Way of the Warrior Saints/Saint Bear

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Saint Bear was once the King of all the creatures of the Woods. He stood twenty feet tall, and had teeth like daggers, and eyes black as coal.

Adorned always with a crown of green leaves, and a garland stole, Bear's kingdom spread as far as the world's end. His cave was in the Stones of Jaella, and was as grand as any mead hall of man. Bear was attended at all times by a smaller, grey bear. This was his confidant and majordomo, and was known for the proud collars he wore, as attendant to the King. Together, they took any female they saw fit as their brides, feasted daily, and retired nightly to their cave, for the sleep of the just.

Bear let no one stand in his way, and was known for protecting the forests with a ferocity that was horrifying to behold. Any men that passed through his domain brought baskets of fine foods and delicacies to placate him, lest he would murder them, and take their food as his toll. These were the rules of Jaella's Stone, and woe to the those that ignored them.

This was the way of the woods for many years, until a King of Men claimed the forests as his own. He sent a devout Ranger into the woods to subdue Bear, a man called Smythe. The man knew of the Father of Earth and Stones, and told Bear of the Order of All Things. Bear was touched by his words, and fell to the ground, realizing finally that the Earth and Stones were truly holy, and all the animals of the world would respect their brothers, and the Sleeping Father, and the Order of All Things forever. He then mauled the ranger, rendering him unto the earth, and in doing so claimed the Power of the Saints.

Saint Bear had many adventures, and aside from his rage, he was known for being mightily clever. Truly, he was far smarter than any average bear.

Also, a common outraged interjection is, "By Saint Bear's Beard."