through a large west facing window that overlooked the green forests of Berrakor and Dakan she spied a tall, proud man, laughing loudly at a table with his men. She had expected someone older and more serious. As a light breeze shifted, the distinctly feminine scent of lilac was taken into the room. The Duke sat up seriously, his battle senses no less sharp from his time away from the front lines. His men weren't sure what had changed their liege's demeanor, but when he asked them to leave him alone they didn't think to question his reasons and left the room immediately.

Knowing her presence had been discovered, and cursing her stupid feminine side, she stepped through the window, and inclined her head politely at the Duke,

"My Lord, its an honour to be invited to share your company"

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Knowing that the his extended invitation to a member of the shadows was a dangerous one, Edwin was unsure of what to expect. His usually proud and confident swagger left his normally strong hands as he took her hand and brought the very becoming Danzi from the window

"Mmmmmm Danzi, Good to finally meet you. I . . . pause don't usually receive many other nobles in my home even ones that prefer to live as ambivalently as yourself. Please, make yourself as comfortable as you wish.

  • Edwin turned to find drink thinking to himself, unlikely she could kill him, would seriously put a damper on my fun evenings with the rest of the lady folk in Ikalak. This was going to be an advantagous visit.

"Do you have news from the Capitol?" he asked in a low smooth, undetectably uneasy voice as he turned to face her.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

"My Lord, I rarely visit other nobles either. Well, at least ones that are awake, but I could hardly refuse an invitation from you"

As the Duke turned to find a drink, her eyes quickly scanned the room for exits, assessing where the guards would be standing and how many would likely be around. Then she looked at the Duke's broad back turned to her, she was fast but she knew he would be strong. It was a habit she had begun of assessing everyone as a possible target.

When he turned back his deep brown eyes were so piercing and confident she felt slightly unsettled,

"Do you have news from the Capitol?"

Danzi recent reclusiveness meant she was unaccustomed to the regular exchange of pleasantries as herself, so she immediately adopted one of her many personas that she used while traveling.

"Duke Edwin, when I left the capital it was brimming with Knights and men hungry for battle. Ikalak has a mighty army, things seem well"

Accepting the drink politely and touching the liquid to her lips but swallowing nothing she continued,

"Ikalak city looks amazing my Lord, it has certainly flourished and grown since I was here last"

In her mind she was thinking more of the hundreds of militia manning the walls, preventing her escape.

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • As Danzi took the drink from Edwin, he was not a fool. He received much correspondence from his Uncle Envirgar from when he was an infiltrator. He knew she would be worried about the guards, not drink anything, and plan for a quick exist. Racing, his mind didn't know whether to call her on it or put her at ease. Not sure she actually came, he decided to treat her as any other within his company.

"Danzi, do not trouble your mind. Whenever I have guests, I like to make them feel as comfortable as possible. The last thing I want is for you to feel any amount of animosity. That is your currently life, so much anger, violence, hostility. You are wondering why I invited you here. To be honest, I am not sure myself. Perhaps it is from those that didn't believe that I could aquire your company. Perhaps I am interested in a little dangerous love, or perhaps, I am simply in need of news from another noble, even one as tainted as yourself."

  • Edwin sat comfortably in a chair a good distance from Danzi. He knew that she either had an already-planned agenda or that she was waiting for me to make one.

"Danzi, good pause You will find no locked doors, no guards, surprisingly no men on the NorthWest Wall, and no personal bodyguards. To be honest, being guarded is a mock of my ability and skill. Should I be taken in battle, is the perogative of doing service for Ikalak. For that, I should be so fortunate. You are in my home. Do as you wish."

"Now, I do know that it is odd for an infiltrator to be seen and interact with others"

"Why did you come here to visit me? It must be more than the luster of that one guy that guards Ikalak that likes to give away money, unless that is what you would like?"

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi looked coyly at the Duke, he was definitely one that shouldn't be underestimated. Still she maintained the charade of a noble woman, it wasn't so hard, she had been Lord of Adrelhia and she had been a cavalier. She knew the arrogance and relative safety of watching others do your killing for you. In truth she held most nobles in contempt and each day, as one would pass, she would like to remind them that they walked that day because she allowed it.

She had come to Ikalak city to train, she wasn't sure why she had accepted the Duke's invitation to dinner, in the same way she wasn't sure why she had used perfume that afternoon when it was not her way.

Walking without faltering and with a highly trained grace she took the seat beside the Duke, tilting her knees to the side and adopting the position of that of a Lady. It was an odd sight, the Duke and the assassin sitting next to one another, wine glasses poised, neither certain of what the other planned or wanted.

"Duke Edwin, my finances are healthy. You can keep your gold for more 'worthy' nobles. I came to Ikalak city to visit the acadamy, I came to visit you because..."

She searched momentarily for the words,

"I wanted to see you, for reasons I am neither sure of. Maybe I wanted to know if the man behind the title was worth his reputation, maybe I'm interested in some forbidden romance or maybe I, too, am just longing the company of a noble, one whose eyes don't widen with fear when they realise I've entered their room"

Danzi looked at Edwin for any reaction, but he seemed unruffled with Danzi's reasons. His face was calm and his demeanor relaxed, so she continued,

"But it is late, perhaps you have already eaten and I have interupted you. If its inconvenient, I can return another time."

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Surprised she came over to sit next too him. Something was wrong, either he was God's gift to comfortability or she was still putting on a front. He knew nothing was to happen this evening.

"Danzi, our academy is open much of the time. Feel free to train with my tutors. As for this evening, it is late and I have already eaten. However, I am always eating so that really wouldn't be a bother. I am tired as I'm sure you are also."

  • Getting up, he walked towards the door. Hearing shifting behind him, he paused without turning around.

"Danzi, you will find no locked doors here. You may stay in any room, some different from others, some with occupants, some without. It is your choice - unless of course, you are suited to a more rough exterior. For that, remember, the NorthWest Wall. Good Night Danzi."

  • Continuing, he moved towards the door

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi stood up as Edwin went to the door, dropping her head slightly, she was disappointed. She wasn't tired, in fact, she barely slept and never usually at night.

As Edwin reached for the handle she grabbed his arm to stop him. Although the grip was firm it was not to overpower him, however it did catch him by surprise. Leaning close, her blue eyes flashing with spirit, she whispered coarsly,

"I did not come here to sleep"

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

"I did not come here to sleep."

  • MmmMMMmmm, Edwin was accustomed to hearing that from many others. Hmm, which takes Edwin to a special spot thinking of all the times lovely gals would throw the. . .hmm, no, this couldn't be one of those times, or could it . . .
  • Pause

"Well Danzi, What did you have in mind? To be honest, I am not sure what to make of you nor how to interpret what you would like. You seem to be in some kind of dissort. Although to my liking, do you know who I am and the history behind this man? If I can help you, please let me know, because it is late and I pause am tired."

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

"it is late and I pause am tired."

Searching Edwin's eyes for any sign of weakness, Danzi gave up and let go of his arm and opened the door herself.

"Very well, I'll see you in the morning", she muttered.

She slipped out of the door and down the corridor. She would stay in the palace, but she wouldn't sleep.

Roleplay from Danzi

As the palace settled into silent darkness, with only the quiet bustle from within the kitchen downstairs, where the cook was preparing meals for the following day, Danzi wandered restlessly from room to room. She had scouted the entire palace in the first two hours, ensuring no other night wanderers had found their way here. Although normally patient, and used to quietly waiting, tonight was different.

She passed the Duke's bedroom door for the countless time, this time she reached for the handle. Unlocked, as promised, she pushed the door open. She could hear his comfortable breathing from the huge bed in the centre of the room, accompanied by a softer lighter breathing. Approaching the bed, she saw the Duke sleeping soundly, a pretty blonde draped across his chest, also sleeping with satisfaction. Nearby his highly polished sword and shield were leaning against the wall. Bringing her hand to his sleeping face, she noticed the stark difference between his muscled, darker features and her lighter, delicate hand. For the briefest moment she felt lonely, envious of the blonde girl - but she pushed the emotion away.

Leaving a note on his table she left the room again,

Duke Edwin,

I will stay for a bit longer, if it is not too much trouble. If you need me, just say my name and I'll be by your side.



Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • As Danzi turned from laying the note on the table, she turned. To her surprise, the good Duke was right in front of her looking straight into his chest. * Surprised, she staggered two steps back looking in disbelief of how she didn’t hear him move from the bed. * In a moment of awkwardness, he uttered two words,

“Your perfume”

  • He thought she had figured it from when she first arrived and that few things in this world shamed the Duke, especially the fact that he was not wearing anything. She looked at him in disbelief and still could not come up with any conscionable reason of how a man that large moved so quickly from the bed.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi's look of disbelief quickly turned into one of admiration. She had seen many men in their sleep attire, or lack there of, since it made them a more vulnerable target. Edwin was certainly above his peers in his naked form. She dragged her eyes to his face, a slight look of amusement touching his lips.

"Sorry to wake you. I'm surprised you could smell my perfume, over the smell of your... friend", she gestured to the blonde, who was rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Duke?" the girl questioned, missing his warmth and uncertain of what was happening. As her eyes focused on Danzi, her eyes widened with fear. Mistaking the situation, she clutched the blankets as though they could protect her and released a blood curdling scream that echoed through the silent castle.

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • hmm, Edwin looked annoyingly over at the bed where his ever blessed night companion sat screaming. He thought to himself. . . argh, screaming is going to make things all better. Hmmm.

“Danzi, I’m not sure what you wanted tonight, but now I’m positive whatever that was is now compromised. You’d better disappear before my guards come to check on their Duke. Perhaps we can eat together in the morning and you can update me on the goings on.”

  • Edwin turned toward the bed to comfort his troubled mistress.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

With relief Danzi silently ran from the room, slipping into the shadows as the guards ran past.

Returning to one of the more plain, unused rooms of the castle, she spent the next hour running hot water back and forth from the boiler room, using the exercise as a form of training. She spilt not a drop of water and was seen by no one. Finally she had prepared herself a deep, hot bath. She pulled her clothes off and dropped them into the water, removing her weapons she then climbed in after them. Momentarily lost in the comforting warmth of water caressing her body she forgot everything, tipping her head back she soaked her hair. She stayed in the water until it began to feel cool.

Danzi climbed out and fished her clothes out, squeezing the water from them she hung them on a rail to finish drying. Picking a comb from the dresser, she pulled it through her long wet hair before making her way to the tall, large bed. White scars shimmered in the remenants of the candlelight. She climbed between the crisp sheets, it had been a long time since she had slept in such fine surroundings, or had a bath. Reaching under her pillow, she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of her dagger before allowing her eyes to flutter lightly shut.

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • With the guards alarmed, they rushed to the room. Edwin assured them and his lovely friend that everything was alright. He knew that Danzi was not gone, but as no idea where she could be.

He gathered what night was left and slept until morning. hmm, I love breakfast.

good morning, do you like breakfast?

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi entered the private dining room, where Edwin was enjoying his breakfast. Taking a seat beside him, she seemed in good spirits.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to visit an old friend and deliver a message from the Ikalak council to him"

She grinned slightly as she picked up some toast and smeared it with honey,

"Its good to see you with clothes on My Lord"

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Edwin is pleased Danzi joined him for his morning meal. He was not sure whether or not she would show up.

"MMmm, clothes you say."

"I supposed I'm not ashamed of the body God gave me. I don't mind if you aren't either. Thank you for joining me. I hope your business went well?"

"How was your bath? I hope quarters were adequate. The only reason I mention it is because you are not wearing that phenomenal perfume I enjoyed yesterday."

"So what are your plans today? or . . . is that super, secret, confidential stuff that I am not to know even though I know anyway? *Edwin Chuckles.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

"Business went very well, better than I had anticipated. Thankyou for asking. And I can't really believe that a Duke would be interested in the plans of an infiltrator. But now that you mention it, I would like it if you opened your academy a bit more often."

Eating the honey toast thoughtfully, recollecting the night before, "I can understand why you aren't ashamed of the body God gave you, he was quite generous wasn't he?"

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable "mmm, I know of such messages from the council."

  • Smiling, he kept eating

"As for my clothes, certain things simply do not bother me especially when I have little girls leaving notes on tables while I sleep. I apologize, I'm sure that was a sight you were not accustomed too."

  • Grinning, Edwin smiled at Danzi hoping she wouldn't drop her toast and honey.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Soon after his comments, a courier came in with urgent news. Edwin read the letter, looked at Danzi, got up.

"Danzi, thank you so much for coming to dine with me. I have orders to finish Tyr's men in Berakor. I must leave immediately. My apologies.

  • Edwin walked towards the door.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

"Little girls?"

Grinning, Danzi smirked,

"No, that's what you had in your bed last night. And I can assure you, the sight wasn't so bothersome, although I have to admit, when I see a man like that I am usually focusing on his back. It was nice to focus elsewhere for a change."

They both laughed together, before eating a little more. Soon Edwin's scribe arrived.

"Danzi, thank you so much for coming to dine with me. I have orders to finish Tyr's men in Berakor. I must leave immediately. My apologies."

Danzi stood up at the same time as the Duke,

"Thankyou for having me, I will be off also. It's beautiful here, a million miles away from the brutality. I've found myself a room here, so I'll be back for certain and I'll be sure to leave you a note again when I arrive"

She laughed a little. Gathering some of the bread and breakfast food from the table, she pushed it into her bag, and slipped through the open window. Waiting silently, she watched as the tall Duke strode from the room. After he left, she wistfully wondered if he'd return although she knew he wouldn't. Smiling happily, she thought to herself, 'he's not so bad for a Duke'.