Twix Family/Fey/Meeting

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Walking the muddy streets of Agyr Aldo considered that soon enough snow, rather then rain, would be falling. Hoping that Morgan had organized the street cleaning better this year and not bothering to clean his boots, he clomped his way inside the Flying Needle. Pausing for a second just inside the door and seemingly staring off into space he eventually shook himself and smiled, calling out, "Master Mathus! You've a customer."

Just as he finished saying it the door opened again and a rather cold looking man pulled his way inside. Realizing that the man was one of the newer nobles Aldo tried to remain unnoticed while he studied the man, resulting in him feinting interest in a display of women formal wear.

As the tailor and noble haggled over the price of a heavy leather duster Aldo took stock of the man's stance and easy way he wore his sword and decided that he was a warrior of some form. "The more the merrier," he muttered under his breath.

Unfortunately Aldo wasn't the only one sizing up people and with his business concluded the new owner of the duster came over to chat. Unfortunately with the dim light in this area of the shop and what the display was there was a bit of a mix up.

"Hello madam, I don't suppose you could direct me to the government buildings, I'm new around town you see."

Raising an eyebrow Aldo pondered what he could possibly say to trump that.

The noble, Curious about why the woman he was talking to hadn't turned around or for that matter answered yet, tried to push a little closer, "Miss?"

Shrugging Aldo turned around revealing to the noble, among other tell tale signs, a carefully trimmed moustache and highly amused smile. "Yes?"

Getting a look of shock usually only seen on stage the man bowed in apology, "I'm sorry sir! What with the light, and the dresses... uh....Hi, name's Cadogan."

"Aldo, pleased to meet you."

Finishing the handshake Cadogan continued to look a tad uncomfortable as Aldo looked around the store, "I recommend Master Mathus, he does good work," Shouting to the back, "Though he could use a few more windows."

Nodding Cadogan excused tried to excuse himself from the awkward situation but was stopped with a hand on his shoulder, "The government buildings are in the middle of the city, you can't miss them, they're right next to the palace made of gold."

After the man hurried away Aldo laughed for a long time.

From Cadogan's perspective, before and after the incident with Aldo...
A man walks down the streets of Agyr. He is un-seasonally clad in light clothing, with chainmail draped over him like blankets.
“Never though I’d be wearing this stuff for warmth” Cadogan grumbled to him self. “Figures, Raphael always liked the cold, but Gods is it freezing! I’ll have to stop by a tanner a get some serious cold weather gear.” As the man walks past the market district he notices something in a store window. Cadogan suddenly stops in his tracks and slowly turns toward the window. “ooooo….now that’s what I’m talking about!” A few minutes later he is again on his way to the capital building, his new heavy leather duster flapping in the chilly wind.

Letter from Cadogan

Hail friends! My name is Cadogan Telfair formally of ASI but now of this strong, albeit cold realm. I have come to fulfill the Telfair oath. That if a Telfair is a member of a realm then they shall never be short a fighter! I hope that Melhed is as friendly as my brother said you were. Now, were do you want me lord …Tan, I believe? Cadogan (Noble)

Fey looks over the scout report she's just received, smiling at the mention of the newcomer. ~Sounds like we're the same kind of people... came here for the same reasons, neither prepared for the weather, and we both made a beeline for that first clothing shop! I think I'd like to meet this Cadogan from Atamara...~

Sitting easily astride her strong northern battlemare, Fey motions to the mounted messenger. "Have you time to take a message back with you? I'd like to send tidings to the one called Cadogan. He's a relative of Raphael, whom you know?"

The young man nods quickly and takes out a small sheaf of papers and a charcoal stick. "Ready when you are, Countess."

Welcome to Melhed! I am glad you found the tailor's shop down near the quays, it can get very cold here. I am also relatively new to the realm, though my brother has been here a while. Should you ever be passing through Bil Havil, do stop in, I'd like to meet you. No doubt my all-female cavalry would also like to meet a foreign warrior such as yourself, but I'll promise to keep them in check so you won't get stampeded should you pay us a call ^_^

In Arms,
Countess of Bil Havil

Ah Lady Fey, yes the blasted cold caught me with my pants down… quite literally in fact shudder I do believe I spent half my savings on anything remotely fuzzy looking in the clothing store. Did you say we left Atamara for the same reasons? Was you’re realm made up of Tl’s who simply sit around and talk about useless things. Then argue for 5 days on who was right or wrong? If so I truly feel sorry for you…it’s truly a sad thing. It is amazing how much we have in common…although I’m certainly….ummm…”curious” of this all female cavalry unit you’ve put together.

It must have been quite a feet…I mean to actually tell who’s a man and who a woman up here, what with all the furs these people ware… I’ve already had several….bad accidents like that. Actually more terrifying then anything elts. tremble

I would love to visit Bil Havil, it is on the way to see my brother. It’s been some time since we last saw each other. We’ve been close ever since our older brother started to worship Chaos. Actually I think that’s what pushed Raphael into priesthood. But I digress, oh Gods…it gets colder the more north I get huh? Umm... well, I’ll trudge up there soon.

Fellow soldier, of Melhed
Cadogan (Noble)


Sorry to hear the cold winds caught you at such a disadvantage ^_^. The ladies and I look forward to your visit. Telling the all-female part of the regiment from the male wasn't too hard, you see, I was the first female cavalry leader to come round to the recruitment office in quite some time. Zale, the officer there, had a struggle on his hands to keep the 19 lady cavalry riders who were training from running me down. They wanted to stick together, you see, and I guess being with a lady leader seemed ideal. The rest, as they say, is history.

It wasn't from Atamara I came, though my halfsister lives down there somewhere, on an island I think. I haven't seen her in ages, gods but I miss her. No, I came from my family's home in the Colonies. Nice farmland if you're excited about that sort of thing, but life wasn't fast-paced enough for me down there. Nobody to ramble for days about nothing... nobody rambled at all! My younger brother, Dyan (if you've seen him, he's quite disfigured, one eye scarred over from a monster attack! He used to be quite the little charmer) wrote me a letter about this wild northern land, and asked if I might come help out for a while. I did, as you can tell.

Melhed has charmed me somewhat, more the people than the place, and I intend to stay.

In Arms,
Countess of Bil Havil

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