Vallejo Family/Mischa/Roleplays

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MISCHA: There was a loud knock on the front door, and a servant girl answers the door, only opening it enough to fit her head out.

"Yes Milord? Can I help you?"

"I am Lord Valens.." and before he could finish the door was opened widely.

"Come in Milord, come in. Lady Mischa has been waiting for you."

Valens is bustled in and upto his quarters by a group of excited servants.

"Your quarters are up here Milord."

Meanwhile, Mischa is in the bathroom lighting candles trying to set a romantic mood. Once satisfied, she tests the bath water with her hand, making sure the temperature is right. Sighing, as she has been looking forward to this moment for such a long time.

Then, there was a knock at her chamber door.

"Enter" she calls.

A look of surprise crosses her face as her trusted scribe Michelle enters with a parchment.

"M'Lady, I am sorry to disturb you, but important orders have come in, you are required in Moeth."

Mischas shoulders slump, and then in resignation she blows out the candles in the carefully prepared bathroom.

"Please inform Lord Valens that his rest may have to be short, and apologise for me, as I must leave immediately."


  • Standing in the room Lady Mischa had prepared for him, Valens wondered what would happen next, but had a bad feeling something was going on, then there was a knock at the door*


  • Lady Mischa's maid comes rushing in*

Sir Valens, I regret to inform you that Lady Mischa has been called to Moeth, as have you.

Ah yes...I knew these orders where coming...just a bit before I thought they would. OK well, I must go to Taselak first, but let Lady Mischa know I shall meet her in Moeth.

  • Valens sits on the bed, thinking while the maid rushes off to try and catch Lady Mischa*

~~ _~_~_~_~_~_~_~ ~~ MISCHA:

Mischa walks around her campsite, noticably irritated

"What is wrong Milady?" asks her ever-present scribe Michelle.

"This takeover of Figobar is taking too long. Why can't they understand that living as part of Taselak is much better than living as part of Toren?" Mischa kicks a pebble and it skitters along the ground.

"That, and the fact I have not heard from Lord Valens lately. Do you think I have offended him?" A look of melancholy crosses her face and her shoulders slump.

"Of course not Milady! I'm sure he has been busy ensuring his men are ready for battle! He would never neglect you!"

With that Mischa straightens up and a smile appears on her face

"Thankyou Michelle, you are a positive element in such a negative world" ~~ VALENS:

  • working through the night, and well into the next day, Valens keeps trying to think of new ways to prove how loyal he is to Taselak, and how to help speed up this takeover, one of his men walk in*

Sir, you haven't come out of your quarters for some time now...everyone is starting to get worried about you.

  • Valens doesn't even hear him, and continues in a deep thought and keeps writing*

Sir? Are you ok? Other's have said the light has not gone off here, that you have not slept, or ate anything. This is not good my lord...please come atleast come get something to eat.

  • still Valens is unmoved and just continues the same thing...untill finally he passes out on the table in full armor*


  • he runs over to check on Valens, and notices he just fell asleep and crashed on the table*

wow...he must have done so much work...I hope Lady Mischa isn't to worried about Lord Valens...perhaps I will go over and let her know of his condition

  • with that, he heads over to Lady Mischa's quarters*


Roleplay from Mischa Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients) Mischa is still aimlessly wandering around her camp...

"Michelle? Is that one of Lord Valens' squires coming this way?"

"Yes Milady I think it is, that appears to be his colours the squire wears." replies Michelle

"M.m.milady" stutters the scribe

"Yes boy?" Mischa frowns, fearing the worst

"I have come because Lord Valens has collapsed, exhausted at his desk.. I thought you should know."

Mischa softens "Thank you, I will attend Lord Valens myself. The poor man must have worked himself ragged"

with that Mischa heads to Lord Valens' quarters, and enters quietly. There, still at his desk in his armour is Valens, snoring gently

"They could have made him more comfortable" She mutters to herself while unlatching his armour, carefully disentangling him from it, trying not to wake him.

Once relieved of his armour, Mischa carries Valens bodily to his cot and lays him down gently. Pulling up a stool, she waits by his side patiently watching over him until he awakes.


  • not waking from being moved, Valens stays sound asleep in bed*


  • it wasn't long though, and Valens started sweating, more and more. soon followed by tossing and turning, it was quite obvious Valens was having a very bad dream*

  • suddenly, Valens jumps out of bed, grabs his sword and armor and rushes towards Lady Mischa's quarters, when her tent comes into sight, he stops...looks around, spotting something or someone hiding in some bushes, quietly and quickly, Valens sneaks up and grabs the hidden person*

Shhhh...who are you, and what are you doing here?

  • looking up, Valens now sees Lady Mischa coming toward him from his tent, and notices he is holding onto a villager, who also has two small daggers hidden under his shirt*

What where you planning to do with these?...*no reply* TELL ME WHAT YOU WHERE GOING TO DO WITH THESE!....*Lady Mischa walks up, and Valens calms to see what Lady Mischa would like to say, or do, to this person*

~~ Roleplay from Mischa Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients) "My Lord Valens. This villager is obviously scared and sick of us being here. I would like to make an example of him, but we want them to like us, not loathe us. Release him."

After the peasant is released he looks up to Mischa

"Go back home to your family, and be grateful it was us that caught you. Any Toren would have slit you from navel to neck immediately. Now go!"

With that the villager scampers off in the direction of some hovels on the outskirts of town.

"My Lord, you need more rest, here lean on me and we will return to your tent so you may rest some more. I will keep you company so you may rest easy."

and leaning on each other they head back to Valens' tent.


Roleplay from Mischa Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients) Mischa looks down at Lord Valens, black circling his eyes a sign of his stress and exhaustion. She strokes his hair, and says quietly to him.

"Do not worry my Lord, I am a lot harder to kill than you realise. I have been around quite some time, and I plan to be here even longer, now that I have found you. Side by side we will be unstoppable. Now rest."


  • with a deep sigh, Valens heads back to his tent with Mischa*

I don't think that was a very good idea...his face...looked very familiar...and his daggers...had Sandalak's symbol on them...

  • by then, Mischa was sitting next to Valens while he laid down*

my was so real, and all three of us where in it...but instead of me catching him, it was him...that put a dagger into your throat and another into mine....

  • Valens just looks up at Lady Mischa*


  • Valens continues to look up at her, listening to what she says*

Yes..I do understand, but my parents, back on the East Continent where also hard to kill...the last I saw them was in a dream just like that...the next morning I woke up on a ship...headed

  • before finishing his sentence, Valens falls back into a deep sleep*


Roleplay from Mischa Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients) While Valens is resting, Mischa creeps outside to where Michelle is patiently waiting. "Michelle, I want double guards posted. There was someone suspicious found tonight." Michelle, looking startled begins to say something

"Do not worry yourself, it has been taken care of. This is only precautionary." Michelle visibly relaxes

"Michelle?" queries Mischa

"Yes Milady?" She answers

"Post my guards outside of Lord Valens tent tonight. I will be spending the night there."

"To watch over him." she adds quickly

"Yes Milady, at once. Rest well" and Michelle heads back to camp to organise the revised guard. You can almost see the smile on her face.

Mischa heads back into the dark tent of Lord Valens and can hear his deep, relaxed breathing. She removes her armour and climbs into his cot, but stays above the covers to avoid scandal and curls up next to him to get some rest herself.

~~ LHELUAH: Lady Lheluah was taking her routine walks around the camp that her beloved soldiers had set up for her. Night time was what she enjoyed the most. Especially if the stars were bright. The moon...she didn't like very much mostly because it gave off too much light and the stars don't twinkle as brightly as they do when the moon isn't there. Also...night time meant there was hardly anything to do but think things that happened that day...and relax.

There had been some peasants uprising during their friendly takeover of Figobar but they had been quickly resolved.

"That damn fool Calais will pay for all the trouble he caused..." she vowed softly for nearly the 20th time that day.

She would never forget that traitor. The way that he left after causing so much trouble was too much for her. Hating people who were like that was just too easy. He had no sense of loyalty at all. Quickly brushing her anger aside she decided to think of more relaxing thoughts...

The night was calm...not even the crickets even the whispers of the sentries could be heard from a hundred paces away...that's when she saw Mischa go into Lord Valens tent...

Lheluah smiled...

" that is a relaxing thing for a lady.."

~~ MISCHA: Mischa awakens as the first rays of daylight start to filter in through a gap in the tent. She slips out from underneath Valens' arm, careful not to disturb him.

As Mischa blinks her bleary eyes in the morning light and buckles on her armour, she sees Michelle heading towards her.

"Good Morning Michelle, I hope you rested well."

"I wish I had Milady, but I was up half the night with worry."

"Why is that Michelle? Have there been more peasants found within the camps of Taselak?"

"No Milady, the problem was that when I ordered double guards, there were grumblings about not even being paid to post normal guards. So I took the liberty of looking in your books, and I noticed the men have not been paid for 8 days!"

"Eight days! gods, I am surprised that the men have not deserted me. Break camp, we leave immediately for Taselak so I can pay my loyal troops."

With that Mischa headed over to Valens tent. Loath to wake him she motions to one of his guards.

"Please tell Lord Valens I had to leave for Taselak on urgent business, but I will return soon. Try not to wake him, he needs his rest"

"Yes Milady. He is as important to us as he is to you." replies the guard.

Mischa regards him coldly.

"I very much doubt that, soldier." With that, Mischa turns on her heel and joins the rest of her men as they finish breaking camp.

"Let's move men. I owe you money and you have earnt yourselves a decent rest in Taselak city herself. The sooner we get there the sooner you get paid!"

With that, the unit move out towards Moeth.


  • Valens wakes up, shortly after Mischa gathers her men, and walks out of his tent as Mischa is walking out of sight*

Hmmm...well I know her men have not been paid in a long I..

  • cut off by one of his guards who comes running up*

Sir, Lord Valens!....Ah, my lord, I see you are awake now. Lady Mischa wanted you to know that she is going back to Taselak, as her men need to be paid.

Yes, yes...I saw that coming. That is no problem, how is the status of our unit?

Everyone is still very happy, have gold in their pockets and unwilling to leave your side, even for a second my lord.

This is very good news...but I do not wish for everyone to be so attached to me. If anything, you should all feel more attached to your families.

That is exactly why we are all so loyal to you, it is you who leads us against our enemies to help defend our families.

......*Valens is speechless now*

Lord Valens, the takeover is also complete now, Figobar is under our control.

Ah yes, some more good news...lets start getting production up, shall we?

  • they head off to help Figobar become a better region*

~~ Mischa and her unit are trudging through Belus. She looks longingly at her estate, and remembers her last visit, and her failed attempt of spending some peaceful and relaxing time with Valens.

"I will get back home soon. And one day we will have time to spend with each other."

"C'mon men, we are less than a day away from Taselak, and I will personally reward each and every one of you for your loyalty"

Mischa and her men continue on their way to Taselak.

~~ MISCHA: My Lord Valens,

It is good to see you again. Have you been enticing peoples scouts again? I know I left my last scout in Belus, because I didn't trust them around you.

You are such a tease!

Always yours,


  • overhears Lheluah talking to herself, walks into camp and starts laughing. after about half an hour, Valens finally leaves his camp and goes over to Lheluah camp*

Ok I think I will tell you now, why I think it's...funny that you think your scout got lost. he really didn't. in fact, I passed him by on my way, while I was passing into the Figobar region. I didn't stop him because I had no idea he had desererted you.

  • after that, Valens listens to what Lheluah has to say, then says that he is now going to head over to Lady Mischa's tent and promises to help find her "lost" scout on the way back to the city*

Ah, Lady Mischa. Your looking happy today. You must be very excited about your promotion, congradulations. Perhaps a party is in order for this occasion. ~~ MISCHA: "My Lord Valens. I am indeed extremely happy today, for today I get to prove my worth as High Marshall!"

Mischa sobers instantly

"I hope I don't let the down. They have put so much trust in me"


Mischa stumbles sleepily out of her command tent, dishevelled but alert. She looks around and sees Duchess Penny has total command of the army while she takes a well deserved rest.

Mischa gazes proudly at the Army. She can see the bustle of scouts running out and returning to their commanders, who in turn are passing on the reports for analysis.

She can see Lord Valens setting up camp, his men moving quickly and efficiently to erect his tent.

"Better late than never I suppose" She thinks to herself, with a grin.

"Lady Penny, All seems under control, I'll return to my tent. I will see you in a few hours."

"Sleep Well" replies Penny.

Mischa collapses onto her cot, and falls asleep instantly, dreaming of her home in Belus and maybe one day spending time there relaxing with Valens.


  • Valens continues to limp through Moeth, with his healer keeping a close eye on him*

Ohhhhhh....we must get back to the capital. I am sure..

  • A messanger arrives with a message from Mischa, saying in order to be ready for the battle, everyone who will participate must be in the city with in three days*

...well then, guess it's a good time to pick up the pace. it has been three days so I should be totally healed by now...

(healer) But my lord...we have done nothing but travel since you where allowed to leave the healer's may take you longer..

NO! We are moving on, except faster now. We will NOT miss out on this battle. I owe Sandalak quite a bit of pain for all this.

Mischa and her unit of cavalry are moving through Moeth and can see a small group of soldiers ahead moving at a slow pace. She squints to see who it is and recognises Lord Valens' banner at the head of the column.

"Pick up the pace men! I want to catch up to them!"

As they pull up to the column Miscah jumps from her horse and runs to embrace Valens.

"Thank the gods you are ok! The damn infiltrator was causing us all sorts of problems, but Zerool took care of him for us. I owe him more than he realises!"

"It seems we are heading in the same direction. Would you mind if we travelled together? We have been seperated too long."

With that Mischas men join in with what is left of Valens' command and they make their way to Taselak together.

  • Valens hears the caverly coming up, and decides to make the healer feel important, even if its just for a minute*

Ok, we will wait here for a minute. Ok? Rest up.

  • while waiting, Mischa comes and runs up, giving him a big hug*

Ah, Lady Mischa. It has been much to long, I have heard much news of how Sandalak was causing us trouble with both infiltraitors and troops. Ahhh...but while I was...sleeping...I could feel my life leaving me. I remember, my last thoughts being about you. I knew I could not die yet, but it seemed like I had no choice. Then finally, on my third day of being gone...I felt my spirit return to my body, and I finally woke up. Now, it is time for me to deal the blow back to Sandalak that they did to me. I will kill every single one of them. Oh yes, are you sure you wish to travel with me? With my injuries, my two scouts and personal healer won't allow me to travel very fast....


Mischa walks side by side with Valens, leading her horse by the reigns, deep in thought about what Valens said about her.

She pulls herself out of her thoughts.

"If you need to travel slowy, that is fine by me."

"Rest a while when we arrive in Belus, as I have duties to attend to I will not be able to rest with you."

Mischa blushes slightly and leans into Valens,

"Once I'm done, would you like to share dinner with me?"


Mischa rides alongside her unit of infantry, the rumbling sound of the seige engines filling the air and the dust rising from them could almost be seen from Sandalak city itself, which was looming in the far distance.

Feeling the eagerness of the surrounding army wash over her, she had a sense of thrill run through her. She was travelling with the army, trying to mingle among them, not lead from in front, as she was still not comfortable as High Marshal, and preferred to ride with her fellow TLs than standing out in front as if on display.

She could hear playful banter being passed between the soldiers and leaders alike. Looking around she could see Retnuh talking with another leader, but from this distance could not make out who it was.

Glancing at all the banners, Mischa notices there is no sign of Lord Valens. He must have passed through Umkinnu.