Editing Melhed/History/Third Invasion/Daimon/Translation/Stage2/Late/TranslationAttempt

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ques, de halles. eter rhe ete. lac sond atentraise ung uls, your theis ong incomse plainver vineursour rightsuam zu makelga liatiamis.

ques, de halles (investigation , about halles.) (issue , about concourse.) eter (eternal) (undying) rhe ete. (eat). lac (milk) (lake) sond (probe) (literary power) (sounding-line) (soil auger) (sounding lead) atentraise ung (nifty) (young) uls your theis (hey were failing) ong (Vietnamese -Grandfather) incomse (to dye) plainver (simply) (nature) vineursour rightsuam zu (German- to, add, at, for, unto) (Zu=far, in the Sumerian language) makelga (sweet) (broker) (war paint) (mock-up) (blemish) (comfortable) (husband ) liatiamis. (make against)

Issue, about concourse. Eternal rhe eat. Lake probe atentraise young uls your failing grandfather to dye simpley vineursour rightsuam to blemish against.