Ironsides Family/Bowie/Ashrak Festival

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The Festival of Ashrak

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (10 recipients)

The skies of Ashrak were filled with fire crackers and wind swept confetti! It was a festival, and all of the region were participating.

Ever since the arrival of the new Viscount, the region had profoundly changed. Before, they were a quiet forgettable lot toiling and suffering their lives. Presently, they are growing in fame because of their tasty pickles, their joyful new dance and most recently the construction of the Ashrak Campus.

The Viscount had put their name on the map and he was not yet finished. Cheering, the people danced the Ashrak hip and elbow shake while he watched from his booth. His eye caught on the lovely sight of a young woman...

The festival would go on for the rest of the week. And villagers from all over would come to the Viscount's estate to celebrate and praise him.

After a long time, Ashrak was happy.

Bowie Ironsides

Viscount of Ashrak

Summer of 9 YD (or 20th December, 2009)