Church of Humanity/Test/Journeys/Maelg

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Maelg tossed and turned on his bed, troubled by disturbing dreams. One minute he is walking through lush fields of wheat, plump and ripe ready to be harvested, children playing happily within the rows, him running his fingers through the waving sea of wheat.

The next, all that can be seen is dust and desolation. The children are no longer laughing, but look out on him with hollow eyes, flies buzzing around them, their bellies distended from hunger. In between where two rows of wheat used to be is the remains of a child. The crows picking at his flesh, maggots where his eyes should be.

As Maelg was about to scream in horror, a bright light filled his vision and his horror was replaced with comfort.

The voice he recognises instantly as Celestine, his embodiment of the guiding spirit of the Church of Humanity.

"Maelg. Your last vision is a view of what is about to happen. One of the realms here has angered the Gods. This realm has publicly displayed their greed. They have invited men of the cloth to preach in their lands and then tortured them for doing so. They have declared war on a peaceful religious realm and killed many innocent people without provocation. They do this and the Gods are displeased. The Gods have wept for the deaths of the innocents and turned their back on the island. With their backs turned, the evil unnamed ones have been released from the Gods watchful gaze, and now cause drought and disease throughout the lands.

You must quest. You must travel to the south of the island, and then north. Visit the temples on the way. You must be the messenger of what is happening, and what is to come. Leave your men behind, and leave as soon as you are able. Spread the word. This evil must be purged from the land or you all will perish."