Heralds of Obeah/The Oracle

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Herein follows an account of the Oracle's public life, beliefs, mandates, and an etiquette guide detailing how to interact with her as composed by her followers, vassals, advisers, servants, and underpriestesses. Please note that this is not a complete guide, but abiding by it will o doubt serve you well if it is The Oracle you seek.

Public Personae

As the founder of the Heralds of Obeah, the Oracle is a messianic figure who's influence is strongly felt and reinforced by all Heraldrim. She is a reclusive figure, both by the necessity of her high calling and by her personal preference. The Oracle is an aloof person, rarely displaying neither humor nor anger outside of her very closests advisors. Rarer still does she provide private sermons for any save those of Royal designation, and even those are vanishingly few. The Oracle spends the majority of her time administering to the needs of her people from her private residence in and near the fabled Solarium atop the Holy Basilica of Rines, to which few are ever permitted entry. Suffices to say, though she rarely makes public appearances, her influence is deeply felt.

The Oracle, being the founding royal of the Sacred Realm, reserves the right to use the Royal "We" both in messages and in normal conversation. Though she is speaking of herself and her own mind, the inference is that since she is concerned enough to comment, then it is inferred that the subject at hand may affect any or all of the Heraldrim for which she is responsible. She is rarely less formal, and never publicly so.

The Oracle is not a confrontational woman. Though she will never show weakness by backing down if a conflict is presented to her, She is rarely moved to great displays of emotion, preferring to mull her answer over, sometimes for days at a time. When angered, she makes her displeasure felt through intermediaries rather than lowering herself to base display. It is important to note those whom she chooses in these times, for they are surely within the circle of her highest esteem. And though her ire can be a dangerous beast to court, her favor is pronouncily the opposite. Many a young duke, duchess, or ruler can trace the origins of their rise as representative of the Oracle's favor.

The Oracle is not impressed by wealth or might of arms. Magic impresses her, and her primary concern above all else is the spread of the Obian faith, which she pursues with the single-minded tenacity of a zealot.


How To's


Do's and Dont's

The Favored

Public Record

Physical Description

As a native of the Desert of Silhouettes in Dwilight, the Oracle of Obeah cuts a striking figure. Tall for a woman, dark-featured, toned, slender of frame but strong of build. Her hands still bear the fading scars of a career swordswoman. She holds the bearing of a mystic, a queen, and an eminently capable sorceress. Now middle-aged, her hair is streaked here and there with silver.


Personal Relations

Historical Impact
