Emerald Belt of Piety

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The Emerald Belt of Piety was found on a mammoth undead beast outside Tarkhog, tied to its head like a circlet. The freeman Eva had joined forces with two other nuisance hunters, Djonn, Reginal. After following directions to the last know sighting of the undead she tracked the beasts until she had fought 3 groups of undead. Finally she came upon the large, self appointed leader and his followers. After a brief, but tiring battle she emerged victorious, removing the slightly damaged belt from the shattered skull of the thug. Upon her return to the fishing village of Tarkhog, a sage approached her and asked for a stone she carried in exchange for returning the belt to pristine condition. Seeing an opportunity she agreed and the sage, unexpectedly, lived up to his word. As of this writing Eva has made a local Duke aware of her find, and hopes to be able to relieve herself of the belt before any other nasty beasts come looking for their fallen leaders crown.