Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Ranks

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Founder of the old temple. When the church reformed, the position became obsolete.

Astral Sovereign

Chosen by the Divine Mother, Aerosa, herself to guide the faithfuls of the nine celestial divines and to protect the sacred forest of the great father, Iniarbel. In short form, the Astral Sovereign is called the 'Astral'.

Abyssal Sovereign

Chosen by the Crimson Maiden, Emolris, herself to guide the followers of the nine terrestrial divines and to vanish the heretics and heathens.


Selected by the Astral Sovereign to assist him/her in various ways. The archon is in charge of delivering the words of the Astral to the faithfuls. All priests of the celestial divines report to the archon directly.


Selected by the Abyssal Sovereign to assist him/her in various ways. The consul is in charge of stopping the lies of heathens and heretics.