Talk:Repository of Knowledge/Monsters/Enweil

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I absolutely *love* how you censored your own messages out of the exchanges. I sure do wonder what you offered the monsters. Likely regions and gold in exchange of attacking Enweil and leaving Riombara alone, which they did. -Chénier 12:58, 3 November 2010 (CET)

Feel free to ask the monsters player OOC if you feel I censored anything here :) Ceorl 13:10, 3 November 2010 (CET)

Don't need to, I know the monsters don't just write to random unmeaningful people for the fun of it, they reply to them. You only presented one side of the conversation, and even that hints that you offered them plenty. -Chénier 13:30, 3 November 2010 (CET)

After the defeat of Alluran Riombara fought on, then surrendered when pushed back to Grehk. Note that the monsters initially wanted everything south of Avengmil _and_ a federation with Riombara against Enweil. Riombara declined and fought on. When forced to surrender it handed Irombro, Rueffilo and Rii (plus I think Bym) to the monsters in exchange for neutrality. The main reason the monsters accepted our surrender instead of wiping us out was that (as they said) they honoured our comitment to our allies and our fighting tenacity. No deal was struck, hinted at or talked about that would be aimed against Enweil from the Riombaran side. Chenier, we all know that you percieve Riombara as the embodiment of everything evil, but this is getting a bit far towards senselessness. Note that Riombara repeatedly wanted to cooperate with Enweil, and still (more or less) does. The main hindrance (beside the fact that Riombara currently faces over 30000 CS in mobile monsters attacking every single region except Grehk) is one enweilian noble who perceives everything we do as absolutely evil and as aimed against Enweil while at the same time his own actions are automatically the shining example of honour, nobility and the one and only possible course. Is it truly so difficult to believe that other points of view exist? Ask yourself, do you truly believe that every opinion not completely in line with your own is automatically wrong, evil, insidious and a lie?TanSerrai 13:14, 3 November 2010 (CET)
TanSerrai, you misunderstand me. While your Chancellor was trying to fight the monsters, this *one* noble kept negotiating with them to get peace instead. And with some supporters, he managed to block a few things, and eventually founded a realm for the monster allies himself. I'm not saying Riombara is hiding stuff, I'm saying Mordred is. Note, though, that Enweil has offered peace to Rio many times, it was only accepted lately. It also offered DoA aid, but they never accepted to sign a ceasefire. And when both of our realms agreed to fight the monsters, Enweil never quit, it's Riombara who pulled back on her commitment. Riombara is a historical annoyance, but not the greater evil. When you accuse someone of secret dealings and go on to do the very same, that's just called hypocrisy, and that's what this guy does 24/7. -Chénier 13:25, 3 November 2010 (CET)