Heralds of Obeah/Ruminations

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Roleplays by the Heralds, Templars, and Inquisitors of Obeah

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint (22 minutes ago)

message to all nobles of Obia'Syela -Camp outside Ardmore, just before arrival-

Vahanian was in his tent, gathering a few hours of sleep before their arrival in Ardmore and the subsequent occupation of the region. He was planning on using words and kinds acts to show the peasants the errors in their ways and the benefits of converting to the protection of Obeah and her devout Templars.

Sleep had eluded him for several days, he was exhausted. He lay on his cot, eyes closed whispering quietly to himself. He realized he was praying, something he had not done before. He prayed to Obeah for release from the torment of consciousness, and to grant him an unmarred slumber, free from haunted visions of the past.

Soon his mind and body succumbed to the warm embrace of unconsciousness. He'd been asleep for roughly 2 hours before his dreams started to shift. He was sitting in a field, naked, among the grass and birds. He felt a warm glow on his back and turned to see a veiled figure striding towards him, he couldn't see any features behind the blinding light, but he could feel the presence of a powerful magic and the warm embrace a mother would give her child. The figure waved at Vahanian and he was clothed, wrapped in soft linens of white and blue, and he felt truly warm for the first time in years. The figure kept walking past him, and Vahanian diligently followed. They walked through a town, based on the layout of the town and the look of the folk Vahanian guessed they were in Ardmore. The peasants ran from the figure of light, some out of fear, others seemed to despise the light, thinking it a work of evil. Vahanian sensed the warmth of the light entity start to fade, it turned from warming light to a fire fueled by anger and treachery.

Vahanian collapsed on the ground, visions flooding his head of peasants being dragged into the streets and given a choice, conform to the teachings of Obeah or die. The visions changed to his wife and daughter being brutally slaughtered by a daimon overlord as Vahanian was held captive. His throat raw from screaming, his muscles bulging against his restraints.

He screamed once more and woke in a flash. He was covered in sweat, fists clenching the blankets. Baldwin rushed into the tent weapon drawn, eyes scanning the shadows. Vahanian took a deep breath and stood, Baldwin dropped to a knee and said "My lord, forgive the intrusion you were screaming in your sleep." Vahanian poured water for himself and drained the goblet. He nodded to Baldwin, and grabbed a robe and left the tent. He went to a nearby river, still breathing heavier than normal, thinking on his dreams. He bathed in the cold waters and said to himself and the heavens, "I understand veiled one. I am yours."

Vahanian returned to his camp and dressed quickly. He wore a comfortable tunic and trousers of muted grey and black, underneath boiled riding leathers. They were hardened enough to slowdown an arrow or blade, but not stop it, and light and pliable enough to still allow for a wide range of movement.

He grabbed his cloak, a fur trimmed cloak of a deep dark crimson, with his house sigil emblazoned on the back in gold and grey.

He pulled his hair back into a semi-tight braid and ran a comb through his beard. he had a sword and dagger on his hip, a special blade for peeling oranges on his lower back and several throwing blade strapped on his thighs. When he stepped out of the tent he looked the most regal and determined his men had ever seen him. Baldwin approached and said "The men are gathered per your orders, Lord Marshal." Vahanian nodded, mounted his horse and said.

"Wolves, we ride into Ardmore to begin our occupation of the region. I have had a vision and a dream of our Veiled Goddess, she is angry with the peasants for renouncing her ways and succumbing to daimon worship. We will correct that indiscretion with an iron fist. The region is to be taken by brutal means. Baldwin - direct the rest of my army to do the same and send a report to Marshal Goriad that we will be taking it by force." Baldwin nodded and turned to a servant dictating the orders to be sent.

Vahanian turned back to his men and said "Wolves, kill any who resist. I want the daimon worshippers caught and captured. They will either submit to the inquisition or be executed on the spot." With that Vahanian spurred his horse forward and his unit was on it's way to take a region.

-In Ardmore, amongst the TO- Vahanian stood at a town center by a large bonfire his men had built, there were several brands heating over the fire. Hand on his sword, he nodded to Baldwin who called out in a parade ground manner "Wolves! BEGIN YOUR SEARCH!" Vahanian had his men in groups of 3 and 4 kick in doors and drag peasants into the street, any who did not submit to Obeah and beg forgiveness were beaten and chained. They were lined up and Vahanian walked the line telling them they had 2 choices, submit to the inquisition for a purging of their souls, or execution. Most chose the inquisition.. Most. As he walked the line there were some peasants who spat at him and one, bolstered by his companion who stood chained next to him, even said "Daimons take your false god. May the ravage her memory in the depths of hell!" Vahanian had passed the man by 2 or 3 people by the time the man finished his blasphemy. He stopped in his tracks. Hand still on the hilt of his sheathed sword he spun, whirling his cloak around, drawing his sword, and cutting the man's throat all in one fluid, and graceful movement. Vahanian crouched next to the man as he fell to the ground choking on his own blood and dying. He grabbed the man's hair and whispered in his ear "You will never know peace in death, and you may have just cursed your entire family to execution."

He grabbed the man who had egged the dying peasant on and pulled him from the line. He threw him in the mud and said to Baldwin "Brand him a heretic, string him and his friend up and leave them as food for the carrions, and a warning to the rest. Heresy and Blasphemy will NOT be tolerated."

Baldwin motioned for Vahanian's soldiers to do as commanded, but was a bit shocked at his lord's actions. This was a changed man, and an even more dangerous one.

– Vahanian Blint, Marshal of the Templars of Obeah