Old Gods/Summary/Q&A

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Here's where we answer all those questions you just want to ask, and a few you don't.

IDK, about #5 Aldo....if the gods hate us...why would they even grant prayers? I think we should just worship the...darkgodess-whats-her-name. And maybe RP worshiping other gods if we win their favor. Like survive the next invasion


That's an interesting question Connor.

Some of the gods don't like us, and some are indifferent, one is 'on our side' that we know of and yet none are activly trying to kill us. Instead they're testing us, they're testing to see if humans are better then monsters. They don't want us to beg blessings from them or suplicate ourselves in front of some statue; to prove ourselves they want us to be as strong, self sufficient, confident, clever, triumphant; you know, better then the other team. Even the gods that hate us grudginly agree that we're not doing too badly having survived 2 invasions and when we distinguish ourselves, displaying the traits that they find impressive, they grant us boons and blessings, a reward for a job well done. It might seem wierd for gods that dislike us to help us along, but since the gods are more along the lines of a force of nature they can't lose no matter who wins the contest; either way they get the better race living on their continent. I mean did you think the monsters had an easy time of it before we arrived?

It would help to think of them as judges, those that like us lean our way, those that don't lean the monster way, but they still judge fairly when one side or the other does good.

So making a religion about the Old Gods is more us saying, "alright gods I know you're there controlling things, look what we can do" rather then "please oh mighty ones give us gifts to help save us from the monsters"