Ishimu Family/Igor

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Having heard from his brother of the relative lack of action in CE, Igor decided to head to Ikalak, SEI to find some battles. It was a bit of a coincidence that he found the Prime Minister there, Maximus, to be a relative of his brother's mentor. Igor himself sought mentorship from Sponge, and started off with a unit of Infantry. Not too long afterwards, he decided that wish to follow the martial path to its extreme conclusion and become a Hero. He has since took part in many huge battles and has been injured a fair few times, possibly due to having an "unlucky" captain whose name is struck from the family records.

The "unlucky" Infantry captain was such a curse that Tyr gave Igor some runes, which would eventually come back to haunt Igor when Tyr joined the underground and had his nobility questioned, long after the Infantry unit had been wiped out. (The remnants of that unit could have been ditched along with its captain instead, records are a bit hazy) Gossips about having been seen hunting with Tyr caused a sizable loss of honour and prestige.

He now commands a fairly decent unit of long ranged (4) archers. He is currently a knight of Ikalak City, pledged to Duke Edwin the Honourable, though he has yet to visit his estates in the White City due to commitments on the war front. The little loss suffered in recent campaign against Taselak City has allowed him to loot and stay in the field, thus rising up the ranks in the "Helmets" competition.

His uneven luck has somehow transferred from the battlefield to his heroic charms. He tends to only be able to perform heroic feats, such as tell tales or picking up volunteers, in enemy territories, which of course is a waste of time. Though lately, he did manage to pick up a whopping 7 volunteers from the then newly conquered Cave of Guilt.

The latest unfortunate series of events (partly caused by his ill timed decisions) started on Ikalak's last attempt to conquer Taselak City. Igor returned to the capital to refit and came across a request to station some militia in Eraus. Unfortunately for him, despite having the gold, he did not recruit extra men and set out, only then to be told he can indeed fulfil the milita request. He proceeded to leave half of his veteran unit in Eraus and headed to Belus, only to end up in a long march to Kail as plans for Taselak City was shelved somehow and the target was changed to Toren Stronghold. He was involved in the failed Takeover in Dakan, before deciding to head all the way back to Sandalak to recruit a big, albeit combat ineffective unit, specifically for Takeover attempts. Having essentially spent all the gold accumulated from the looting in Belus and Taselak City on that unit, he headed back to Kail, anticipating the attempt on Toren Stronghold. The attack was aborted and facing the prospect of having a unit that he can no longer support (tax share was decimated by the transfer of the Capital from Sandalak City to Ikalak City) he left the whole unit of 70 odd men in Riakond as militia and recruited a small but good infantry unit instead. (Incidentally, the milita unit in Eraus was wiped out by an infiltrator and some revolting peasants) He then took part on the attempt on Toren Stronghold and was wounded. On his way back to the Capital to refit came the bad news that Duke Moonglum II of Sandalak had betrayed the realm and took his duchy over (which accounted for around 1/2 the realm, in terms of regions and knights) to Taselak. He is hoping he can find more volunteers to bolster the ranks, to make up for the lack of gold.

He is currently putting himself forward for a lordship position.