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The religion of Taestism worships the Goddess Taea the Protector. It is devoted to the twin virtues of Valour and Compassion, as well as ensuring that the mortal races may live their lives as they see fit, rather than as playthings of the Gods. The religious orders follow the path of Her first saint Agenon, who protected the people from the cruel spiritual assault of capricious Gods. More about Agenon can be found in the origins of Taestism.

The virtues


While the Goddess and her priesthood protect her followers from the depredations of cruel Gods, it is the mortal races' responsibilty to defend themselves against the mundane threats of other mortals. To protect their homes and their families, followers of Taea are encouraged to become skillful and cunning in combat and war, to utilise their opponents' weaknesses and negate their strengths. Tests of strength and skill are encouraged during times of peace to hone abilities, but during times of conflict and war the Taests are expected to stand together under their liege and the Goddess, and to face their enemies without falter and give them no quarter.


The followers of Taea are expected to emulate the compassion exhibited by the Goddess. They must defend the weak, but also care for and nurture their fellow mortals. They must accept that their enemies are often driven by uncaring Gods, and are deserving of sympathy rather than hatred. Taests are expected to treat all other beings with respect, and must not give way to the base impulses of wrath and fear.

Worship of Taea

Those who worship Taea are free to live their lives as they see fit with the knowledge that they can make what they will of their life's span without divine interference. Agenon taught his apprentices that the Goddess only rarely takes a hand directly in the lives of mortals, and when she does it is purely for the sake of opposing the will of invasive Gods, battles which can take place in spirit, or are occasionally manifested in physical battle and warfare.

When a worshipper of the Goddess's life finishes, if they have lived according to the twin virtues, they are accorded a place in Taea's heaven, and are eventually reincarnated in the mortal plane. If they have not lived according to the virtues, Taea releases their soul so that they might find a benefactor more fitting to their temperament in the afterlife.

The orders

The holy orders of Taestism alternate their time between contemplation of the Goddess and protecting the people in their care. Most are expected to be skilled in spiritual combat, to drive away the demons who would otherwise terrorise the people. The priests of Taea must emulate the Goddess and Agenon in protecting and caring for the people, ensuring that they are safe from that which they cannot protect themselves from.

Attitude towards other religions

The priests of Taea work to ensure that no-one is compelled to worship any being against their will. This places them in direct opposition to many religions, whose God(s) attempt to sway people through force or deceit. These are the sworn enemies of Taea's priests, who work tirelessly to oppose their machinations.

Kinder, less intrusive religions, on the other hand, are looked upon without malice by Taea's devotees. Taea's priests remain vigilant for any sign of coercion, however, even from religions that they have accepted as benign.