Talk:Falasan Inquirer/April07

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Basil Insults Ashlantean Monarch

Yep, called our King a Prince of Minas Ithil, how do you like them apples? Then he used the Grade-A moronic line of self-preservatoin: I did it in ignorance, I meant no disrespect. Yeah's like an Infiltrator telling his wounded target : "Sorry, I misplaced my dagger, not sure how it ended up on your back."

Basil is a coward, Kronos, I agree fullheartedly. It is a damn shame that an army is led by a spineless mulch-maker (a worm). He forfieted a duel he earned, and thus, I was declared the winner. Some accomplishment. One of his poor knights dueled me instead, and he got slapped in the face a few times and sent away with a bloody nose...but Basil just sat and watched it happen, doing nothing to protect his Knight. All he could do was fill the atmosphere with more of his useless hot-air. Some Leader. Some Brother. He will be my slave in the afterworld unless he redeems his soul in a way in which I am content, thus releasing him of this fate. But I don't think it possible. He must grow a pair first, lose the skirt second and then...he may have a chance. Doc's Revenge

(moved here from Falasan Inquirer/April07/reference by RubyDragon 21:52, 2 May 2007 (CEST))