Master Ethelred's Journal

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Revision as of 08:22, 8 July 2008 by Haerthorne (talk | contribs)
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By: Master Ethelred A View of Events in the Far East


Welcome to my humble journal, distributed to interested nobles everywhere. I intend to put down the events affecting my home in the North, specifically focusing around the region of Lantzas. Knowledge is the ultimate in treasure, and must be preserved for all time. This journal is a testament to that fact.

Past Pages

May 1008


Lantzas Brigands Serving Arcaea

It would appear that Baron Euran is attempting to recruit the fearsome bandit clans of Lantzas to fight for Arcaea. These ferocious horsemen have plagued us for many years; can they be used as a force for order?


A Grand Tournament

Many of the nobles of Lantzas, including its lord, Euran Kandurell, have ridden off to take part in a tournament of sword and joust in Greater Aenilia. Would that my old bones had it in them to venture out and watch such a display of prowess!


Lady Harmony Kidnapped

The sister of Duchess Edara of Nocaneb, Lady Harmony Kindon, has been kidnapped in the middle of the night. Harmony is no fainting damsel in distress; it is hard to conceive of a man who could so easily seize her. Rumour suggests that it is a family member somehow connected to the Baron of Sasat, one Siegfried.


(For readers and visitors to Lantzas' House of Healing and Records to add their comments)

It appears that whilst Baron Euran Yetisbane Kandurell has decided to host a party for the Arcaean nobility, a Sartanian preacher has threatened the tenuous peace here in the north. On that note, I may be delayed on my way to the Baron's estates. --Aerywyn 08:22, 8 July 2008 (CEST)