Ashrak Imperialist/About Us

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Archives Founder: Bowie Ironsides Est.: Winter of 17 YD

About Us

The Ashrak Imperialist was established in the Ashrak Campus by Count Bowie Ironsides in the Winter of 17 YD. His intentions are to produce a seasonal periodical in which to discuss and critique a variety of topics in his articles. The major topics are categorized by "Editorial" where he will engage a particular subject and "The Morek Empire" where he will discuss more realm related issues and concerns, or general Empire related hearsay. In addition to these main categories he will have "sidebar" areas for his own personal thoughts and musings (which will largely be concerned with his opinion on subjects). He may also include sections regarding interviews, opinions, and letters to the Editor.

This journal is not peer reviewed but it will accept unsolicited contributions.

Feel free to contact Lord Bowie privately to discuss or comment on any of his articles. Public discussion is encouraged, although public criticism is not.