Caligan Courier/November'10Marriage

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Roleplay from Aeolus Ironsun
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh"

Aeolus and his men were was on their way to Aix from Beziers, proceeding with all due haste.

"Common men, you can imagine what happens to you, if I'm going to to miss my own wedding because of you!"

Realizing the Archbishop was nervous because of his union with Countess Tsukiko later in the evening, the captain of the royal guard couldn't help but to smile slightly.

"If I may say so ... relax, my Lord. We will be in Aix at sunset, there is absolutely no way we will be too late. There will be enough time for you to get properly dressed too. Also a minute ago one of our scouts returned, reporting that Guild Leader Sinted and High Priest Theuderik already arrived. You see, everything is ready and alright."

"Very well, captain, very well. You know, for the first time in my live, there is a women I actually really love. As you know, her family is kind of strict as well as a bit old fashioned. I had to become Ruler and Duke before they finally approved the marriage. I accomplished all of that and I don't want to mess it up now."

"Everything will be all right, my Lord. Actually I'm quite sure all your fears will vanish once you see the Countess in her wedding dress."

Knowing Aeolus for many years, captain Roland was able to ease the mind of his Lord a little. Sure, Aeolus still was nervous, but at least he did no longer shout at his men because of it and some men even spotted a smile on his face as they continued their way to Aix.

Aeolus Ironsun
Elder Saint of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh and Archbishop of Diocese of Aix, Duke of Aix


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Roleplay from Sinted Dacara
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh"

Sinted stood in the temple in the beautiful city of Aix, where a mass of people had gathered in and around the temple- all dressed quite pretty. He stood there with a very important task, to wed Archbischop Aeolus Ironsun and Lady Tsukiko D'Anglos, both from the Diocese of Aix.
While Sinted stood at the altar on the highest spot in the temple, it was the Royal couple that drew all attention. He was in a very stylish black costume while she had the prettiest white wedding dress one could have ever seen. Hair was stylished and you could not get the smile off their faces. A happy couple indeed, surrounded by flowers everywhere and family and close friends on the first rows, people from the Diocese and Ibladesh beyond that and far far around the temple. Everyone was excited for the ceremony to begin when suddenly Sinted spoke.
“Friends, we have gathered here today to give two very special people the most special day out of their lives. One they will never forget, one they will forever cherish. “
Ten thousands of people cheered, it was a deafening sound.
“It is an honour for me to be chosen for this task by Archbischop and close friend Aeolus Ironsun. Let the ceremony begin.
Let us all remember who we are celebrating here and today. Archbischop Aeolus, once Pontifex of the great Ibladesh, writer of several books for the Church and now Duke of Aix and Archbischop of the second Theocracy of our Church on this island. Countess Tsukiko, from the honourable and loyal D’Anglos family, founders of the Empire of Ibladesh, now Countess of Lorient and soon be taking a step into the Royalness of life.”
Again, everyone cheered. It was so loud and long that Sinted had to wait a bit before going on.
“Let us thank the Gods who by no doubt brought this beautiful people together. And I quote:
May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you
[Book Of Prayers 35:11-a]
May our Gods bless this Royal couple on this big day, may they bless them every single day of their marriage. May the Gods bless everyone!”
While the crowd was cheering, Pontifex Sinted gave the couple a sign that it was their turn.
“And now, the vows!”
Two officials of the church stood up, one came from the right side, one from the left. They held a big red shiny pillow with a golden edge to it. On top of those pillows was a big golden ring. Both approached the couple from their side and stopped next to them. One could hear a needle fall on the ground.
Both Archbischop Aeolus and Countess Tsukiko stood up while looking deep in each other’s eyes. The Archbischop took the ring from the pillow and continued:
"My beloved Tsukiko, you are the most adorable Lady I've ever met and my heart is beating fast at this moment. I hereby swear in front of my patron goddess Tersea to be there for you as long as I live. My eyes shall watch you, my ears shall listen to your adorable voice, and my arms shall protect you. From now on you shall be the only women in my life."
“Lady Tsukiko D’Anglos, Countess of Lorient, take this ring as symbol for my eternal love.” And he put the ring on Lady Tsukiko’s finger.
Countess Tsukiko, deeply touched by the words of her soon to be husband, took the ring from the pillow and continued with her vows:
“Life is a great adventure, that you cannot sit and watch go by. You must become part of the life cycle, to share the adventure with others. Ever since I meet Aeolus, my life has become one great adventure, and one that I wish and want to explore with Aeolus.

Therefore, I stand here before all to see and hear my words. In front of the Goddess Tersea, I announce my love of Aeolus Ironsun, the high Elder and saint for the Goddess Tersea.

As a member of the D'Anglos family, I offer my hand in marriage to Aeolus, to give him my love, to share my life with his life, and to create a family that will bond both the Ironsun and D'Anglos family together in front of the Great Goddess Tersea. However, what is more important, I offer myself to be his wife, his love, and his mate, may I love him forever and a day.”
“Archbischop Aeolus Ironsun, Duke of Aix, take this ring as symbol for my eternal love.” And she put the ring on Archbischop Aeolus’ finger.

Sinted Dacara
Guild Leader of Church of Ibladesh and Pontifex of Ibladesh, Ambassador of Ibladesh

Roleplay from Sinted Dacara   (6 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh" (73 recipients)

Sinted spoke: “These rings are the symbols of the vows here taken; circles of wholeness; perfect in form. These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together filled with wonder, surprises, laughter, tears, celebration, grief and joy. May these rings glow in reflection of the warmth and the lives that flow through the wearers today.”

Both were now deeply touched by the words of the vows, and so was the whole crowd. Many women had to grab for a handkerchief, many men had difficulties showing they would not cry.

Sinted smiled and continued, feeling the emotion of the almost complete marriage.

“Sir Aeolus Ironsun, Archbischop of the Diocese of Aix, Duke of Aix, do you here in the presence of these witnesses declare your commitment to Lady Tsukiko D’Anglos, Countess of Lorient, and choose her as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you pledge to endure all of the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together? “

“I do.”

“Lady Tsukiko D’Anglos, Countess of Lorient, do you here in the presence of these witnesses declare your commitment to Sir Aeolus Ironsun, Archbischop of the Diocese of Aix, Duke of Aix and choose him as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you pledge to endure all of the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together?”

“I do.”

Sinted spoke his final sentence, the most important one.

“Then I hereby, Archbischop Aeolus Ironsun and Countess Tsukiko D’Anglos, with the power of the Gods and Church vested in me, pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!”

“Archbischop Aeolus and Lady Tsukiko kissed and the whole crowd cheered.”

Sinted Dacara
Guild Leader of Church of Ibladesh and Pontifex of Ibladesh, Ambassador of Ibladesh


Roleplay from Abraxas Arrakis
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh"

As the crowd was cheering Abraxas moves closer to the iron throne of the Archbishop, on which the newly wedded couple was sitting. Abraxas bows to the floor, clears his throat and speaks: "Your Majesty the Archbishop of Aix, Your Grace Lady of Lorient, please accept the gift of House Arrakis and myself." Under his crimson cape he pulls out a shield, engraved with mystical runes. He continues: "This, my Lords, is the Enchanted Shield of the Dragonslayer. I have ordered for its transport from my family home in Jariedma, as it has been a part of my House for the last two decades. The shield was found by my father in the night when mad Hamilton Vita was driven out from the Ducal seat of Itorunt city, afterwards it was gifted to myself, and I, Abraxas of House Arrakis, humbly offer it to yourself as a token of good wishes for a long and happy life in your most holy union."
Abraxas takes a short pause before continuing again. "My priests have blessed the shield with the chants of Ramsus himself, and the shield's engravings have been remade from pagan symbols to those of our pantheon. May the shield bring you luck and favor of our gods. House Arrakis stays at your service, my Lords."
Quickly he bows again before returning back to the enthusiastic crowd.

Sir Abraxas Arrakis
Follower of Ramsus of Church of Ibladesh and Patriarch of Diocese of Aix


Roleplay from Aeolus Ironsun  
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh"

Aeolus was stunned and he felt disorientated for a while. After some time he realized, that he was kissing the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He also heared loud cheering and an emotional speak of a close friend. What's more he vaguely was aware of receiving a beautiful present, a holy shield.

Reality only slowly came back to him as he was walking from the temple to his palace. Next to him, there was that beautiful woman again, holding his hand for the whole time and they were followed by nobles and a lot of peasants. They all seemed to be very happy. Suddenly he stopped walking. The beautiful woman next to him softly whispered to him:

"Are you alright, Aeolus? You didn't say a word since you kissed me at the ceremony, my love."

At that moment all senses returned to him and he finally realized that he just married the love of his life. Also the whole ceremony was in his memory at once and he recalled every word, Sinted had spoken.

"Oh yes ... yes ... I'm more then alright. I'm in heaven, my Love, I'm in heaven because of you. I deeply and dearly love you."

Happily he kissed his wife again and after that he was unable to stop smiling until they finally reached the palace of Aix. They moved to a great, beautifully decorated hall, followed by all the guests. Tsukiko and Aeolus polity were directed to an enormous table by Abraxas. There was a delicious feast. Several dozens of appetizers, and main dishes skillfully were arranged on the huge dinner table. There was pork, beef, steak, fish, prawn, several sorts of vegetables and mead as well as wine as if the chef had been trying to fit everyone's taste in only one meal. Beautifully dressed guards and captains were positioned in the hall and they all saluted as the bridal couple walked to the head of the table.

Then Aeolus finally started to speak.

"Friends. I'm most honored to have you all as my guests at this auspicious event. Pontifex Sinted, I want to thank you for the beautiful wedding. It means a lot to me that you agreed to conduct the ceremony. Patriarch Abraxas, thank you for this most generous wedding present. May Tersea bless you. Patriarch Theuderik, thank you for making all the way to Aix to honor us with your presence. Thank all of you, for your blessings and wishes."

At that point Aeolus paused for a moment and took the time to look at his bride.

"But most of all, I want to thank you, beautiful and noble Tsukiko, for wedding me. You made me the most happiest man on earth today. Now, let's feast,my friends. Please eat, drink and share our happiness."

Aeolus Ironsun
Elder Saint of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh and Archbishop of Diocese of Aix, Duke of Aix

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Roleplay from Aeolus Ironsun  
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh"

The feast in Aix went on for several hours and both Aeolus and Tsukiko seemed to be very happy. To the surprise of everyone two more courses were served. Several sorts of cheese, red and white grapes, dried fruits and raisins were brought by servants and those who still were able to eat were amazed by the taste of the fancy cakes and confections of pastry.

In the early morning hours the hall was still filled with people. A group of minstrels was performing a song about love and dedication as a courtier suddenly noticed two empty seats at the head of the table. After seven hours of feasting and chatting with the guests, Tsukiko and Aeolus apparently did manage to silently get away from the hall, while the people's attention was concentrated on the musicians and artists. Only a smiling scribe was standing next to the empty seats. After the song he somehow managed to restrain his smile and spoke to the guests:

"Both the Archbishop and the Countess would again like to thank you for participating in this festivity. I hope you understand, that they had a slightly urge for privacy during this beautiful song about love. I honestly doubt that they will be back anytime soon. Please feel welcome to stay as long as you please, however. There is plenty of mead and wine left and I just got report from the kitchen. The chef actually just finished to prepare another course for you."

That said, the scribe could no longer repress his smile which seemed to amuse most of the guests and many of them continued to feast, drink and laugh until sunrise.

Aeolus Ironsun
Elder Saint of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh and Archbishop of Diocese of Aix, Duke of Aix

Roleplay from Tsukiko D'Anglos   (5 days, 19 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh" (73 recipients)

Nervously she listens to Sinted Dacara, not believing that the word he spoke was meant for her. She was at her wedding, an event she never dreams of having them since she was a high member of the D'Anglos family. So much was expected of her, she never dreams that she would meet her love, and even more get to marry him. The Goddess Tersea has truly honored her by giving her Aeolus, the only man that she had ever loved.

When it came to her turn to give her bows, she was now too nervous to speak. Tsukiko took a deep swallow and try to speak, but her voices were soft as she spoke directly to her loves. Her eyes lock with his as she spoke, and she was not sure if she was speaking or thinking and sending him a message through her mind.

She must had been speak for soon Sinted announces them man and wife. Aeolus move in close kissing her, and she froze forcing Aeolus to hold her to keep her from fading. The kiss last a very long time, but she wish it lasted even longer as Aeolus held onto her. She looked up into his eyes and reached up stroking his cheek. "I love you my husband, and always will."

Aeolus took her in his arms and they headed toward the door of the great temple. Once on the great steps and in front of all of Aix, Tsukiko smiles waving to the crowd. Without saying a thing, Tsukiko threw the banquet of flowers far into the crowd and all the single women quickly charge toward it. This created an opening allowing Aeolus to lead the way for Tsukiko to follow as they ran to the great hall.

From one event to the next one, they move into the great hall where all of their guests and friends were waiting. Everybody was toasting the couples and with wine and food everywhere, a party started to grows. Then Abraxas Arrakis stood up and came forth in front of Aeolus and Tsukiko. As he under the shield, Tsukiko stood up looking at the shield.

"Oh Tersea!" she said with excitement. "It is so beautiful!"

As everybody, make comment of how great a gift it was, Tsukiko lean forward kissing Abraxas on his cheek.

"Thank you Abraxas, it is a wonderful gift." She smiles at Aeolus. "I'm afraid it will be the cause of our first fight, for I am sure Aeolus will want it hanging in the castle at Aix, and I want it over my mantle at my castle at Lorient."

Tsukiko sit back down and soon the party was back to drinking and celebrating as the musicals continue to play. Nobody was dancing, for it was customs that the Husband and wife do the first dance. Soon Tsukiko raise her hand up by Aeolus to see, then she clear her throat, and pointed down at the floor that was clear waiting for everybody to dance.

Lady Tsukiko D'Anglos
Follower of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh, Countess of Lorient

Roleplay from Aulus Severus of the Scipii   (5 days, 16 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Church of Ibladesh" (73 recipients)

Meanwhile, a thousand miles north … of the jubilations of Ibladesh and their Sister State, forsaken and alone; a small band of Fontanese soldiers gathered around the torch held aloft by a Steward on the steps of the Manor House in Oberndorf. In the light, Lord Aulus Severus folded the Scout Report in his hand, a grim-set expression that was becoming evermore commonplace on a face haunted by sleepless nights and the toll of warfare. Pulling on his gloves, and with wisps of his breathing in the cold night air circling around, he addressed his men.

“My apologies for waking you all, but we must prepare.” He said sternly as he looked between the soldiers. “An enemy raiding force is heading in our direction via Tabost, aside the Main Army in Commonyr. The intent I assume is to plunder Oberndorf yet again, to burn and harass as they have done before. We will not let this happen”

Aulus looked down to the ground for a moment.
“Sirion has taken Negev this day, the Townsland has fallen, along with Al Amarah and Oporto; still rogue. Montijo is firmly under elven occupation …”

The Lord kept his gaze down as he continued. “Some ask why we will not surrender. Why we will not capitulate to the Elves, even as they burn and destroy, even as they slaughter civilians by the thousands. Even as they starve our cities while our allies in the south buy Looted Food. … Even as they kill our very Realm.”

Aulus looked up sharply and straightened his posture, firming the tone of his voice.

“We will not surrender, for we hold true to the Alliance of our Brother-state, Asena. We honour the declaration of loyalty, the contract of Union between us, as we do with Westmoor. The Sultanate is not to be betrayed for convenience, for mere profit or gain. We will not allow their destruction, not even for the cost of our own. That is what an Alliance demands. That is what brotherhood entails. That is what the Freedom of Humanity will take as sacrifice. If our Democracy is to be defeated, if Fontan is to fall, if the Elves must drive us from the Walls of Krimml, must starve our people and children into submission, if brave men, knights, Lords and Cavaliers, each a Hero and each a Democrat, must lay down their lives with selfless devotion for all that they hold dear then they shall do it. WE shall do it. We here; men of Fontan - Soldiers of Democracy - Loyalists to our Allies and defenders of Humanity. WE shall NOT Yield, We will not allow Elven Republican Tyranny to install itself unopposed over our lands, to have their Godless religions corrupt our people, their Hegemony to rule the North of East Continent. If we are to die, if Fontan is to die, if that is the price of our Honour, our Loyalty to our friends and Alliances. If after all the bloodshed this War has caused there is yet to be more demanded then we shall give it freely. We shall not stand by and watch our allies suffer for our own promotion. We shall not betray our word. We are Fontanese!”
Aulus shouted, only just realising that his rant had risen to an unrestrained fury. It didn’t matter, for his men were fired up, they shared the pent-up anger, the frustration. They had endured this war for years just as he had. They would not forsake those they were allied to, those they were obliged to defend. They would not stand selfishly by while friends and comrades fought an impossible war. Such betrayal was beyond thought or acceptance.

The five men gathered cheered, raising their arms high, swords that looked aflame in the torchlight, armour blazing, and souls and spirit alight. The rallying had done what was necessary, it had burnt out the sullied, beaten down heart and set in its place a core of energy and reignited devotion.

“Now men”
said Aulus, determined and resolved, “we set ourselves readied for the invaders. They are many our number, but we’re used to that. The odds have never been in our favour.” He smiled for a moment. “Let us continue the fight as we always have. For Fontan! For Democracy! …”

“… For Victory!”
came the cry from the Fontan Unit.

Then, as silently the men prepared themselves for slaughter, Aulus looked to the lightless sky, and muttered a few, desperate words.

"May Sartan be with us" ...

Far the south; in Ibladesh - not a sword stirred.

Sir Aulus Severus of the Scipii
Believer of Church of Ibladesh, Count of Oberndorf