Sarmiento Family/Hernan Visiglia

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Hernan Visiglia Sarmiento -

Tall, strong and stout, Hernan Visiglia has never been accused of being exceptionally fleet of foot or agile. His walk resembles more of a plod than a stride worthy of his noble status. His dark black hair is unkempt and bushy fitting nicely in with his large full beard. At parties he has been known to style his beard in the most peculiar fashions, so much so that it has been called an art. When styling his beard he uses a mysterious wax which has a most pungent smell, overwhelming but hardly offensive.

Hernan Visiglia has a healthy smile and a hearty laugh. His eyes are large and dark brown. He typically wears a simple brown tunic and trousers, large leather boots. In the winter he can be spotted with a large bearskin coat.

Hero of no less than 5 continents, this well traveled warrior has served the realms of Toren, Fontan, Plergoth, Taselak, Norland, and Everguard. He is a warrior of a special breed: Berserker. Hernan Visiglia fights for the sheer love of battle and revels in its blood and gore. In combat, it is as if his thoughtful, brooding spirit leaves his body, and all that is visible in his bloodshot eyes is madness. He cracks a hearty, haunting, malicious laugh with every kill. His unfailing berserk fervor maintains his madness and does not permit him to stop fighting until everything in sight is dead. He feels neither fear nor weakness, and the warrior's battle cry is known and dreaded throughout the land. Though Hernan Visiglia dutifully dons the colors of his realm, be aware that his only true color is blood red.


Family Ring -- Like all members of the Sarmiento household, Hernan Visiglia received his ring when he came of age. The ring, much like those of his brothers, is simple, with the family crest emblazened on the crown, 'loyalty' and 'courage' on either side.

Drákōn e Ti'Lyúng (Battle Axe) --

Drákōn and Ti'Lyúng

The famed dragons of the East and North have come together on this beautiful battle axe. The shaft is carved from the heart of a solid oak from the family mansion in Azarons. The blade was forged in the high mountains of Norland.