Riombaran Herald/Archives/Issue 6

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Chronicle of truth
Issue 5 - July 2010. Price: 2 silver.
July 25, 1010
Enweil signs agreement with the Netherworld

In a shocking development, Enweil, home of the late Nicolas Chenier, one of the leaders of the daimon worshiping Blood Cult, has formally announced a peace treaty with the daimons. They are already being referred to by the Enweilians as allies. One wonders what atrocities they have planned to commit on Beluaterra, alongside their daimonic allies.

Enweil has sold its soul to the snakes of the Netherworld, and they shall pay the price for their treachery. Riombara shall stand firmly against the daimons and daimon lovers.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

July 3, 1010
Riombara goes to war, Tragedy in the South

It is now official- The Democratic Republic of Riombara is now at war with the Monster Swarm.

Monsters were beaten back from Grehk, but Irombro, Mio Dupaki, and Ardmore are being taken over by Monster forces. Sadly, Duke Kammar of RInes perished in the valiant attack on Ardmore. He served Riombara long, and was one of its most loyal warriors. He was a true statesman, one who always put the state of Riombara first. He wont ever be forgotten.

All hail Duke Kammar!

May he live forever in Qyrvagg's blissful city.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

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