The Free South Times/Issue:3

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The Free South Times
Cost: We're a low budget paper, so we must charge 1 gold per issue. Editors-in-Command: Amekal and Hireshmont Vellosspace Volume: 3
The Only Newspaper in the Southlands!
  • THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.

Bolkenian Skirmishes

August 11, 1006- As the Luz de Bians gather in Ruefillo, the Royal Military gathers its forces at various bases within our area of control. Roughly 500 Luz de Bian troops are stationed in Ruefillo, and several more units are ready to strike at Bolkenia in Eno. Small skirmishes, consisting of less than 2k forces at the largest, have broken out in Bolkenia, resulting, in both occasions, in Irombrozian victories, though one wonders how long this will last as the Luz de Bian Usurpation Brigades muster on our borders to begin a full-scale invasion. Meanwhile, the retributive TO of Cagamir continues. The people flock to our banner, due to our friendly and cordial behavior. We may indeed fail in the TO, due to the efforts of Luz de Bian insurgency forces assassinating various TLs, but the people surely are in our favor. This conflict goes well for our side, as of now.

Friendly Reclamation of Cagamir!

August 10, 1006- Mere moments after Queen Baiko declared war, Hireshmont had set about with his MASSIVE unit in reclaiming Cagamir. A friendly TO has been begun, and is running smoothly. The first peasents and officials are already changing sides. Things are looking up, even with hordes of Luz de Bians on the horizon.


August 10, 1006- Due to the many insults given by Luz de Bia, Queen Baiko the Beautiful saw fit to declare war on Luz de Bia! We at the Free South Times applaud her courage! To death and glory! Hail Qyrvagg! Hail Irombrozia! Patriotism is running high, we are ready to fight and, if need be, die! The war has begun in victory with a 3k vs. 1k victory in Cagamir over the kidnapper, Gorian! Now he is in our perverse Arch Priest Hireshmont's dungeons... who knows what goes on there... sometimes I wonder about my half-brother...