Template:API RealmData

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  <continent> string </continent>
  <id> integer </id>
  <name> string </name>
  <fullname> string</fullname>
  <colour> string </colour>
  <banner> string </banner>
  <system> string </system>
  <capital> integer </capital>
  <rulertitle> string </rulertitle>
  <rulername> string </rulername>
  <generaltitle> string </generaltitle>
  <generalname> string </generalname>
  <judgetitle> string </judgetitle>
  <judgename> string </judgename>
  <bankertitle> string </bankertitle>
  <bankername> string </bankername>
  <population> string </population>
  <gold> string </gold>
  <food> string </food>
  <regioncount> string </regioncount>
  <nobles> integer </nobles>
  <adventurers> integer </adventurers>
  <duchycount> integer </duchycount>
   comma separated value list
   comma separated value list
  <theme>comma-separated list of stings</theme>


   "realmdata": {
       "id": integer,
       "continent": string,
       "continentid": string,
       "name": string,
       "fullname": string,
       "colour": string,
       "banner": string,
       "system": string,
       "capital": string,
       "rulertitle": string,
       "rulername": string,
       "generaltitle": string,
       "generalname": string,
       "judgetitle": string,
       "judgename": string,
       "bankertitle": string,
       "bankername": string,
       "population": string,
       "gold": string,
       "food": string,
       "regioncount": string,
       "nobles": integer,
       "adventurers": integer,
       "duchycount": integer,
       "region-ids": comma separated value list,
       "region-names": comma separated value list
       "summary": string,
       "theme": comma-separated list of strings