Tempest Family/Sol/Trial-by-Fire

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The Execution of Adolphus

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

It was a long and dark night for the new Lady of Justice in Thalmarkin. Sol had not even been the Judge for a week before she would be tested and evaluated by justice itself. With the heinous criminal Adolphus Schwarzherzig within her prison and charged with despicable crimes, what judgement should be passed down was not a difficult decision. What was difficult was Thalmakin’s current position in the war and an execution of even a terrible criminal belonging to another realm could cause complications. It was very much a trial by fire for Lady Sol Tempest.

Resolved, the newly appointed judge set the execution for dawn. Justice should not, nay could not wait until either her experience was greater or Thalmarkin’s position in the war better. To delay or stay Adolphus’ judgement for such things would be an affront to proper justice. Things like the war should not even factor in when delivering a fair and impartial judgement based on the crimes of the accused.

The darkness of night would give way to a rising red sun over the stronghold of Vatrona. Judge Sol was already standing on the dais within the castle courtyard awaiting the condemned to be brought forward. Many of Thalmarkin’s nobility were present within the castle’s walls, perhaps not to witness the execution but for the great battle that was to take place later the same evening. Regardless, some still gathered to witness the event before riding off to Potatim.

Adolphus, bound and wearing a drab sack covering his head was led across the courtyard casting a long shadow in the light of the shallow rising sun. His escorting guards marched him on the dais with Lady Tempest and forced him to kneel before all gathered before them.

Removing the sack from the criminal's head Judge Sol starts her proclamation;

“All gathered here today are to bear witness to the judgment of Adolphus Schwarzherzig. The most grievous accusation being levied against him is the attempted murder of our very own former judge Countess Athena Leather to which I judge him guilty of the crime as result of his own boastful admission to myself. The criminal also stands accused of extortion over the Hero Dio’s death, all manors of infiltration including sabotage, thievery and general debauchery.”

Lady Tempest looks towards the man being forced to kneel before her and extends her arm motioning towards him,

“When asked to defend himself or his actions, Adolphus chose to instead insult me and all of Thalmarkin. Adolphus Schwarzherzig if you have any last words now would be the time.”

Judge Tempest would listen to the heinous criminals' last words with disgust but would not speak them out loud for the crowd to hear for nothing of value was spewed from the man's mouth.

“Very Well,” Judge Sol addressed the crowd once more, “ I, Sol of the Tempest Family and Judge of Thalmarkin sentence you to death. Though you don't deserve it I shall grant you the mercy of a quick and clean beheading by my own hand.”

The crowd grew silent as Sir Rob approached the dais carrying a greatsword still sheathed in its elegant hilt. He brought the sword to his Lady and presented it for Judge Sol to draw. Wielding the sword was quite the sight to behold, not a large woman herself one might wonder could Lady Tempest even wield such a weapon. However hidden strength within herself and a drive to serve justice was all she needed to raise the massive sword high above her own head.

The rising red sun was climaxing over the horizon directly behind Lady Sol and the sword held up high casting a long pointed shadow over the man with a soul as black as coal.

“May the God’s have mercy upon you in the afterlife Adolphus” Sol would whisper and with her final words the sword was brought down upon the condemned, head separated from body with a single powerful cleave.
Sol Tempest

Hectic First Week