Avalon/Knowledge Test/Round 3

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Roleplay from Grim-Reaper Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)

While entering the great city of Cetduul, Grim decided to pay a surprise inspection at the barracks. As he came closer he heard sound of archery. He quikly headed towards them and found some men doing their final exam.

The exam was that they needed to het some "dolls" who resemble monsters. But they cant hit the dolls who look like villagers. Pretty simple isn't it?. The test commeced. The archers started fiering at the dolls, all except 1 who was hesitating. Right before the time was over he took his bow and schot the doll representing a little girl.

-You all shot very wel, except you. Whats you name?

  • It johnson sir!

-Ok mister Johnson wy didn't you shoot at the monsters?

  • Wel, do you see the undead hanging on that tree? Wel at first i tought to schoot him, but then i saw he was just excercising! Then i saw the monster screaming, but then i saw he was sneezing not screaming... And then i saw the little girl. If you look closely you see she is holding 2 books. There are 2 things wrong with that. The books were :"necromancy for dummy's" and "how to build an undead army". Those books are illigal in avalon, and second thing is she is a peasent and can't read!

- Mister johnson, thats the worst excuse i ever heard!! Drop and give me 500 000!

Suddenly a messager commes and asks Grim-reaper to comme to the palace. There are rumours of an illegal drug abbuse. SOme black dude is distributing red and blue "herbs" and is saying to everyone that they are living in a dreamworld.


  • Yes?

-Find that man and feed him to my assraping-donkeys!

  • Yes mylord

Grim-Reaper Chancellor of Avalon