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Selflessness is a religion started by the Martyrius family and specifically Saintly Martyrius.

Fundamental Principles

  • Selflessness is the highest virtue
  • Selfishness is the lowest vice

Basic Ideas

1. An eye for en eye! But only if the eye taken was your friend's eye, not your own. Take no personal vengeance!
2. Service to others!
3. Defend the weak and those you care for!
4. Take only what you need, gluttony and greed are horrible!
5. In love, fulfill the needs of others, and be fulfilled yourself in return!
6. FIll the needs of others FIRST!
7. Be humble in all things!
8. Be peaceful of spirit!
9. Killing is not good, try to avoid it, though sometimes it is just or necessary!
10. Martyrdom is a noble thing!
11. No person has a true RIGHT to rule over another!
12. Obey the law, unless it is totally morally wrong! Dont compromise what is good, but stand by the legal authorities and lawful behavior!
13. Remember that we are all equally potential of evil! Some of us may have more power, but we arent inherently better!

Debatable Matters

1. Afterlife- There are basically seven subdivisions of belief about the afterlife, and it isnt of huge signifigance to the Selflessness religion.
All people have a GOOD afterlife
All people have a BAD afterlife.
Heaven for good people, Hell for bad.
Bad people live in a semi-conscious state of boredom forever, and the better you are, the more active and enjoyable heaven is
Good have paradise, evil have oblivion
Evil have torment, good have peaceful rest(oblivion)
No afterlife at all
2. Importance of Virtue- Some virtues arent directly tied to ideas of selfishness and selflessness. SOmetimes the selfless path would be to tell a lie. Yet there is a type of thought which says virtue(honesty, courage, morality, stuff like that) is of huge importance! Again, this isnt a gigantic issue in Selflessness religion.
3. Pacifism- Some believers believe that all violence and killing is entirely bad and should never be done. This is, like the other two, a disputable matter so you're free to believe either way!
4. State of Mankind- There are basically two ideas about the state of man. Some people say that man is basically bad, and deserves death, thus does not DESERVE any good things, thus has no RIGHTS, only priveliges. Other believers say mankind is basically good, and does in fact have rights and deserves to be served. This is really just a point of view thing!

5. Deism- Some believers believe in the presence of higher forces, of gods and godesses(or a single God), and others dont.