Volcanic Hot Newsletter/January '07 issue

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Darka small.gif Volcanic Hot Newsletter Darka small.gif
Price: 1 gold

Comments from Darkans

January 28th

From Creator and Editor, Crescent: "I only have one word for Abington, cowards. You whine, insult and challenge us to fight and now that we're here, you've all disappeared to hide behind walls and hurl insults and fake evidence at us just for propaganda issues. Why not come and face us? What about your 'revenge' you vowed? To RedSpan, You claim we are cowards and had to overun you with Talerium and BoM, blame it on your 'Da Smelly Goat' and your allies for not coming to your rescue. This has to be the 'best' Federation I've ever seen."

January 19th

From Creator and Editor, Crescent: "I would like to remind readers of the RedSpan Revealer that the only thing they reveal are their lies and propaganda. Goats don't smell nice, and I'm sure they were influenced too much by their goats. The goats are in need of a volcano bath in Mnt. Sinclair I think, but I doubt the gods will be pleased with smelly sacrifices."

January 19th

Nirandor, Knight of Tolhuar said: "While there appears to be great injustice in the whole situation [regarding punishment of traitors], one must never forget that it is laws which govern the land. While I morally object to the execution of Fade, one must not forget he acted upon his own accord and took matters, while having the best interest of the land, into his own hands. Therefore he is responsible for his actions. By turning underground and following his lead it holds him responsible for plotting against the government.

"If our Judge was to excuse this, then future conspirators may quote this case in their own trials. A land without law is anarchy, and by that we would fall apart.

"As for the punishment upon Manic, I share your pity that the greater of the two evils gets the lesser of punishment, but he has spoken merely words and taken no action.

"The law is the law."

January 2nd

Amaarent, Royal Treasurer of Darka said: "I applaud Carelias actions in the case of Vos Estis. It shows Carelia is a realm with honour and respect for other high ranking nobles in the world. The same can not be said of their federation comrade RedSpan."

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Battle in Stargard

January 27th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Battle in Meldeen

January 26th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Resolution

January 19th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Multiple Treason

January 18th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Betrayer Banned

January 18th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Finegus caught.. again?

January 18th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Return of a Dragon

January 10th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Yeti banned!

January 10th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Abington Infiltrator caught

January 7th


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Crime and Punishment

January 2nd


http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/Darka_beginner.png Rulers

January 2nd
