Astrum Knight Academy

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Astrum Knight Academy was founded Kihalin Lapallanch, Duke and Marquis of Shrine of Seeklander, to teach young knights of Astrum how to be true knights of the stars. Both young and old knights are welcomed to the academy as long as they are willing to follow the code of chivalry.

The Code of Chivalry

  • Protect the weak and defenceless - children, women, the old, ones who have lost the will to fight (surrendered enemies)
  • Keep oaths and promises - Knights do not go back on their words.
  • Defend your honour and that of your liege - As a knight, you have to live and die with honour
  • Love your realm and defend it with your life - Your realm has supported you until now. Time to repay it.
  • Be polite and respectful to your opponents - No need to insult your opponents if you are honourable



Prime Knight

  • The Founder of the Academy. Kihalin Lapallanch, Duke and Marquis of Shrine of Seeklander is currently the Prime Knight of the academy.

Grand Master

  • A title given to the most honourable and prestigious knight of the academy. The Grand Master wields the same authority as the Prime Knight.

Master of Chivalry

  • A living Embodiment of Chivalry itself. Only a few ever achieve such status.

Master of Arms

  • A master of all weapons. Given to the strongest knight within the academy. To achieve this title, knights either have to win a tournament or win three consecutive training matches.

Master of Tactics

  • A brilliant strategist who has proven him/herself by leading others. Must be recognized by 15 full members or 3 elders.


  • A title given to those who are in charge of the biggest academy.

Hero of Astrum

  • A title given to well recognized hero of Astrum. An extra-ordinary figure praised by many.