Lapallanch Family/Aestia K.

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Family Family
Age years
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]


She is the Daughter of Kihalin Lapallanch and Sister of Aesnir K. Lapallanch. She was born in Chrysantalys Mines and grew up in Shrine of Seeklander. As the only daughter of the Duke of the Dark Mountains, she was trained in Immortalis Ars, making her a formidable duellist.


After leaving her family home in Shrine of Seeklander, Aestia travelled south. His father told her she would find a place in Solaria and he was right. Not soon after joining Solaria, Arbiter Malus Solari appointed her as the Viscountess of Flying Hongrns.

Viscountess/Countess of Flying Hongrns

The first thing Aestia did as the new Viscountess of Flying Hongrns was building recruitment centers. Solaria did not have any good mixed infantry recruitment centers at the time. With Arbiter Malus' continued funding, Aestia attempted several times for a good mixed infantry center. Once Solaria's government system has reformed, her title has changed to the Countess of Flying Hongrns.

Margravine of Poryatu

Recruitment Centres Constructed and Demolished

Flying Hongrns


Comments on different regions

Flying Hongrns

  • Investment Cost = 220 gold
  • Food Production = Spring: 26 ~ 28 bushels, Summer: 45 bushels, Autumn: 66 ~ 79 bushels, Winter: ? bushels
  • Constructed a temple of Sanguis Astroism
  • Comment: The region is absolutely terrible for RCs. F**KING HORRIBLE! I REPEAT! F**KING HORRIBLE!


  • Investment Cost = x gold
  • Food Production = Spring: bushels, Summer: bushels, Autumn: bushels, Winter: bushels
  • Constructed a temple of Sanguis Astroism
  • Comment:


  • Ecliptic Legion - None
  • 1st Infantry Division - None
  • 1st Mixed Infantry Division - Captain Fabian (+2)
  • 2nd Mixed Infantry Division - Captain Calvin (+3)