Lapallanch Family/Hernfelk/Hernfelk's Roleplays III

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Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk ran until he could no long hear Nick's painful screams. His hands were shaking with fear and legs were trembling with exhaustion. His head felt heavy and the world around him was spinning. When he lifted his head, he could see his men running toward him. A soldier in the front approached Hernfelk with his horse. 

Soldier-"Sir! What happened? I heard screams of Mr.Ravenfield then you ran like you've met a ghost or something." 

When Hernfelk heard Nick's last name, his face became so pale he looked like a dead man. The soldier quickly gave a leather water bottle to Hernfelk. Hernfelk spilled most of water as his hands were too shaky for him to hold the leader water bottle. After drinking most of water in the bottle, Hernfelk managed to calm himself down a little. 

Hernfelk-"Fanatics in the church was waiting for us. They already ate the wounded man we tried to rescue. We got cornered in a quarter with barred windows. I managed to escape but Nick... he... they cut him open while he was stuck in the window. They cut his... his..." 

Soldier-"Sir. Drink more water. I can't believe Mr.Ravenfield is dead. What are we going to do?" 

The soldier turned around to talk to his fellow soldiers. All of them seemed to be confused by the death of Nick. Hernfelk was their leader but it was Nick who took care of them. 

Hernfelk-"We need to get Nick back from those bastards. I will kill them all. I will cut their guts open and strangle every single one of them with their own intestines. Ha...ha...HahahahaHAHAHAHAAHAH!" 

Soldier-"Sir...We can't save him. He is dead!" 

Hernfelk-"He isn't dead you bastard!" 

Hernfelk hit the soldier in the face with the leader water bottle. The soldier fell down on the ground. 

Soldier-"Grab him! He is not himself!" 

Another soldier got hit by the bottle before they managed to restraint Hernfelk. They tied him to his saddle and dragged him back to the newly built campsite.

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (6 hours, 59 minutes ago)
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Hernfelk-"Uhhh...Where am I?" 

It was already dark outside when Hernfelk woke up. His head still felt heavy and foggy and it was too hard to recognize anything in the dark. After blinking a couple times, his eyes finally started to adapt to the dark. He was tied to a wooden pole in the middle of the newly built camp. Soldiers were lying by his feet, some of them were grumbling while sleeping. 

Hernfelk-"Why are these idiots sleeping outside? Nick, put these men back to-" 

(Nick)-'I am on it, Sir.' 

Hernfelk-"Damn it, Nick. I said don't cut me in the middle of-" 

(Nick)-'Why are you tied up here, Sir? I thought you would avenge me.' 

Hernfelk-"What are you talking about Nick?" 

(Nick)-'Sir! They are cutting my stomach open! Help me!Argh!' 

Hernfelk-"....I will avenge you, Nick. So please get out of my head. Ackkkkkkk!" 

Hernfelk's cry woke soldiers up. One of them knocked Hernfelk unconscious right away.

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (1 hour, 30 minutes ago)
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Soldier with a bruised left eye-"Are you going to be okay, Sir? I mean we can untie you if you promise not to go berserk." 

Hernfelk-"How many times do I have to tell you I am fine? I will only punch that bastard between horses once and stop." 

Bastard between horses-"Oh come on, Sir. You hit me with my leather bottle twice." 

Hernfelk-"And you kicked me in the head!" 

Soldier with a bruised left eye-"Let's untie him boys. I think Sir Hernfelk is fine now." 

Bastard between horses-"Hey. What are you guys doing? Can't you see? He is still not himself!" 

The bastard between horses tried to stop his fellow soldiers from untying Hernfelk but the soldier with a bruised left eye pushed him back. After being untied, Hernfelk stretched his arms and shook his legs around. 

Hernfelk-"Ah~~~! I feel alive! Alright then. Back to business. You, blue eye. What is your name? Since Nick is gone, I have to memorize all your names myself." 

Soldier with a bruised left eye-"Mary, Sir! I am the third son of Max the baker from the city of Perdan" 

Hernfelk-"Wait. Your name is Mary? Isn't that for a girl?" 

Mary-"Uh. Yes, Sir. My father, Max, wanted a girl but he got a boy instead." 

Hernfelk-"How many sons does he have?" 

Mary-"Eleven, Sir." 

Hernfelk-"And you are the third, right?" 

Mary-"Yes, Sir." 

Hernfelk-"How many sisters do you have, Mary?" 

Mary-"I have none, Sir." 

Hernfelk-"...Don't tell me your father named every child with-" 

Mary-"Please Sir. Please don't go there. I am begging you." 

Hernfelk-"Ahem. We got a good bed time story here. We will talk about this later. Everyone get yourselves prepared. We are going to go on a patrol. We've been slacking off for too long." 

As the soldiers scattered to get themselves ready, Hernfelk turned his head towards the great temple. His eyes were glittering with hatred but that faded away as men began to gather.

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk grouped 9 people into 5 pairs. One pair to guard the camp from looters, while other 4 pairs patrol four directions - north, south, east, and west. They decided to rotate their patrol positions every two hours then headed for their assigned positions. Hernfelk paired himself with Mary and walked towards the south, away from the great temple. He originally assigned himself closer to the temple but his men protested and threatened to tie him to the wooden pole again. 

The streets looked bigger due to the lack of visual obstacles as Perdan and Caligus destroyed over half of the residential areas during inner city assaults. Most bodies were cleared from collapsed buildings to prevent any disease from spreading. Only relying on the light emitting from their torches, they walked down the street. Occasionally, the two spotted starving citizens lurking around the city trying to find food. They ran when they saw Hernfelk and Mary as if they were ghosts. They probably recognized the lion crest on armours. 

Hernfelk-"So Mary. You have two older brothers and eight younger sisters?" 

Mary-"No Sir. I have two older brothers and eight younger BROTHERS. I don't have SISTERS." 

Hernfelk-"You must envy your brothers since they actually have proper male names." 

Mary-"No Sir. I do not envy dead people. Both of my brothers lost their lives during the last war. Those scums from Caligus gutted my brothers for fighting back while they raped their wives." 

Hernfelk-"... I am sorry, Mary. I did not know that." 

Mary-"It is okay, Sir. You shouldn't feel sorry about them. You are not the one who gutted them." 

Hernfelk-"You are probably not happy with Perdan working with Caligus." 

Mary-"Indeed, Sir. Many of us are not very happy about allying with Caligus. But I guess nobles do not care much about how us lowly peasants think." 

Hernfelk-"They have no reason to. Especially for the nobles high in the hierarchy." 

Mary-"Sigh. I won't even get a chance to avenge my brothers?" 

Hernfelk-"In time you will. In time."

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk gathered his men to find something eat for dinner. They still had a saddlebags of food but that was for an emergency. As men gathered, Hernfelk found himself something to stand on. 

Hernfelk-"Ahem. Everyone. We have to go find ourselves something to for dinner. We are running low on food and I want to save some for an emergency." 

Mary-"Sir. There is nothing to eat in the city. We probably have to leave the city to find something." 

Hernfelk-"Yes. I realize that. If there was anything to eat in this city, peasants wouldn't be eating each other. We will divide into three groups. Fatty, Bastard and Slim. You three will head north. Mary, Nora, and I will go south. The rest will stay here and guard the camp. Got it?" 

Everyone-"Yes, Sir." 

Hernfelk, Mary, and Nora (Mary's brother, 4th son of Max the baker) rode towards the southern gate. The gate guards stopped them for a few minutes for some paper works. 

Hernfelk-"How far is it from the lake?" 

Mary-"Sir, we just went through the gate. We have to ride for at least half an hour to get to the lake." 

Hernfelk-"Curses. I hope we can catch some fish before it gets too dark. I am already starving." 

Mary-"Sir, it was your idea to gather food instead of eating what we have." 

Nora-"We were fine with eating bricks and leather straps, Sir." 

Hernfelk-"I am fed up with eating that solid bread and tough bacon. Just thinking about them makes my jaw feel sore. We need some delicate sea food for a change." 

Nora-"Sea food will be nice. We can maybe make a fish stew to go with a black grain bread." 

Mary-"Who's going to cook though?" 

Hernfelk-"... Mary. Your name sounds pretty motherly. Why don't you cook us a stew?" 

Nora-"No Sir. He can't cook. I bet those urchins on the streets of Ibladesh can cook better than him." 

Hernfelk-"How about you, Nora." 

Nora-"I am even worse than Mary, Sir. That is why I said I am happy with eating whatever we have." 

Hernfelk-"Just pray that someone knows how to make a decent meal out of whatever we are going to catch... Oh well let us focus on fishing for now. To the lake!"

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (18 hours, 56 minutes ago)
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The sky was turning dark blue as Hernfelk, Mary, and Nora arrived at the southern gate of the great city. They barely caught anything from the lake. Hernfelk caught nothing but small unknown fishes. Mary and Nora fell asleep in the middle and nearly made Hernfelk beat them both. 

Hernfelk-"We only... Let me rephrase that. I only caught small fries while you two caught nothing! How are we going to feed ten grown men with eight small fries?" 

Mary-"Sorry, Sir. I just couldn't stop myself from falling asleep. It was just near impossible." 

Nora-"Sir, we had no chance of catching anything anyway. That lake was over fished by peasants and other soldiers! It was statistically improbable!" 

Hernfelk-"Damn it. Let us hope the other group managed to find something to eat." 

Mary-"I think we should be praying that they didn't eat the emergency rations."

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (6 hours, 27 minutes ago)
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Thankfully, the other group managed to catch rabbits and birds. Eric and Tom, called 'Fatty' and 'Slim' by Hernfelk, knew how to cook something decent and decided to make a pot of stew with rabbits and small fries. Mary and Nora were charged with roasting rabbits. Hernfelk was kept away from the whole thing since it was better without him. When the food was ready, everyone gathered around Hernfelk. 

Hernfelk-"Should have made you two cook things from the beginning. So how are we going to divide the rabbits." 

Mary-"What do you mean, Sir? There is enough meat to go around." 

Hernfelk-"I am talking about legs. We don't have enough legs. We only have six hind legs. No one wants to get those small frontal legs." 


Hernfelk-"That is why, I will get all the hind legs to prevent any unnecessary fights-" 

Mary and Nora quickly grabbed Hernfelk's hands. They shook their heads. 

Mary-"Oh no. No way, Sir. We are not giving up on those legs." 

Nora-"Sir. Being a superior means nothing in this situation." 

Hernfelk-"Fine, fine. Let us decide this with a game then." 

Soldiers looked at each other's face, puzzled by Hernfelk's suggestion. Hernfelk smiled quietly while reading confusion among the faces of his men. 

Hernfelk-"Grab my helmet. Yes. Pass that here. Alright. We are going to write our names and put it in this helmet. The last name that comes out will be the winner. How's that?" 

Tom-"That sounds fair." 

Eric-"Wouldn't it be faster to let the first name that comes out to be the winner, Sir?" 

Mary and Nora nodded, agreeing to Eric. Others also slowly nodded their heads to show they were also agreeing with Eric's idea. 

Hernfelk-"Well if everyone wants to do it that way, fine. Let's do it that way. I wrote everyone's name down already. I am putting them into the helmet. (murmurs) Idiots. Just as I expected. I win no matter what. It is my game anyway. Muhahhwahahw." 

Hernfelk put a handful of folded pieces of cloth into the helmet. He gave it a good shake then put his hand into the helmet. 

Hernfelk-"Ready everyone?" 

Tom-"Show us the name already, Sir." 

Hernfelk-"...What the hell is this? How did this happen?" 

Hernfelk's face became pale white. His hand was shaking and his eyes were frozen with fear. 

Eric-"Tell us the name already, Sir." 



Herfenlk-"...Let's just eat." 

Mary-"Good idea, Sir."
