Vallejo Family/Arin

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The latest development for Arin is that he is returning to the capital to pick up his training as an infiltrator.

====-21/06/2006-==== Arin has begun training as an infiltrator and has test his skills at counting the books for a region. His first test was successful. He's waiting for the academy to re-open again so he can continue his training. He has been updating his stats on The Infiltrator Stats page. It's nothing special yet, but he will get there.

====-22/06/2006-==== The academy had finally reopened and Arin has continued his training, and has been estimated at 25% Swordfighting skill and 10% Infiltration Skill. The acade closed today so Arin is patiently waiting for it to reopen again tomorrow.

====-16/06/2006-==== The academy in Tarasac was open for a few days, and Arin used that time to increase his infiltration skill. It is still around 25% but he is feeling confident.

====-16/06/2006-==== The academy in Tarasac is closed for a few days, so Arin is using this time to duck into Falasan lands and see what is going on.