Luria Nova/Conflict with the Zuma Coalition/Battle in Shinnen 11/16/21

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Scribe Note, fresh this turn:

Battle in Shinnen
1AMonsters(Monsters)(rogue)14 otherline  855
2AUndead Horde(Undead)(rogue)233 otherline  5813
3D1st Shinnite Bows(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  374
4D1st Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  286
5D2nd Shinnite Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  383
6D2nd Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova24 Infline  274
7D3rd Shinnite Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  373
8D3rd Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  286
9D4th Shinnite Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  378
10D4th Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  276
11D5th Shinnite Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  379
12D5th Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  273
13D6th Shinnite Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Archline  382
14D6th Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  276
15D7th Shinnite Spearmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova25 Infline  276
16D 9th LegionJohn JrLuria Nova64 Archskirmish  833
17DBlue Eagles(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova32 Archline  515
18D Bureaucrats(not present)Luria Nova36 Archline  601
19D Corsairs of The RevengeArgosLuria Nova199 Archline  1905
20D Deaths DealersRavenloftLuria Nova162 MIline  1778
21D Dragon KnightsKatyushaLuria Nova34 Infline  573
22D EmpireHeirut VeLuria Nova38 SFskirmish  1118
23DFletchling Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova16 Archline  347
24DKnight Watchmen(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova36 Archline  618
25D o'maxim GuardsLexisLuria Nova52 Infline  743
26DTemple Guards(militia/guard unit)Luria Nova70 SFline  1649
27D The BlackguardDamienLuria Nova68 SFbox  1797
28D The Crimson CrusadersEliasLuria Nova38 SFline  1093
29D The Faithful WallDurkLuria Nova225 Infwedge  2575
30D The FalconsFulcoLuria Nova104 SFline  2322
31NDaimonic Army(Daimons)Zuma Coalition1 otherline  238

2 attackers (247 other)
28 defenders (485 Inf, 162 MI, 533 Arch, 318 SF)
Total combat strengths: 6668 vs. 22683

1 neutral observers (238 combat strength).

The region owner Luria Nova and their allies defend.
The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Luria Nova.
Daimonic Army don't know what to do and stay out of the battle.

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.
The defenders take up positions inside the Fortress (5).

Margrave Elias Calder is spotted reading from the Moaning Codex.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  1 (14-M)
 2 (233-U)
  22 (38-S)
3 (25-A)
4 (25-I)
5 (25-A)
6 (24-I)
7 (25-A)
8 (25-I)
9 (25-A)
10 (25-I)
11 (25-A)
12 (25-I)
13 (25-A)
14 (25-I)
15 (25-I)
16 (64-A)
17 (32-A)
18 (36-A)
19 (199-A)
20 (162-M)
21 (34-I)
23 (16-A)
24 (36-A)
25 (52-I)
26 (70-S)
27 (68-S)
28 (38-S)
30 (104-S)
  29 (225-I)

1st Shinnite Bows (3) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 155 hits.
The Crimson Crusaders (28) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 186 hits.
The Blackguard (27) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 711 hits.
9th Legion (16) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 269 hits.
Blue Eagles (17) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 275 hits.
Bureaucrats (18) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 269 hits.
Fletchling Bowmen (23) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 147 hits.
2nd Shinnite Bowmen (5) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 156 hits.
Corsairs of The Revenge (19) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 726 hits.
Empire (22) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 795 hits.
4th Shinnite Bowmen (9) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 213 hits.
Deaths Dealers (20) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 623 hits.
Knight Watchmen (24) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 183 hits.
5th Shinnite Bowmen (11) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 113 hits.
3rd Shinnite Bowmen (7) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 127 hits.
6th Shinnite Bowmen (13) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 111 hits.
The Falcons (30) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 1845 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 6904, Defenders: 0
Monsters (1) and Undead Horde (2) advance towards the enemy.
5th Shinnite Spearmen (12), 2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6), Temple Guards (26), 6th Shinnite Spearmen (14), 4th Shinnite Spearmen (10), o'maxim Guards (25), 7th Shinnite Spearmen (15), Dragon Knights (21), 1st Shinnite Spearmen (4), 3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8) and The Faithful Wall (29) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.

Undead Horde (2) take 5868 hits from archer fire, which cause 130 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5868 (0 from close combat and 5868 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 130 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 2

   1 (14-M)
 2 (103-U)
4 (25-I)
6 (24-I)
8 (25-I)
10 (25-I)
12 (25-I)
14 (25-I)
15 (25-I)
21 (34-I)
22 (38-S)
25 (52-I)
26 (70-S)
3 (25-A)
5 (25-A)
7 (25-A)
9 (25-A)
11 (25-A)
13 (25-A)
16 (64-A)
17 (32-A)
18 (36-A)
19 (199-A)
20 (162-M)
23 (16-A)
24 (36-A)
27 (68-S)
28 (38-S)
30 (104-S)
29 (225-I)

The Crimson Crusaders (28) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 578 hits.
2nd Shinnite Bowmen (5) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 218 hits.
Fletchling Bowmen (23) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 271 hits.
5th Shinnite Bowmen (11) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 290 hits.
Empire (22) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 616 hits.
The Blackguard (27) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 1822 hits.
Corsairs of The Revenge (19) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 1592 hits.
Knight Watchmen (24) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 480 hits.
9th Legion (16) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 521 hits.
Bureaucrats (18) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 566 hits.
4th Shinnite Bowmen (9) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 187 hits.
6th Shinnite Bowmen (13) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 259 hits.
3rd Shinnite Bowmen (7) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 252 hits.
1st Shinnite Bows (3) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 272 hits.
The Falcons (30) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 1064 hits.
Deaths Dealers (20) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 847 hits.
Blue Eagles (17) fire on Undead Horde (2), scoring 367 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 10202, Defenders: 0
Undead Horde (2) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).
Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy.
The Faithful Wall (29) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.
1st Shinnite Spearmen (4), 6th Shinnite Spearmen (14), Temple Guards (26), 2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6), o'maxim Guards (25), Dragon Knights (21), 3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8), 7th Shinnite Spearmen (15), 5th Shinnite Spearmen (12) and 4th Shinnite Spearmen (10) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
5th Shinnite Spearmen (12) and 4th Shinnite Spearmen (10) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
1st Shinnite Spearmen (4) score 142 hits on Undead Horde (2).
Empire (22) score 473 hits on Undead Horde (2).
6th Shinnite Spearmen (14) score 105 hits on Undead Horde (2).
Temple Guards (26) score 1653 hits on Undead Horde (2).
2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6) score 110 hits on Undead Horde (2).
o'maxim Guards (25) score 603 hits on Undead Horde (2).
Dragon Knights (21) score 587 hits on Undead Horde (2).
3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8) score 142 hits on Undead Horde (2).
7th Shinnite Spearmen (15) score 151 hits on Undead Horde (2).
Undead Horde (2) score 36 hits on Empire (22).
Undead Horde (2) score 66 hits on Temple Guards (26).
Undead Horde (2) score 32 hits on Dragon Knights (21).
Undead Horde (2) score 57 hits on o'maxim Guards (25).
Undead Horde (2) score 29 hits on 1st Shinnite Spearmen (4).
Undead Horde (2) score 28 hits on 2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6).
Undead Horde (2) score 21 hits on 3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8).
Undead Horde (2) score 21 hits on 6th Shinnite Spearmen (14).
Undead Horde (2) score 21 hits on 7th Shinnite Spearmen (15).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3966, Defenders: 311

1st Shinnite Spearmen (4) take 19 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Empire (22) take 24 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
6th Shinnite Spearmen (14) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Temple Guards (26) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6) take 19 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
o'maxim Guards (25) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Dragon Knights (21) take 21 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
7th Shinnite Spearmen (15) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Undead Horde (2) take 12638 hits (3966 in close combat, 8672 from archer fire), which cause 103 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 12638 (3966 from close combat and 8672 from ranged), Defenders: 207 (207 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 103 attackers, 4 defenders

Turn No. 3

    1 (14-M)
 4 (25-I)
6 (24-I)
8 (25-I)
10 (25-I)
12 (25-I)
14 (24-I)
15 (25-I)
21 (34-I)
22 (37-S)
25 (51-I)
26 (69-S)
3 (25-A)
5 (25-A)
7 (25-A)
9 (25-A)
11 (25-A)
13 (25-A)
16 (64-A)
17 (32-A)
18 (36-A)
19 (199-A)
20 (162-M)
23 (16-A)
24 (36-A)
27 (68-S)
28 (38-S)
29 (225-I)
30 (104-S)

4th Shinnite Bowmen (9) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 179 hits.
6th Shinnite Bowmen (13) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 163 hits.
9th Legion (16) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 434 hits.
3rd Shinnite Bowmen (7) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 115 hits.
Corsairs of The Revenge (19) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 690 hits.
Fletchling Bowmen (23) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 125 hits.
5th Shinnite Bowmen (11) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 136 hits.
Bureaucrats (18) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 270 hits.
The Blackguard (27) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 557 hits.
Knight Watchmen (24) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 249 hits.
The Falcons (30) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 1269 hits.
2nd Shinnite Bowmen (5) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 210 hits.
Blue Eagles (17) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 259 hits.
Deaths Dealers (20) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 443 hits.
The Crimson Crusaders (28) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 380 hits.
Empire (22) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 1368 hits.
1st Shinnite Bows (3) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 185 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 7032, Defenders: 0
Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy.
The Faithful Wall (29) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.
4th Shinnite Spearmen (10), 2nd Shinnite Spearmen (6), 1st Shinnite Spearmen (4), Dragon Knights (21), 3rd Shinnite Spearmen (8), 5th Shinnite Spearmen (12), Temple Guards (26), 6th Shinnite Spearmen (14), 7th Shinnite Spearmen (15) and o'maxim Guards (25) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.

Monsters (1) take 8438 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 8438 (0 from close combat and 8438 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 14 attackers, 0 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does 2 % damage to the fortifications.
The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region.
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