Muninn Newsrag/October 2010/Transcript

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Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Yes, well I only think it is people like General Roland who perceived insults from me.

I mean, no one can deny this war was just about the most ridiculous attempt at fighting I have ever seen, anyone who would take insult to that is missing the point. But of course General Roland then said it was entirely deliberate.

Perhaps the realm would have been more interested in this war, if we actually fought it, rather than occasionally sending this army and the Ebon Blade to be slaughtered... once every three months.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Scherzer Stryfe
King Jean Alain,

I understand you pressure you have to save your realm.

But I wish you could understand our disapointment. We came to Eston because it was said to us, that Eston was going to help us to regain our home. At first we were thankfull for that, but as time went by, it seemed that it was going to lead to nothing, the war started and we have what? 2 or 3 battles 5 at most.

We had the will, but when we arrived we where sent to places, or to do things that wasn´t going to lead at nothing. Instead of orders to attack we received orders to travel, train or man and that´s it.

We had the oportunity to attack, and to win but still since we weren´t part of the plan, the councils that made the plans or anything like that, we felt we were just being used as mercenaries. Again.

We are thankfull for all help Eston promissed to us, but there was no help, and now after failing to comply with agreed, we, norlanders, are expected to fight for Eston in other wars.

I hope you understand, we love Norland, our home is Norland, to fight in a realm that is not Norland, hurt us. We are in Eston, we fight for Eston a realm that gave us a home, but we have to fight just to keep our culture alive, something most estonians doesn´t like and make sure we don´t feel like Eston could be our home.

We need Norland, just the same as you need Eston. In Mansbridge I looked at Melmoor, my land, a land I can´t go anymore or I´ll be executed by the barony, but still the tought of remaking Norland came to mind and I could live with it.

Now I have to go farther away from it, with out knowing when I can return or even if one day I´ll be able to return to it.

We are thankfull for the provisory home Eston gave, but we are also disapointed because that was only part of what was promissed to us.

Scherzer Stryfe (Knight of Barad Lacirith)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
It is true that I lead the Norlander's here, under the promise that Jean Alain would refound Norland, he swore an oath to do so, and he has broken that oath.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
What other wars on behalf of Eston have you been forced to fight here? Against the wishes of my council and lords, I led Eston into war with our ally Minas Ithil -- to re-found Norland. From the very beginning, it was an endeavor with only risk for Eston and the potential gain Norland's.

That is far more than any other nation has risked on behalf of Norland. Because we are currently at truce with Minas Ithil, you castigate us for failing? That seems ungracious.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
I have broken my oath? You, Xaphan, are a ungrateful wretch. I still intend to re-found Norland -- do you think it is possible to succeed at something merely by willing it so? If that is the case, why hasn't your will to re-found Norland succeeded?

Conversely, if I am guilty of not succeeding to re-found Norland, how do you not share that guilt? I am no more an oath breaker than you Xaphan, but at least I'm not an ungrateful wretch.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Davendrall Felhand
Yeah Xaphan! You big meaniepants!

Davendrall Felhand (Dame of Melias)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

Perhaps if you got your facts right more would listen to you. The only reason you did not have a city for Norland at the beginning is because The Barony General refused to go along with our plan. If you want someone to blame, then that is were you should look.

And no one has said that we have given up on a Norland homeland except you. It will take longer than originally planned but if you are too impatient to work towards the goal and not willing to continue the struggle, then perhaps Carelia is where you belong rather than Eston. Your choice really. Continue the struggle or give up.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Davendrall Felhand
But you gotta see we've been waiting round here for what is it now? Half a year? Its rather boring not doing any fighting, and trying to get a bunch of vikings to stay and sit down and not fight for that long without them getting agitated isn't very easy

And when we try to have our fun in other ways, people protest. Its not easy being patient

Davendrall Felhand (Dame of Melias)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Jean Alain, you swore an oath to use the entire of Eston's military in a war against Minas Ithil to recapture York, as I seem to recall you have done none of those things. In the brief we had, we saw a deliberate sabotage of any sort of war, on the behalf of your General, who further claimed that it was at your wishes to do so. You have broken your oath no matter how you look at it, I am grateful for the home you gave me, but naturally I am not grateful at Norland being shafted once again by self concerned politicians.

The guilt I share is that of leading my Norlander's once again to a realm that simply wishes to lie to us and use us, as I did with Tara.

General Roland,

More correctly the only reason we do not have a city is because you did your job terribly. I have talked with the Barony's marshals, General and nobility, quite clearly this entire situation was your fault and they collaborate with that. We had the perfect opportunity to capture York, but first you failed to rally with the Makarian's for two weeks, then when you did rally, it was with twelve Eston nobles, you then refused to send any sort of support. Then your orders from that point on where slow and clearly bad ones.

If we are still working towards a new Norland then prove it! I have saved all the letters you sent me outlining how this war was being deliberately lost and a ploy to keep us stalled. Now we are once again at peace and you have deliberately lost any chance we had a capturing York.

I have been infinitely patient, General, but all I have ever gotten is lies and false promises from self concerned rulers and lesser nobilities, always painting a far of "maybe picture", and when some one actually swears an oath to found Norland and use the entirety of Eston to do so, I find myself and the rest of the Norlander's strung along and used as cannon fodder for a slaughter premeditated by those who lead us. If your not going to found Norland, or work towards it, then you have only to tell me, I am not interested in staying around if you are not, I am not interested in yet more maybes and broken promises, I would much rather some one gives me an actual answer, and then lives up to that answer.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Scherzer Stryfe
As I said king Jean Alain, I am not ungracefull, I am disapointed.

No one here was forced to fight, but we were used to help with Fiddleford, and with a possible comming war with Carelia I believe we are expected to fight as well.

I did expected more of Eston. You went to war against MI but it was only a war of words. Only a 'see my army' war since most of the time we sit in Mansbridge, or Barad Riel. We didn´t fight. Military it was a disgrace, not a war. It seemed that Eston was afraid of MI, and this disapointed me.

Scherzer Stryfe (Knight of Barad Lacirith)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'

An accurate surmise Scherzer, Eston feared any sort of shift in geopolitics, which was part of the reasoning behind the poor showing on Eston's part.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Scherzer Stryfe
King Jean Alain,

I believe if we had some sort of explanations during the war on why everything was happening, or better saying NOT happening, then I believe this feeling that we are note gracefull by you and your Concil of Lords wouldn´t exists.

But even when I asked some to General Roland or you I got basicly no reply, it was a single line saying that the Barony was making things dificult but nothing that was sufficient.

We are soldiers, we fight wars, we are fighithing a war for our home, and yet we are blind here. Even Smeagenwulf has nothing to say and he is the marshal of this army! We used to receive one, ONE order a month and it was always the same, wait somewhere.

This is no way to fight a war.

Now you ask us to wait more.

Scherzer Stryfe (Knight of Barad Lacirith)

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
Of the various places you have been Xaphan (and others), has anyone else even attempted a war to re-found Norland? We did -- I did.

And I would be inclined to continue to do so, but that impulse continues to weaken in the face of insult and false accusation.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
General Roland has already said you wanted that war to stall us, keep us "preoccupied" and in Eston.

And Eston basically did not fight that war anyway, as a you. General Roland refused to fight or anything. Now we have peace.

Are you going to refound Norland or not?

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Scherzer Stryfe
I do not intend to insult you King Jean Alain, I am just simple sharing what I feel and explain why would your council of lords feel we are ungracefull to Eston.

Scherzer Stryfe (Knight of Barad Lacirith)

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
When did General Roland say this? Roland do you have any response? That was not my intention. I entered into this with the intention to re-found Norland.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
General Roland has said the war has been deliberately lead with the intention of losing so that no change in geopolitics will occur, and also, at your wishes to give the Norlander's a reason to stay in Norland while not actually doing anything.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

I call your bluff. Send a copy of your "damning letters" to the King and I to prove your words. If you fail to do this I shall call for your banning for slandering my good name.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Oh, so to clarify, are you denying my accusations?

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

You have made severe charges against my name. Prove them or be show to be lair.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Before I do it, General, do you deny the accusations?

I want to see if you will even lie before I send the copies.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
I'm going to wait till this wee storm between you all calms down a bit, and then speak my peace.

Right now though, I have some of the actors from the Traveling Melmoorian Theater Company doing dramatic readings of your letters in character. The intensity is palpable!

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

You have made severe charges against my name. Prove them or be show to be lair.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Stall for time? No. If I am going to do this, then I'll do it properly.

If I am under pain of banishment? Then surely we should contrast this with you being under the pain of stepping down? I mean, if I am lying you have nothing to fear, I am true, then it is your duty to step down. I am sure King Jean Alain can agree with my surmation.

You never answered, and I want you to answer before I go into it, do you deny my accusations?

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Oh snap, it got real up in here.

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

I have placed the matter of your accusations in the hands of our Magistrate per Eston law. She will find the truth of the matter. Present your evidence to her as is proper by our laws.

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
I see you avoid my questions entirely.

I am presenting the information to you and to the Norlandic army, you can keep the Magistrate in the loop if you wish. But my point of contension is with you and in front of King Jean Alain, and as it is relevant to the Norlander's I persuaded to come here, I shall show them also.

Do you, or do you not deny the accusations?

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

As a member of the Realm Council, I am bound by the laws of Eston. By requesting our Magistrate to investigate your claims I am both following our laws, which you are not, and refuting any and all claims you are making. I claim that you are slandering my good name and that all your claims are false.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Oh... well that is just petty.

I thought you were reporting me for casting aspersions upon the government and hinting at sabotage and conspiracies and oath breaking, but no, your complaining that you feel slandered? Really? Honestly, if that's your only gripe then I don't see the point.

I'm doing this to get the truth of the matter, not something so petty as slandering your name, which frankly, enough of your subordinates and allies do for me.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Come on squirrle man, get to presenting already! I'm running out of popcorn here.

So help me Frey, if this matter isn't finished by the time I run out of snacks, I will throw you at Roland's head as hard as I can, and we'll deiced who's right by whichever one of you is still able to walk straight afterwards.

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Mick Mugurk
As has been said before by the realm council, they look after each other. So Xaphan could present anything and will still be banned.

So glad I've been proved right though.

Mick Mugurk (Knight of Hawthorne)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Not fair. Sir Xaphan can not walk straight already.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
I can walk straight, I just think its immoral.

My question still needs to be answered Ehre Swordkommandant.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

It also appears that you have difficulty reading. I have answered you. Now present your charges to the Magistrate, as is required by Eston law.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
I claim that you are slandering my good name and that all your claims are false

That's denial right there. Now get to it.

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
-Sigh- Now I've got to spend ages compiling up messages, truly a cruel fate reserved for scribes and the like.

Very well then Generalman! Challenge accepted!

I shall doth proofify my claims that you did those things I accused you of, being deliberately incompetent to lose this war, trying not to change geopolitics, hinting at government conspiracies and the like.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
A final note. The Norlanders were brought here without consultation or consent from the ruling council. Many still view the Norlanders with a high degree of suspicion. While most have fought well, the simple name of the army shows that there is little if any loyalty to Eston. So why should we be expected to plot a course for the nation on the desires of a few that will likely leave Eston, unless there is a significant advantage to Eston to do so.

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

After much talking with King Jean Alain, he invited us to Eston and promsied to devote Eston's entire military might to a Norland colony effort, to not trust us, is to not trust the judgement of your king. We have made it clear, we won't ever betray Eston, that would be a breach of our honour, and honour means everything to Viking's, however our loyalty remains with Norland and that is why we are here, and that is also why we are fighting this war, and so far the other L'estoner's seem happy at finally having a war, though most do not even get to fight it, even those designated to fight it.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence (22 days, 21 hours ago)
Sir Xaphan,

So many places where we disagree, it is hard to decide how to reply. You speak as a true line commander with little understanding of the political and diplomatic environment. That is why I ultimately agreed that you had to be removed as Marshal. I have a war to plan and little time to continue with one so reluctant to acknowledge the realities of high command. So until things reach another lull, I will reluctantly have to end this debate for now.

Oh, and never ever trust the word of Kings, especially foreign ones.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence (22 days, 20 hours ago)
Sir Xaphan,

At least I am no longer surprised at your ability to further damage your own image and sabatogue your potential for advancement.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth
Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle' (22 days, 20 hours ago)
(Personal message to Roland Darlor Lawrence) I do not care for advancement, I am trying to get you to do a decent job, this war is being fought atrociously. We keep loosing battle after battle, that where easily winnable, we had a chance to deal a powerful blow on Minas Ithil but we failed.

Now the body count is growing and we are getting nowhere, we are barely even fighting this war, with the military hierarchy quite clearly incapable of truly rallying an army. You are to much of a coward to lead your realm competently, or at least, I assume that is an extenuating circumstance as to why you aren't, you have lost the complete faith of your allies, who in my talks with them view Eston as just about the most incompetent military around, and is probably why they realise there is no point fighting an offensive war if we're going to turn up three weeks late with about a dozen nobles.

When you've lived as long as I have you find some petty and avoidable things frustrating beyond belief. I once served under one of the greatest military machines ever seen, and Norland, and now I come to Eston, who don't even seem to understand the principles of a war, let alone how to fight it.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence (22 days, 20 hours ago)
Sir Xaphan,

Have you ever considered that this might just be the desired state of affairs by those in charge?

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle' (22 days, 20 hours ago)
(Personal message to Roland Darlor Lawrence)
Quite, I mean, you obviously have no interest in fight and/or winning this war, and Jean Alain has already professed to stringing us along here just so he could have the Norlander's. That said, a war is going on and you still aren't doing your job, which is why I still complain.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence (22 days, 20 hours ago) Sir Xaphan,

Fortunately for me, your view is not in the majority. Wars without tangible goals can be frustrating. Eston will gain no land from this and little additional influence, but is pursuing a much longer term goal. So the war goes on.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle' (22 days, 20 hours ago)
(Personal message to Roland Darlor Lawrence) Luckily for me, the south doesn't hold the same view.

By the way, everything you've said has made you not only a liar, but a hypocrite too.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Progress, wooo!

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
In conclusion, General Roland has not only openly said he is deliberately loosing this war as a desired state of affair, as he does not want to see Eston have a change in geopolitics, he further gives motive that he neither trusts Norland, nor wants to see it reformed, he doesn't like or trust us, he is deliberately leading us to slaughter.

He even further hints that I should never have trusted a foreign king, a la Jean Alain, as he was the king in question.

"Oh, and never ever trust the word of Kings, especially foreign ones"

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Oh and the fact he wants me banned just proves it further.

If I am lying, then he can only stand to gain from my my presence in the realm, my antics will consistently make him look better, and Norland worse. Whereas, if I actually pose some sort of threat to him, he has every reason to ban me.

Furthermore, if he only views me as slandering his name, a ban would be a far to much of an overreaction for him to actually consider it.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt

You had claimed that Roland said I was stringing you along -- but it appears from your own messages that it was you who made that claim.

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle' (22 days, 20 hours ago) (Personal message to Roland Darlor Lawrence) Quite, I mean, you obviously have no interest in fight and/or winning this war, and Jean Alain has already professed to stringing us along here just so he could have the Norlander's. That said, a war is going on and you still aren't doing your job, which is why I still complain.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

I have intended all along to re-found a new Norland.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
That is exactly right -- the purpose of the war was to refound Norland in York. And now we have been forced by those arrayed against us into a cease fire.

It hardly helps Norland's cause if, in the process of trying to create it, we are ourselves annihilated.

Further, if our military truly is as incompetent as you claim, then as monarch I must be that much more cautious with respect to the risk we run by being warred upon by the southern alliance in its entirety.

I note that you scoffed with derision at the "gangbang" you have noted is about to commence against Carelia. It was communicated in no uncertain terms that the target of this gangbang would be either Eston or Carelia -- with Eston as first choice if the truce was not signed.

How does it serve the cause of re-establishing Norland to be annihilated?

Put it this way -- if we persisted and did not sign the truce, we would have been attacked by all of our neighbors, possibly even including the Barony and Darka. In that circumstance, our armies would need to have been withdrawn from offense to defense in any case.

Thus, for either of the choices available to me, pursuing the offensive was not going to be possible.

Given the choice between bad and worse, I chose to preserve our warfighting capability without being the target of unified opposition.

To take any other course of action is pure folly, and anyone with a shred of reason could see that. That you persist in calling this "treason" and "oathbreaking" seems like the depths of ingratitude, given all that I have risked on behalf of Norland.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Scherzer Stryfe
King Jean Alain, if I may interfere on behalf of Xaphan.

His conclusion can be get with various statements from General Roland. If I may, I´ll copy some messages:

A final note. The Norlanders were brought here without consultation or consent from the ruling council. Many still view the Norlanders with a high degree of suspicion. While most have fought well, the simple name of the army shows that there is little if any loyalty to Eston. So why should we be expected to plot a course for the nation on the desires of a few that will likely leave Eston, unless there is a significant advantage to Eston to do so.

- So here we can get the General Roland is not actually making an effort to plan or fight the war and has the support at least from the ruling council (wich I believe to be him, our banker, judge and you my lord)

Oh, and never ever trust the word of Kings, especially foreign ones.

General Roland

Since in the first part he just seems to call Xaphan stupid and incompetent, I´ll just copy this one. Here it cleary says we can not trust you King Jean Alain, that the promisses you made to Xaphan and us Norlanders were all lies ment for us to come here and fight for Eston

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence (22 days, 20 hours ago) Sir Xaphan,

Have you ever considered that this might just be the desired state of affairs by those in charge?

General Roland

Here, the last part, "the disered state of affairs by those in charge" since General Roland answered this to the comments that Eston isn´t fighiting as it should, and that the body count is only increasing and that "we had a chance to deal a powerful blow on Minas Ithil but we failed." General Roland just admited that he was losing the war on purpose, or at least not fighting as it should and that was the desire by those in charge, that would include I believe the council of lords and ruling council that includes him, our judge, banker and you King Jean Alain.

And so, the conclusions made by Xaphan was not done alone, but by the messages General Roland sent, they are at least true. If you are not part of if King Jean Alain, "those in charge" are and he was following their orders to not fight the war.

Scherzer Stryfe (Knight of Barad Lacirith)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
You realise Jean Alain, all it would have taken is for you to relay these orders, you are in the army, you are privy to everything we have been saying.

Your military, you cannot deny, is either the most incompetent one currently in existence, or is deliberately being sabotaged by those in charge. If General Roland thinks leading an a tiny army, letting it get slaughtered then doing nothing at all for months constitutes fighting a war, then he clearly should be replaced. Either way, it is a lose lose situation for General Roland, which is probably why he wants me banned so much.

My point still stands, that we had the perfect opportunity to refound Norland, but due to the Actions of General Roland, we lost that chance and got slaughtered multiple times.

As for ingratitude, that is your perception, I have said repeatedly I am very grateful for the home you have given me, and what has been done for Norland, however, with the information available to me and Norland throughout the entirety of our time here in Eston, it seems rather a lot like we are being used as cannon fodder to keep us quite while those in charge deliberately sabotage any attempts at progress.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Thank you Scherzer.

I ask that General Roland steps down over the undeniable proof of these accusations brought before him.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
I have always served the best intersts of Eston and continue to do so. I serve at the pleasure of the King. If he desires me to step down, he has but to ask.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
You have already denied these actions in front of King Jean Alain, evidently you lied even to your king publicly on this matter.

I shall repeat my request, step down, and if not, I ask that you duel me.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven

I have to take a pee break real quick! don't do anything exciting or a agree to any duels while I'm gone!

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

If I am allowed to duel, which is the King's perogative to allow or forbid, then it will be to the death.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Okay I'm back! did I miss anything? nobody said anything about dueling to the death, right? right?

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
So then you refuse to step down? Even after lying openly to your king?

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Again you persist with your lies. I await a response from the King and the Magistrate. Issue your challenge.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Lies? No.

You denied my accusations, I have just disproven you beyond any shadow of a doubt, therefore you lied in denying it. Made further clear by the fact you do not deny the claims now, nor say anything in your defence, but do try to have me banned for frankly lesser charges than those that have been shown to be true about you.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Roland Darlor Lawrence
Sir Xaphan,

Not only a liar but also a coward. Now wonder you made such a poor leader of Norland.

General Roland

Roland Darlor Lawrence
General of Eston, Count of Nazamroth

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Oh man, major burn!


Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists

Letter from Xaphan Vanimedle'
Coward and a bad leader?

Honestly I would be offended if It came form anyone else but you.

I have not lied, that much has been disproven in front of everyone, the fact you keep saying it... well, it doesn't make it true if I'm honest. Simply repeating your vain attempt at a defence isn't good enough.

As for coward, oh I am no coward, I will relish the chance to cut down a ponce such as you. But first, I wait for the input of King Jean Alain and Chief Magistrate Athena, I shall see to it that you are recognised for your crimes, before I run the risk of a death duel.

So, don't be such a coward trying to run away from your fate and trying to silence me, first through banning, now through a death duel. The face of true cowardice. We shall wait for full public discourse on this matter General Roland, then we shall duel, anything else is dishonourable and cowardly.

Hopefully this can all be over by tomorrow, I don't want you to stall.

Sir Xaphan Vanimedle' (Knight of Meneriel)

Letter from Jean Alain de Bardt
It should be no surprise that the majority of the High Council (not the realm council) has been only cautiously supportive of the effort to re-found Norland because of loyalty to their king. By their own judgment, they would have preferred no such thing -- and Xaphan's constant public insults regarding Eston certainly didn't help change their opinions.

It has always been my earnest desire to re-found Norland. But, despite being King, that does not mean that all nobles mindlessly follow in lockstep. Much like you Norlanders are a crew of squirrels in a bag, leading the nobles of Eston is like teaching cats to dance.

I have been disappointed in the execution of this war, but there has been a tremendous amount of political maneuvering behind the scenes which the common knight or marshal has not (and should not) be privy to. Diplomacy is the game of kings and countless battles are fought (or not fought) because of it.

Xaphan should not fear threat of ban by any but me, and I have not threatened him with one.

Likewise, General Roland should fear no threat of removal from service except from his king and I have not threatened him.

In short: suck it up and stop acting like whiny babies. As the King of Eston, I am still committed to fulfilling my promises, but it appears fate has dealt us a harder challenge than we might have liked.

We can either throw a tantrum and fold our hand as Xaphan suggests, or we can commit to the long game and ultimately triumph.

Sir Jean Alain de Bardt
King of Eston

Letter from Smeagenwulf Graeven
Aaaaand that concludes today's match! Boy it sure has been a rough bout, letters being thrown at each-other at harrowing speeds, and harsh words exchanged all around.

For a deep analysis of this match, we now join our top commentators, sirs Smeagen and Wulf. Smeagen?

S: thank you Marshall. Well, what can I say, it's been a tough one for the General. He started strong, but things soon fell apart as his opponent presented those letters. He just couldn't get his head back in the game, didn't make any attempt at defense or interception, just a poor show all around.

W: I disagree with you there, I think Roland played it cool and calm throughout. Didn't lose his temper much, and even managed to throw in some decent jabs of his own. Notice how he kept calling the squirrle 'Sir Xaphan', even when he was publicly insulted? that speaks of class and levelheadedness that you just can't den-

S: Woah there buddy. At the end of the day, you and I both know Xaphan came on top here.

W: I really don't see how you can make that statement.

S: well, let's review. He presented damning evidence against Roland, he made accusations at to his ability, creditability and honesty to boot, and at the end, come off scott-free, while Roland is left smoldering in his wake-

W: Only seemingly, Smeagen. Remember, this was a restricted show that only Norlanders were privy to. Norlanders, mind you, that Roland has no obligations or ties too. The consequences of any of this are highly irrelevant.

S: I think you're wrong there. I think you don't know what you talking about. Also, I think your mother is a whore.

W: I'm gonna give about three second to take that back before I came at you with a brick, you punk.

S: you think I'm scared of you? I've fought bedbugs who were more intimidating. You want a piece of this?

W just one? no, I want ALL THE PIECES, GET OVER HERE!


...Okay, a big thanks to our commentators! See you all next season, sports fans!

Smeagenwulf Graeven
Marshal of the Blood Crazed Norland Loyalists