East Island News/East Island Chronicle
Im going to start with an OOC disclaimer. Firstly I have already put 40-45 hours of work doing what I have already done. Obviously there will be debates on wording and how stuff are. With regards to Caligus relations I am able to provide a deeper in detail picture on politics there. I am doing so to give more information to the reader not out of bias.
Anyways hope you all enjoy.
East Islands Chronicles
Chapter 2 - Southern Alliance Marches North
Chapter 3 - Betrayal of Fallanguard and Rise of Yssaria
Chapter 5 - The Great War Begins
Chapter 6 - Peace and Prosperity Reigns...well sort of
Chapter 7 - Mere Mortals listen to the gods. War reigns once again
More to come over the next weeks.
If anyone wants parts edited. Post what you want edited on the talk page. I am going to use what loren wrote but some things are untrue which i will edit out. If parts get changed i will simply begin to revert without taking notice of the ideas posted.
Thank you - Menethil