East Island News/East Island Chronicle

From BattleMaster Wiki

Im going to start with an OOC disclaimer. Firstly I have already put 40-45 hours of work doing what I have already done. Obviously there will be debates on wording and how stuff are. With regards to Caligus relations I am able to provide a deeper in detail picture on politics there. I am doing so to give more information to the reader not out of bias.

Anyways hope you all enjoy.

East Islands Chronicles

Chapter 1 - The beginning

Chapter 2 - Southern Alliance Marches North

Chapter 3 - Betrayal of Fallanguard and Rise of Yssaria

Chapter 4 - My first days

Chapter 5 - The Great War Begins

Chapter 6 - Peace and Prosperity Reigns...well sort of

Chapter 7 - Mere Mortals listen to the gods. War reigns once again

Chapter 8 - The southern Wars

More to come over the next weeks.

If anyone wants parts edited. Post what you want edited on the talk page. I am going to use what loren wrote but some things are untrue which i will edit out. If parts get changed i will simply begin to revert without taking notice of the ideas posted.

Thank you - Menethil