Raynor Family/Martha

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Martha Raynor, Second daughter of Fungeiton, lead a life of personal and social indulgence for many years in the affluent areas of Strombran, Atamara. During this time she had many courtesans and changed residence with frequent occurrence, much to the frustration to her father, Fungeiton. At the age of twenty, this frustration turned to encouragement when Martha said of a pilgrimage she wished to take towards the west.

The idea of pilgrimage had come to her in a dream. She saw a far and distant land which she somehow she knew law to the west. Over many weeks she travelled through Atamara - using various means - ever westward in search of something, although what this was she did not know.

While travelling through the lands of Darka, Martha's party was ambushed by soldiers of the realm. In a split second, arrows were coming from every direction. Her men started panicking and Darkan swordsman ran at the party from both front and behind. After 15 minutes of heavy fighting, Martha Raynor along with every one of her men lay dead.

To this day, Fungeiton still seeks news of the fate of his beloved second daughter.