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Has anyone had a Sage successfully create anything? I've had two Sages try and walked away only with broken items. --Calvin November t/c on 21:40, 31 January 2007 (CET)

I had found a sage once and had the items, but just like you, the fool wrecked my Items. Inara
Looks to me they are more likely sausages than sage. -- Gsklee 22:22, 31 January 2007 (CET)
I found one who wanted a Thief Hand and a Bear Hide, and since I had them, he used them to create Ucdauh's Crown of Pain (+1 to prestige). I'm pretty sure I still had the items when he was done. --Anaris 22:47, 11 March 2007 (CET)

My adventurer has met a sage 3 times offering to create an item when I had the required items. Of those 3 times, 2 of them were successful. -Esorp

Quesses from --M2rt 13:21, 31 May 2007 (CEST)

Well sage. The magic creature has created 2 items for my adventurer.
I have been watching the actions of sage. And found of this:

Sage appears at the exact moment you gain a hour. And he stays until you gain another hour.
You gain hour around the server time ~ xx:30
Sage offers you to craft an unique item only when you have atleast 6 hours.
Appearing of sage is random. You never know the hour he appears.

These are my guesses around sage, It would be nice to get confirmation from Tom.

--M2rt 13:21, 31 May 2007 (CEST)

Sage definitely doesn't appear for just minutes. BM isn't that kind of "be online at the exact right moment" game. Since database updates for adventurer-related code happen on the hour, he may become available on the hour, but he will hang around for quite a while after that. That means many hours, if not days. --Tom 14:33, 31 May 2007 (CEST)
Well for me it has happened for only hour.and once for 2 hours a row. But I believe you are the coder so you know best. but what about that 6 hour thing? Do I have to have 6 hours to get a choice to craft unique item? --M2rt 17:08, 31 May 2007 (CEST)
Not all sages will offer you the option of creating an item. Some sages can only repair items. It's not related to the number of hours you have. (Or, at least not solely determined by that. I'll try and keep better watch on when I get offered what.) --Indirik 20:51, 31 May 2007 (CEST)
Well I got my 2 items built when had more then 6 hours. it takes an hour to get an item. AND once I got sage for 2 hours to stay. I had 5 hours and sage offered me nothing. hour went on and I recieved another hour. And then the same sage offered me to build item. then all the times I have got less then 6 hours I got no opportunity to craft items.only repair. And all the times I got opportunity to craft items I had atleast 6 hours.. It MAY be coincidence. But it may not. Thatswhy I started this discussion. To get to the truth. --M2rt 13:29, 1 June 2007 (CEST)


I had a good idea(witch i dont know if has been ever posted before) in the out-house (where usualy the brightest ideas are born).

-To give adventurers an option to assault other people, steal theyr money and items.
Rob caravans, and do other unlawul things. Berhaps eaven be able to form a bands of thiefs.
In return if theyr swordsmanship is to weak and they choose a difficult target(a village is easyer to maraud than a stronghold/city) they get captured and theyr prison sentence is depending on the seriousness and amount of theyr crimes, for a steathy theft 3 days prison, for a violent robery 7 days, but when a sly bandit has awoided law long time and has accumulated several murders, violent robeys, assaulting caravans ... he could be put to death.
Pluss they could be hunted by headhunters.
If theyr evil deeds are famous he could not stay in a vilage either -> meaning no sleeping in houses, no baths and massages, no lisening to rumors or gathering info on monsters/undead (they could still hunt monsters and undead though, just cause your in the bad list of the law dosnt mean you cant kill undead and monsters). -Witch brings me to the other idea, an normal adventurer can hunt bandits (witch can berhaps spawn like undead and monsters in some part) and those unlawfull adventurerd mentioned above.
-And berhaps adventurers could have a meager chance to escape a proson witch would result in them being declared a rogue. That is if they weren't imprisoned by another realm and ofcoure theyr list of crimes wouldnt be shaved of of them.
But this way it would be vital for those have an option to hide out in the wilderness so they wont be capturesd so easely.
-And one other thing, berhaps it would be nice to have an option to travel and avoid toll boths, travel through forrests and unconventional ways, -> meaning longer time to get to the plase but then one woudnt need to pay toll. (dependant on adventuring skill). Metsamees 07:25, 5 July 2007 (CEST)