The Spiritual Guide to Estahs/Common Knowledge

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A Detailed History

If it is your first time you open the Spiritual Guide, it is strongly suggested that you read this section. You can only know how the Church works when you know what it stands for. Besides this section, you can also read the List of Laws and the Storie, Wisdoms and Myths sections. These will provide you a wider view on the Church.

You should know that the Church is based on the book you are reading, the Spiritual Guide to Estahs. This book has been written long ago, and has now been rediscovered by Prins Simon and Lorgan, in Vatrona. After many discussions, they have found the required amount of money to build their first Church. It was build in Vatrona, of which Prins Simon was the Duke. Prins Simon dedicated his life to the Gods then, and he has done so succesfully. At the moment, the religion has almost 30 000 believers. With 6 Temples and many shrines, they are not just a local religion anymore.

The Church is mainly concentrated in Old Grehk lands. For now, there has been no foreign preaching, however that will come soon. Recently, a troopleader from ThalMarkin has joined us, and it will only be a matter of days before we start preaching there too.

With 14 followers, the Church is well represented in Old Grehk (13 out of 14 tls). However, Old Grehk is a strict secular state, and therefor the religion will never trie to pressure the governement. We are proud though that Vagabond is a member of the Church. He has made great contributions already, and we are sure he will even make more of them.

The Church of Estahsism does not preach destruction. Every religion that openly expresses destruction (of another religion) will be seen as an evil one. These religions are fake, as they just try to get a grip on the world. The Church will offer resistance against these religions, and will support other religions if they request it.

The Church of Estahsism has its own way of handling things. For example, there are two founders, who make descissions together. However, there is also a sort of council in the religion. In fact, every who is not an Aspirant/Applicant anymore, will have a vote. The higher your stance is in the Church, however, the more important your vote is.

The Church of Estahsism does not consider heretics to be bad. We respect another one's faith, however, ours is the true one. Therefor, it is the task of our Priests to convince people to follow the Word of the Gods in a peaceful way. We shall never use violence to convince people to join our Church, as they will only be fake believers. In extreme circumstances, it is however possible that we presecute believers of another religiongs. When their religion is considered evil, for example, and they won't change faith.

Estahs, House of the Gods

The River Of Life and Death, Ziksor, with the Mountains of Estahs.


Where exactly Estahs is, no-one knows. The only thing we know about Estahs is that it is a city, full of golden palaces, surrounded by very high mountains, which can not be climbed. In Estahs, there are three Rivers:

  • Veioror, river of birth, where life begins.
  • Zeakar, river of death, where life ends.

These two rivers come together in the center of Estahs, which is assumed to be the center of the universe. That river is called Ziksor, river of Life and Death. It is in the center of Estahs where you will arrive when you die. Then your soul will be moved to the Blazimir Forests, where you can find the souls of your beloved, if they are already death.


Estahs was created after the War of the Gods, aproximatly 90 000 years ago. Therefor, this is a new city. In these 90 000 years, only one person has reached the city, or that is what people think. The fact is that that person never returnd, so people think that he was killed by the Gods in Estahs.