Humourists of Atamara/Funny Stories

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Free Beer

A pour tramp travelling round Atamara have found a great way of getting free bear at bars and inns. He starts by thinking which realms the public hates and then smears that realms ruler by name-calling and foul jokes. There is always some drunk that finds it amusing and offers a drink. One night he has gotten into a little village way up in the hills of Upperfell. He walks into the local bar wheat from the poring rain. He looks around and thinks ‘these hillbillies must really hate the fine folks from Cagilan Empire’ and shouts “Zadar Nargath looks like the arse of a goat!”

Instantly four large farmers grab him by the neck, beat him up and throw him out in the mud. Stunned he tries the next night by shouting “Aramil looks like the arse of a goat!” resulting in the same treatment. The third night he carefully walks up to the bartender and ask him: “What is this for a village where you cannot muck the enemies of RedSpan?”
“Oh, we don’t mind that. You can do it any day. We just don’t like you speaking badly about our goats.”