Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Goddess Rethia

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Hiems Goddess Rethia, governs destiny, death, sorrow, and winter. - Man

The Cruel Armour of Winter (Hominis). It protects the owner from any kind of physical harm. The owner's bloodline becomes diseased - suffering from the 'winter sickness'. Victims slowly go insane. Only the owner will be spared (Even the owner will die slowly as the armour devours the mind of its owner).

The Chant

Goddess Rethia of Winter,
The weaver of destiny,
The deathbringer,
Will decide thy destiny.

Even the Scorching Summer,
Even the Ruining Autumn,
Yield before the Cruelty of Winter.

Hiems, the Cruel Armour of Winter,
Shall decide the destiny of the world,
With the eternal sorrow.