Argent Order

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The Argent Order is one of the youngest faiths of Dwilight, and as such very little is publicly known about them. The following is what has been seen on the public board at their temples:

The only thing one can rely on in the world is Vita and Nex, Life and Death, the only true Eternal Forces. Everything else is up to those who support it and is either a form of Chaos or a form of Order. Chaos is to be destroyed or reformed, and Order to be created or reinforced.

The Argent Order stands as a new beacon of Order on Dwilight were past faiths of Order have failed. We realize that Order comes in many forms, and that Chaos sometimes disguises itself as such.

Our three Saints realized such as well when they began to instill Order in the world. They were known as: Alexius the Brave, Relinon the Wise, and Telani the Silver.

If you wish to strengthen the cause of Order in these lands, we welcome you to our faith.


At the top of the Argent Order is the Silver Archon, Zanaras Tian. It is he who carries, as he calls it, "The Silver Tome", that contains an as of yet not totally translated quantity of information pertaining to the faith's history and ways.

Beneath him there are the Four Echelons, the Echelons of the Sword, Shield, Pen, and Staff.

Echelon of the Sword

Archon: (None Yet)

(Under Construction)

Echelon of the Shield

Archon: (None Yet)

(Under Construction)

Echelon of the Pen

Archon: Brynden Tully

(Under Construction)

Echelon of the Staff

Archon: Zanaras Tian
The Echelon of the Staff deals with all things related to the priests of the faith, be it their training, assignments, or punishments. The only way into this Echelon is by interview with the Archon in charge of it.

The interesting thing about this Echelon is that it doesn't fit into any of the three sides of conflict alone. Rather it is better seen as the thing that holds the other three Echelons together. Once priests reach a certain rank within the Echelon of the Staff, they will be granted a dual membership into one of the other Echelons, so that they may better serve the faith by coming to understand the different Echelons.