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The Tator Family

The Tator family has grown and aspired to be one of the most diligent and stronges on the isles of Battlemaster, and not without good cause.

The Deceased, For Ever Will They Be Remembered

The, god have mercy upon their souls, deceased members of this high acclaimed family are:

   * JacketPot, the noble with the bow and iron fist.
   * Born: 1965, 23rd January,
   * Died: 2003, 10th May,

JacketPot became well known accross the plains for being one of the best, if not the best Archer on the isle. On the cursed mountain of Sherub on a far away island which can only be accessed by a blessed, or cursed few. He fought the Demon, Teria, were he slayed the Demon and escaped with barely his life and a bow, magically encrusted with all kinds of superficial powers. From the Demonds blood that stains the Bow to the centre of its wooden frame.

This Bow helped him escape from the clutch's of evil till the day of his death, when the all-mighty God, Tom. Struck him down with a giant thunder bolt and decreed him guilty of heracy. And the bow, which still to this day has not yet been refound, along with his body.

JacketPot had a very short life in that he only experienced a small sample of the true life of a true Troop Leader. But it is apparantly true that if this bow, which has been enchanted by the Demon, Teria, her self. The person whom touch's the bow will be for ever cursed with JacketPots spirit and live the days he missed out in eternal torture in being the seccondary personality through out the rest of the bodys days. So till this day, JacketPot, and his bow, have not been found.

But may the Gods have plentyful of worry, as when JacketPot comes back he will be more Heretic, Evil-tained and blood thursty beyond anything that has been seen before.

   * After this, Wrath, whom was given, later, the title, 'of Heaven' and giving him his name,
Wrath of Heaven.
   * Born: 1961, 24th of February,
   * Died: 2003, 4th of August

The family, had indeed an extremly rough start to joining the ranks of the estreemed nobles of Beluaterra. Wrath of Heaven found it difficult to grasp the ideals of Tuchanon II and took little interest in its hierarchy or even its beliefs and slipped in and out of willingness to put up with its nobles, until he was banned from their and was forced to leave, to join else were.

Wrath 'of Heaven', just after leaving Tuchanon II walked the isle of Atamara in search for gold and victores he wished to achieve before leaving the island. But what he didnt expect, is to fall upon the sword, the mythical sword, Dark Rider.

This sword is only ever whipered of, and is never talked about. Its blade its self has caused ultimate destruction of isles from the evil, cursed and now dead Pirate, Samuel Bellamy. This pirate looted and destroyed the New Island and apparantly was the case of the killing of every living thing upon its face. Only to be replaced almost a century down the path by some colonists whom came accross the isle and thus the start of the new, New World.

The sword is as evil as its user, it changed all the time to allow, ultimatly, a complete change in focus, weight, swiftness and weight distribution throughout the blade to suit the users fighting style and scenario. Making it one of the most deadly items of all time.

This, like the bow that JacketPot wielded, also went missing when its user went missing. It is also believed that if this blade should be found, the finder will share the same fate as that of the bow carrier.

WoH then emmigrated to the recently coloniesed isle of the New World, now known as Beluatera. To this day it is not entirly known what happened to WoH (Wrath 'of Heaven') as he mysteriously dissappeared moments after arriving. However it is said that the heretic actions of JacketPot forever condemned his entire family or it is suspected WoH followed the same heretic actions, thoughts and mind trails that were shared by his brother JacketPot. If this is the case, then it may well be that when the Bow that JacketPot is found, if found. May upserge an entire shift in the ballance of this world and perhaps the revival of JacketPot, and WoH. If this is the case the world surly will be tainted till their blood is spilt on the ground that, you and I, stand on.

   * Dick, the unknown one.
   * Born: 1958, 1st February
   * Died: ???
   * Dissappeared : 2003, 4th of August

Their is not much known this character, he is related, well, a brother to Danny, Dikc, Jacket, JacketPot and Wrath 'of Heaven'. But went missing as a child and just reappeared as a Troop Leader and dissappeared just as quickly.

Just like the brothers, JacketPot and Wrath 'of Heaven'. Its rumoured equally as much that he may appear when the legenday bow and sword wielded JacketPot and Wrath 'of Heaven'. Are re-found. But the state of mine, or his alignment to good and evil is not known, so who knows what fate he will follow if he should reammerge.

The Living Members of the Tator Family

   * Dikc, the only one of three first militarised brothers, WoH and JacketPot and him self,
that survived or didnt go missing.
   * Born: 1978, 1st of December

Dikc, has mastered the arts of Sword-fighting, and now has two Tourneys under his belt, one of which he won only just after joining the ranks of the Troop leader, two weeks as a matter of fact in the realm of Voghor, I believe, whilst he was a member of Eno Chia.

Dikc has been classed as one of the most evil, and untouched pure strengths on the isle of Beluaterra. After being part of LdB for some time and feeling that, LdB never really represented the same kind of trust, and feeling that Eno Chia, which in his mind was always the ideal Realm that set the precendent for the expectations he wanted to achieve in all the realms he was part of. Dikc never had the right mentality to set out to do what he always wanted to do, and that was to rid the isle of Beluaterra of the less-than-worthy members of LdB that he felt should be replaced with more dilligent members. But this all changed, when he was cursed, and fell to the evil side of the island when he was enchanted by a witch doctor in Eno, and after this set out a plan that would, with a little luck, change the face of Beluaterra for ever, in the form of making a realm out of the region of Grehk, a city that was once a power-house of certainty for LdB.

When the realm of Midas Chia was formed the whole island looked on in shock as it took the regions of Mio Dupaki and Glongin with it, and now started off were many realms were dieing. They thought, Ime, River, Arafox and Dikc thought they had a good chance of suriving after being born with two rural regions, and enough defences to survive the then-dieing-undead-invasion and enough food being produced to keep them fed for along time. But it wasnt the case. After all the undead and monsters were strangly, and literally wiped off the face off the island they thought, they had a good chance of going on to fight against LdB in the future... but when all the undead of the island come back in numbers unseen like before, Midas Chia knew she had it tough.

The undead took Mio Dupaki and Glongin off Midas Chia with next to not even any resistance because of the sheer numbers that occupied their. And, as you would expect, the people of Grehk began to starve even though traders had been sent world wide to find food on illegal black markets stationed on the isle but to not much luck.

And then the deciding day came, when a Marshall was appointed of the Army of Grehk, and when, the day. The archers would set the fate of Midas Chia. This day Archers, left the walls of Grehk were they were, obviously, completely slaughtered. After this, Grehk's numbers dropped unhumanly and the undead breached the walls and made Grehk their new home with a whole new supply of food, in the form of Children, Women and Men and the Elderly that lived their.

But times changed and the undeads lack of intelligence gave Midas Chia an oppertunity that would not be missed. Were Midas Chia recruited every last man their 3-gold-per-tax for the last month or so could get them. And they went on to fight against those undead, all 89 of them because Dikc managed to get luck and order the recruitment that turn, when by luck, the following turn 200+ undead would leave Grehk fortunetly for Midas Chia and its inhabitents. Midas Chia lost that battle unfortunetly as another 50 undead arrived their that turn, and then the turn after they miracuously win and manage to take back Grehk to the happyness for its inhabitents. And now, Midas Chia's fate lies uncertain.

And now, even Dikc's life lies uncertain. After confessing that Ime, the Dictator of Midas Chia didn't follow, or seek, or satisfy his lust for hatred and to recleanse Midas Chia of The New Paradigm and Dark Moon. The two cowardly foolish men that sought to ban and perhaps kill Dikc, which Ime refused to strip of titles and honour because he 'wished to keep them sweet' regardless if actually had to or not. Ime, is no longer a Dictator, but a simple minded man, and in this. Dikc left Midas Chia to seek the man he sought as a father... Talius, the once-king of Eno Chia. And his new liege, and now, refound friend.

Old Ranc. Prepare to meet the man, that has evil tainted blood, to the very bone that allows him to stand.

   * Danny, the world-reknown Trader, from the realm of Mesh, the only place he has ever
really fitted in as he travelled from isle to isle looking for a place to call home.
   * Born: 1983, 14th of July,

Danny, has most probably, been the richest of all Traders at any one given time. He has achieved unimaginable profits were, he was getting around, 1000 gold per deal were he sold unhumanly large quantities of food to the realm of Silantin on their black market for 50 gold per 100 of bushels.

Danny, hasn't had much else to say about him self, or any other huge feat de coup that his other brothers have shown, but Danny will, without a doubt, continue to Master his Trading skills for years to come.

   * And then their is Jacket, the last of the 5 brothers. The co-founder of the realm, of
   * Born: 1970, 12th of November.

Jacket, like Danny, has not had much to show off like his brothers, Wrath 'of Heaven, Dikc and Jacket-Pot. But he was the first Troop Leader to ever join the Darka Colony which would later call it's self Drachenwald, as the mountains in the centre of the isle are founded upon the back of a now dead Dragon of which its killers, the Mountain Men, would live upon still to this day.

DrachenWald, in its self has changed alot of late, after the, whats now seen as seccond rebellion that it has survived. When Leo, and other 'friends' tried to turn Drachenwald into a money bank for the realm of Avamar which they used their family incomes to transfer funding.

But this didnt last long, after the General, Judge and then Ruler were protested out of position by the Avamarians-puppets. But, they weren't expecting a Rebellion that would be strong enough to over-throw the largest of realms. And sooner rather than later, the rebellion takers (the original fair members, being Jacket, Skanders, SJJ, amongst others) then set out to change the realm into a Constitutional Dictatorship and ban all the members of the Avamarian piggy bank.

Note: All these people are related, they are all brothers.

But Dikc, Wrath 'of Heaven' and JacketPot were the first to join the ranks of a Military service and are classed now as the 'oldest' of the brothers. But indeed aren't physically the oldest of the brothers.

And because of the mysterious nature of Dick, how he dissappeared at such an early age is also why he isn't and reappeared and dissappeared just as quickly, is classed as one of the family no longer.