Alexandria/The Great Alexandrian Debate

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A Peaceful Visit

Roleplay from Vladimir Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
“Sir, present your books please.” States the surly librarian as Vlad and Aila entered Kalmar.

“What?” Says Vald, a bit confused.

“It’s for the great library of Alexandria,” Aila says as she places her books down for review, “it is the foremost library in all the land.”

The librarian’s eyes sparkle as he sees a copy of The Finer Points of Perdanian Pedantics, “Might we make a copy duchess? He asks almost pleading.

“Yes.” Aila replies with a knowing, tight lipped smile.

Handing back all of Vlad’s books, the Librarian’s thinly veiled contempt for Vlad's books plainly shows, “You may proceed.”

Kalamar felt very different to Vlad, perhaps it was the smells of unknown seafood and hot springs, the volcano that shaped the landscape, or the great shadow of the Spire of the Bewitching Siren… Whatever it was, Vlad liked it, it made him feel more alive and excited. Taking a deep breath he asks, “Duchess Aila, where are we to begin?”
Vladimir Von Igelfeld (Knight of Poitiers)
Roleplay from Aila Storme
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
She has been here before, sifted through rubble on the old coastline before, chased through the streets by a mob here before, but it is hard to think of those things now. Beside her Vladimir looked around with wild curiosity- while she wanted to have a bath, sit and rest but he wanted to run forward to see as much as he could. Dusting her sleeves peevishly Aila agrees with a small nod agrees to go forth and explore some of the strange things in the strange city. It had come together nicely after the disaster that reshaped the land, and only she could only see the evidence of the day the whole earth shook when she truly looked for it. "We should let the guards rest and find something to eat. Kalmar has very strange foods." She explains, offering her arm in a bossy demand for decorum as they walk together through a busy street. "And there is nothing better than a hot spring on a full belly" She expressed with a tone in an accent so snooty it is difficult to tell if she is joking.

While finding her way back to a small establishment someone had brought her to long ago, she assures him "The Tidespeaker has been notified of our arrival, the guards are watching, and between you and I my scouts haven't seen Navaar or his retinue in the region at all today...So we have the evening to relax."

Aila stands by expectantly waiting for her knight open the door to a small, but very nice looking tavern. They are greeted with a loud shout of welcoming voices, as two unknown travelers none of them know that they are in the presence of a Viceroy. Aila orders a man behind the counter without being asked, and tells him "Two of the fishy, plates" expecting him to know what she meant and taking a seat she was not offered. "And wine" she adds, though a woman is already behind her pouring. They had worked in the business of feeding nobles too long not to recognize a Duchess when they saw one.
Aila Storme (Chief of Justice of Eponllyn)
Roleplay from Vladimir von Igelfeld
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Although he could tell the high quality of the fish, Vlad simply doesn't like it, not a bit. But doing his best to hide the fact, he washes it down with some fabulous wine and asks, "Duchess, we have yet to announce are arrival to the Tidemaster... ought we to get our scribes to send a letter?"
Vladimir von Igelfeld (Knight of Poitiers)
Roleplay from Aila Storme
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Message sent to all nobles in Kalmar (3 recipients) - 2021-11-20 18:51:26

Through dainty bites of strange cuisine, Aila is interrupted from her thoughts of summers long ago by Vlad's question. "Listen closer, knight. You are with a very famous and successful Lady you do not want to miss anything."

Aila pauses to drink from her own wine "I already told you I wrote the Tide master. We just have to relax until he summons us."
Aila Storme (Chief of Justice of Eponllyn)
Roleplay from Cayden Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
An awaiting summons taunted him from his desk. Cayden was a man pulled in many directions. As strain hit Alexandria, he rarely had the time to act as leader of his faith with more and more duties assigned to him. As such, when he was told the ambassadors of Eponllyn had arrived, under the guise of preparation, he had the messenger wait. Clear thoughts were needed, and the distractions were endless it seemed. Not enough nobles. Not enough food. Build a statue. Casting aside his worries, Cayden meditated, imagining each problem burn away under a red flame until he was satisfied his mind was at ease.

Now it was time to summon them. Dispatching the messenger, he made his way to their meeting place.

The Tidemaster's throne room was far from modest, given his predecessors. The throne, an ornate chair, sat on a plush red carpet that. Stepping back, the red carpet was designed to be the tongue of a great, coral blue sea serpent that appeared mid strike around the ruler. Continuing the sea motif, murals of waves and artwork depicting the ocean lined the hall until the art made land fall, culminating in mountainous views of the great volcano. Cayden dressed, not as a priest, but as the ruler, in dark greys accented with a hint of blue and black, the Navaar family colors. Beside him on the throne were a pair of weapons in easy reach. Cayden's favored great axe rested on one side, and on the other was a black sword, the Cursed Nightblade of Oligarch, perhaps an omen of the coming days.
Cayden Navaar (Tidemaster of Kalmar)
Letter from Cayden Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Aila Storme,

Chief of Justice of Eponllyn,

Duchess of Northern Eponllyn,

Margravine of Troyes,

I welcome you to Alexandria, though I wish the circumstances were better. You and your knight are more than welcome in the palace at this time. From there, we can sample whatever delicacies you and yours are interested in. I'll have a menu of our specialties delivered when you arrive, and I'll plan a small feast around your choices.

It has been too long since we last saw each other. I hope the travel wasn't too burdensome.
Cayden Navaar (Tidemaster of Kalmar)
Roleplay from Aila Storme
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
It had been a day since Aila and her knight companion had arrived in the City, some food, drinks, and exploring had left them refreshed on this second day in the City, and ready to meet the Ruler of Alexandria. When they arrived Aila realized this throne room was a place finally new to her, splashed with decadence that she could appreciate, enjoying the tapestries more than most. Her Prophet looked more like a King than a spiritual leader, giant and imposing. With a rack of weapons there to greet her despite the friendly letter he had sent her.

But the Duchess knew she had changed too, had been dealing with intimidating men since she was nineteen years old, and hardly flinched at the sight that made her both sad, and inspired. Well practiced in manners and experienced in diplomacy her curtsey and greeting in an unchanged Perdanese accent are nothing short of flawless. Gems on a dozen pins securing braids into an elaborate hairstyle glitter in the lamplight as she and Vlad bow respectfully "Greetings Tidemaster, thank you for agreeing to meet with us so swiftly. This is Sir Vladimir Von Igelfeld, a Knight of Poiters and my protector for this journey." There is a glint in her eyes as she says this to Cayden, who had known her since twenty. She knew that the Tidemaster knew the opposite was true, that even though she dressed in the finest gowns and jewels she had fought in many battles over the years. She is protecting Vlad.

"We have much to discuss."
Aila Storme (Chief of Justice of Eponllyn)
Roleplay from Vladimir Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Perhaps it was the sea serpent or the not so gentle rebuke from the day before, regardless Vlad was not at ease when entering the throne room… The imposing nature of the Tidemaster and his great axe did little to settle his nerves. Nevertheless, when Aila introduced him, Vlad stepped forward and bowed, “Tidemaster of Alexandria, it is indeed an honour.” Vlad then stepped back, resolving for a time to follow his great uncle's favorite maxim, better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and to remove all doubt.
Vladimir Von Igelfeld (Knight of Poitiers)
Roleplay from Elrysend Rotizoi
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Sipping from a cup of her favorite tea, Elrysend stood at the window of the inn she was currently staying in, lost in thought. It took a few tries for her scout, Sora, to get her attention, clearing her throat a few times and making general noise until she was noticed.

"Reporting to the Priestess, there are rumors that the Tidemaster is holding an important meeting."

Elrysend hummed noncommittally. There were rumors of that everyday, helped along by false informants who spread mischief just for the fun of it, making her job difficult.

"Several have claimed to see the Duchess Aila Storme and a strange knight wandering the city, and they were last seen headed towards the Tidemaster's throne room."

She choked on her tea, coughing and sputtering as she placed the cup down on a nearby desk. "The Duchess? Here in Kalmar?" Whisking her cloak off the chair behind the desk, Elrysend wasted no time making her way towards the throne room.

While she didn't necessarily need to present herself at the important meeting, she figured it was only polite, and it would give her a chance to have a much needed discussion with the Tidemaster afterwards. Anger was still simmering in her gut from his most recent choice, but she pushed it down, smiling kindly at the guards stationed before the doors.

As her hand rose to knock upon them, Elrysend paused. The last time she had interacted with anyone from Eponllyn, it had not ended well, and she still remembered the pain of the shackles on her broken ankle. Eponllyn's dungeons were definitely not on her vacation list to visit ever again, that was for sure. But there was no reason for her to fear; at most this was a diplomatic mission, and she doubted they would try anything if the Tidemaster trusted them enough to allow them into the heart of Kalmar.

With a knock, Elrysend stepped inside, dressed in the blue robes and dark cloak of a simple priestess. "Forgive my intrusion. May I join you all?"
Elrysend Rotizoi (Arbitrator of Alexandria)
Roleplay from Cayden Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Anyone who thought that the Tidemaster was intimidating, did not know Cayden Navaar. The man had a knack for a bit of showmanship, something that supposedly ran in his family, and, had he not wanted to waste church resources, the amusement of a gesture of flames was very much still on the table. However, beyond that was a kind heart that had been forced into his current role, and the control he presented was simply the best illusion he could muster for the moment. Had anyone assumed the fiery aura of a man who founded a faith and led a realm couldn't waver, they hadn't met the one force Cayden would relent to.

As he opened his mouth to speak, the knock came, and small woman that swept inside caused a small change, probably only perceptible to the Duchess that had known the Tidemaster for so long. The air seemed to cool in the room, and his gaze softened slightly as he looked at the woman who entered. Was that a hint of relief?

"It has been too long since I've seen that sharp glimmer one only sees in your eyes," he said affectionately towards Aila. Cayden made a gesture, towards Elrysend, not sparing another glance in her direction less he lose the composure he held after she had seemingly avoided him for weeks. "Chief of Justice, this is your Alexandrian counterpart, Arbitrator Elrysend Rotizoi, also a priestess of our faith."

Looking over at Elrysend once more, again briefly, "And Arbitrator, might I introduce you to one of my oldest friends, the lovely lady who never seems to be without a duchy following her every word, Chief of Justice Aila Storme, and of course her knight Sir Vladimir." He kept his eyes on the Duchess. He did know Aila well, and her temper was something else he knew well. He wondered how she would take to the intrusion.
Cayden Navaar (Tidemaster of Alexandria)
Roleplay from Aila Storme
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
Cayden melts for this newcomer slipping rudely into his Throne Room unannounced, and Aila resists a frown as she refuses to look at the other woman. Cayden has the sense to compliment her keen eyes, capable of freezing men in their tracks at a glance before suggesting they be introduced.

Aila's arms are folded defensively as she turns to face Elrysend Rotizoi, a Priestess, A Judge and physically flinches as Cayden suggests that they are counterparts to each other. "Yes, Duchies and titles trail me like your free spirited council trails you. You will be happy to know I was appointed Viceroy by the very Queen who trusts me to be her voice today. I am afraid your honeyed words -no matter how true- will not make these negotiations easier on you."

She speaks to Cayden but is observing Elrysend the entire time, with the same sharp hazel eyes Cayden had mentioned just before. They are lively and sharp, taking in every detail of the woman even as she goes on, FINALLY addressing the other woman directly "It is good to see ambition and confidence! I would be loathe to be seen in the throne room so ill attired; It takes a truly strong woman to present herself as you do. By putting that aside, I will ask that you join our group at the head table for the feast your Ruler has arranged, my Aide Sir Vladimir would benefit from the vast knowledge such a clearly.... bookish! Woman must have of this fine city. You two will enjoy each others company."
Aila Storme (Chief Justice of Eponllyn)
Roleplay from Vladimir Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
A few tense moments pass after Aila’s words. In an attempt to break the spell, Vlad clears his throat, bows, smiles, and offers his arm to the new arrival, “I will be quite glad of your company Arbitrator. Let me escort you to the feast.” As they find their way to their places, Vlad leans in and whispers, “Don’t let her get to you, the duchess has some sharp corners… but she means well. Tell me, how are things here in Alexandria?”
Vladimir Von Igelfeld (Knight of Poitiers)
Roleplay from Elrysend Rotizoi
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
In the few moments of silence that passed after the Duchess's harsh words, dozens of thoughts fluttered through Elrysend's mind. It appeared that she had been ignored, insulted and complimented all at once by this woman with sharp eyes and an even sharper tongue. Though she was incredibly beautiful in her elegant clothes, Elrysend couldn't help but feel as though she was in the presence of a viper in human skin.

Fortunately for her, the priestess was naturally of a cooler and softer disposition, so she reacted to the Duchess with ease. "Thank you, Duchess," She said with a slight bow of her head. "I pray you will treat us with the same amount of respect in which we treat you."

She couldn't resist the little jibe, however, even as she turned to the knight with a gentle smile. It was entirely unbecoming of the Duchess to insult a member of a realm she was a current guest to, but power was something that often went to people's heads. It was one of the reasons Elrysend dressed as a simple priestess regardless of her rank; it was a reminder to all, including herself, that she would not fall to the same corruption some of Alexandria's former leaders had.

Keeping her attention averted from Cayden, she took Sir Vladimir's arm, keeping step with him as she listened to him whisper. "Don't worry, I can handle some sharp corners," Elrysend whispered back with a small laugh. "Alexandria... has seen better times, but enough about us. Have you enjoyed our capital so far?"
Elrysend Rotizoi (Arbitrator of Alexandria)
Roleplay from Vladimir Von Igelfeld
Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar
"Kalmar is indeed a wonderful city, and quite a bit friendlier than I expected, everyone I've met has been so welcoming. In fact, a few came up to me and on a lark declared they would love to have me as the lord!" Vlad says, blurting out a quick laugh.
Vladimir Von Igelfeld (Knight of Poitiers)
Message sent to Everyone in Alexandria
Region Revolts

message to all nobles of Alexandria - 2021-11-26 06:14:04

The peasants of Kalmar have risen up and kicked out the local nobility, declaring themselves a part of Eponllyn instead.

The Revolt of Kalmar

Message sent to Everyone in Kalmar