Igelfeld Family/ The Awakening
explanation of origin
Our religion is founded out of the pursuit of knowledge and truth. In my many travels I have come across different peoples and creatures, I have spoken with the kings of men, lords of monsters, the sorcerers of undead, and the rulers of the Daimons. As I spoke with these beings they seemed nothing more than powerful humans with that same mundane fascination with conquest and war, the bodies of the majestic but the mind of a child.
But when I first met the Daimon of Dwilight, the rulers of the Zuma, I witnessed something far surpassing those other beings those fallacious deities. For their wisdom surpassed the vain knowledge of their counterparts, and their concerns were not on the decimation of mankind. These beings know something I do not, we do not. And that pursuit of that knowledge, that truth is what we pursue through reason, veneration, and interaction with these Daimon. For all my time in this world I have never come across beasts so prudent, they live forever and know far more than we could ever imagine. They are the Cordatus Bestiarium, the wise beasts.
explanation of daimon
"Tell me, what kind of religion is Cordatus Bestiarium?"
"it is quite simple actually," Moritz leans back, "it is a religion based on the pursuit of truth."
"Truth? that is it?"
"truth." Moritz responds confidently.
"What do you mean by that?" Muris questions.
"I mean that Cordatus Bestiarium is the religion which best fits what has been discerned about the realities of our world without ignoring its imperfections, complexities, or beauty." Moritz pauses solemnly, "Cordatus Bestiarium is not a religion born of bloodmoon wine or other novelties of human experience, nor is it invoked by deep meditation. It is reasoned through experience and knowledge, it is truth."
A bit perplexed Muris asks, "But isn't it about Daimon worship? were do the Daimons fit in?"
"That is where it begins my friend! It is even where most other faiths depart from reality. Reason with my for a moment about the other faiths of our land. they either worship nothing, worship something that cannot be seen, or worship something they embody with spirituality. The religions I am familiar with worship the stars and the elements, two things which cannot be reasoned to possess any powers outside of the natural order and behind which no further force can be reasoned. Now consider the Daimons who are dual in nature existing both in this world and the netherworld, whose life time cannot be measured, and who have extraordinary powers outside of the natural order. They are supernatural in themselves and quite likely they are timeless. In a few words, they are worthy of our adoration. That is the heart of Cordatus Bestiarium."
More truth and Daimon
"We all rely on authority for our truth, whether it be of history, engineering, or religion. There are things we do not know because we cannot experience them directly. Historical battles cannot be directly known by us, but we can know about them by listening to or reading reports of them. "The transcendent truth also falls into this category. We as humans can gain slight understanding of it through transcendent experiences, but these are but fleeting glimpses like reading three words of a historical account. It provides us with nothing to base our understanding from. One man felt the supernatural well gazing upon the stars and worship of the blood stars was born. Another felt it while contemplating nature and worship of nature spirits came into being. They have feelings, momentary glimpses of the truth that lies beyond, but they cannot join their experience into a cohesive explanation of the world. I can. I see those religions experiences for what they are, glimpses of the supernatural, the Netherworld."
letters of apologetic
I do not wish to be combative, but as I look at the realities of our world I see but one answer which satisfies our deepest questions. It is my desire to spread that idea so that all might understand and know better how then to live. Therefore I must ask, are your religious beliefs born of faith or reason? if it is pure faith in what is unsearchable and unknowable than I cannot convince you, yet if it is reason might I provide evidence for the alternative and might we discuss our knowledge to search out truth?
I ask your basis because the journey of my life has exposed me to great mysteries beyond human comprehension and truths more fundamental than a simple existence exposes. Throughout my sojourn, reason dominated my understanding and knowledge was only gained through engaging evidence with thought and contemplation. My religion is founded out of the pursuit of knowledge and truth. In my travels through Atamara, The Far East, and Beluaterra I have encountered different peoples and creatures, I have spoken with kings of men, lords of monsters, sorcerers of undead, and rulers of the Daimons. As I spoke with these beings they seemed nothing more than powerful humans with that same mundane fascination with conquest and war, the bodies of the majestic but the mind of a child.
But when I first met the Daimon of Dwilight, the rulers of the Zuma, I witnessed something far surpassing those other beings those fallacious deities. For their wisdom surpassed the vain knowledge of their counterparts, and their concerns were not on the decimation of mankind. These beings know something I do not, we do not. And that pursuit of that knowledge, that truth, is what we pursue through reason, veneration, and interaction with these Daimon. For all my time in this world I have never come across beasts so prudent, they live forever and know far more than we could ever imagine. They are the Cordatus Bestiarium, the wise beasts.
Does this make sense my friend?
I do respect your viewpoint and for some time I was as you are. For I saw the religions of our world and felt that all seemed hollow and meaningless, and none aided in understanding this world more fully. They claim to make sense of the world but instead blur our view of it through forced spirituality. This hypocrisy long kept me from religion. For life is not as simple as most religions portray. Life is far uglier than most religions will admit, and more glorious than most allow room for. They deny certain realities and substitute their own.
But Cordatus Bestiarium is unlike the others. It is the religion which best fits what has been discerned about the realities of our world without ignoring its imperfections, complexities, or beauty. Cordatus Bestiarium is not a religion born of bloodmoon wine or other novelties of human experience, nor is it invoked by deep meditation. It is reasoned through experience and knowledge, it is truth. You can ignore truth if you chose, but it will remain true none the less. Does this interest you? Do you have any questions?