Mutou Family

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In the Beginning

The House of Mutou was founded in the region of Thysan. The family was one of the first settlers in the region. They were hunters and carpenters by trade. They had a small farm near the edge of the forest. They were common peaceful peasants working to improve their status in life. Kane and Mia Mutou was the parents of 2 boys named; Kail and Cid Mutou.

One day the oldest son Kail was traveling to the nearest settlement in the region, until he came upon a small group of undead surrounding a tree. He soon realized that there was a beautiful woman taking refuge in the tree. He looked at the undead and figured he could easily take them if he had something to hit them with. He found a good size branch in the nearby brush. He managed to kill the undead, but during the process was seriously injured. Kail soon after fainted from the pain. The lady came down from the tree and looked over Kail's wounds. She does not think he will make it, unless he gets medical help. She called for her horse in the distance and puts Kail on the horse. She travels to her near by estate, and she gets her healer to look after Kail for the night. The healer says, "He will make it, just needs some rest." A week as passed and Kail is awakening from his sleep. He ask, "Where am I." The lady told him that he is at her fathers Estate. He ask, "Who is your father." She said, "My father is Stillgar of House Norhek." He asked, "May I ask you what your name is?." She replied, "Grace." He stayed a few more weeks as the wounds healed. During this time both Grace and Kail started to fall in love. Grace knew he was a commoner, but her heart was already set. The day as come when he had to leave for his family. She said, "I will come visit you when my father is traveling.

One day Stillgar found out his daughter was seeing a commoner, and started to get enraged. He hunted Kail down and had him arrested for conspiracy to murder his daughter. Grace soon found out what her father did, and confronted him. She told him that Kail saved her life. Stillgar told her that Kail was rewarded by letting his healers heal him, and that she did not owe Kail any more favors by dating him. She insisted on letting Kail go. She threaten to take her own life to see him free. Stillgar had no other choice but to let Kail go. She told her father that she wanted to marry Kail.