Octavius Family/Journal of Adrianna

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i found these sheets of parchment in an abandond hut. fought i might as well write something on them coz no one wants to buy them. i can't rite too good but i'll try my best.

Day 1

startd my new life as a adventurer in erahol. lookd around the place. some monsters and undead here but not that many. killd some monsters and found some silver. wish the lord offerd a bounty. slept in a hut with peasants.

Day 2

same as yesterday pretty much. met another adventurer called Yashia. we told each other where monsters are and i made a bit more silver from killing them. found a pees of rope today, saving it for emergensees. slept the same way as yesteday.

Day 3

went looking for stuff. found a wooden statue. sold it for four silver. theeving taxmen took one silver of it away in tax. later i found another one. will sell it tomorow after i hav slept.

Day 4

sold statue. spent all day looking for more. couldn't find anything. loads more adventurers in the area. all the monsters are gone. went south to anrimap after sleeping. met an old hag on the way and she maid me give her six silver to stop her from cursing me. i need to get an amulet to ward off evil.