Adgharhin Way/Order of the Blade

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The following is Writing by Grugtar Gahklusks on The Order of the Blades.

Book of The Order of the Blade

Of Adherence to the Gods

Man is but a lesser spark born of the fires of the universe. In the beginning there was nothing. From nothing sprang Creation and Annihilation. These forces gave birth to the eternal powers. From these powers sprang the mighty gods. Through their will the Gods brought forth man. Thus the hierarchy of the universe was formed.

Among man there are some who are called to war, others are called by the land, still others by the sea. All are called by the Gods. Through observance of holy duties man returns to the Gods their due. The presence of the soul on earth is only a moment to the Gods, whose eternal lights leads us into eternity.

Give reverence to Adaghar, for he is the architect. His judgment is both final and forever. Ask his guidance in all things. A man may never attain his mighty wisdom, yet it should be the goal of every achiever.

Be mindful of Senith, for she is the soul of our faith. It is through here that man is inspired. Without here temperance there is only harshness. She inspires man by providing the beauty of the islands. Each magnificent feature of our land is a monument to her touch.

Pay heed to Omorthion, for he is the strength of the land. It is by his guidance that the people flourish. The strong son who is born to faithful parents, the farmer who's grain feeds the isle, all are his subjects. Without a strong home, a warrior is nothing.

All will one day find themselves before the sisters. They not only control the cycles of the heavens, they have purview over the final destination of your soul. To ignore them in this life is to deny your place among both the honored dead and the blessed returned.

Be faithful to the Gods, for they are the Way.

Of the Orders and the Priesthood

The order of the Blade is a sacred trust, as are all vocations dedicated to the Gods. Only through unity may the people of the isle fulfill their purpose, and the glory of the Gods be felt on earth.

Just as a blade may strike down the enemy, a voice may bring life to the soul. Heed the words of the priesthood, for they are the voice of the Gods made manifest. Theirs is the duty of guidance. As they enrich the souls of the people, so to can they strengthen the hearts of soldiers.

The order of the hearth is what stands between the stability of the realm and descent into corruption. Without their ministrations, commerce fails, and the people of the realm starve. They oversee the holy remembrances so that all who follow the Gods are given a venue for proper worship. While we guard the realm, they protect it's soul.

Do not question the work of the Order of Shadows. Their's are secrets not meant for all who walk this plain. Request, do not demand action from the order. When asked, perform the duties they request. They walk in shadow so that we may fight in the light.

Tenants of the Order

Keep sharp the blade, for it is your weapon against the darkness.

Be faithful to the Gods, for their will is our duty.

Just as the Gods rule the the heavens, the Pontifex rules the realm in their stead. Let loyalty be thy compass.

Fear not the enemy, fear only failure to trust in the Gods. Their will is your might, the enemy, blasphemy before their will. Through faith all victories are achieved.

Seek not battle for battle's sake. Seek only righteous combat as the Gods demand. Blood spilled in defiance of the Gods is a sin which cannot be cleansed from the soul.

All glory is the Gods, for man is but a shadow of their greatness.