The Quintus Ennius family/Aeneas Church4

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A letter was send by Cardinal Aeneas to all followers of the Church of Sartan. The letter was one in times of war for many of the faithful as the Kingdom of Sorraine, a bastion of faith, fought the heathen nation of Ohnar West. His letter reads as follows:

Fellow faithful,

When I look at you my heart fills itself with joy, for it is a beautiful sight to behold when you see so many faithful together. However at the same time it is regretful that so many have not seen the truth of the gods, who have been corrupted by heathens and power hungry lords.

It is all our duties to honour the gods and remain pure in heart and soul. To be brave wherever you are, but not out of a foolish crave for destruction or power, but for one's true ideals, one's faith. It is important that we protect these ideals and that we protect our faith. And where some are misguided, others seem to be steered solely by greed and power and other heathen sins.

Among these are the 'followers' of the Way of the Dragon. The Way of the Dragon is a cult where one focuses only upon the human abilities, they believe in no gods and care only for mindless battle for the sake of battle and power. Some of these men have gone beyond salvation, their soul has been corrupted so horribly that they cannot be saved. However others have been misguided by these corrupted souls, have been tricked or forced into believing these lies. We must be careful with these men, for their souls can be saved still and we must be able to forgive them should we find them seeking it.

Sartan, Ramsus, Kokini and Tersea all look over us, even in these times of war and we must not forget them. If we stay faithful, if we pray to the gods and keep ourselves pure of mind and worthy of the gods. If we do this, Tersea will keep our crops blooming, Kokini will protect us from the lurking darkness and Ramsus will guide us in all our efforts and our control of our regions. Sartan, Sartan himself will bless our armies, but only if we fight in his honour and through his ways. That we fight with a pure mind and with our faith, then we will remain blessed. This goes for all faithful in any realm. Ohnar West now knows not such beauty, not such strength while those faithful in Sorraine do. And should you not, try to remain true to the faith and you will feel what it is, you shall feel the guidance of the gods.

In faith!

Aeneas Quintus Ennius Earl of Itomazh Priest of The Church of Sartan Cardinal of The Church of Sartan