Corsanctum/Guide to recruitment and operations

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Gold requests

There is usually gold availble to help troop leaders with recruitment as long as the ask when requests are being taken. It should be policy to include the gold and bonds already held and how much backpay is owed in any request.

Choosing a unit

Archers are the cheapest units we have available and usually suffer very few casualties, they are also particularly effective against monsters. Infantry are the standard units of any army and do the majority of the hard graft on the field. Cavalry have a particularly dangerous charge but are a little more fragile in the melee than infantry and are much more expensive. It is important to balance cost and effectiveness and to look at what units other troop leaders are fielding. Those with low incomes may want to consider archers but those able to support infantry should consider their importance in battle.

Whatever you choose it is important not to recruit beyond your means. Always keep enough spare gold to be able to pay your men for the week ahead, don't use everything you have on recruitment.

You may also like to consider the Repair and Training Costs for units. It is probably that everyone will have some spare hours for training at one time or another so making it as efficient as possible is always beneficial.

It is more effective to recruit units from centres with high weapon and armour quality than those with high training. Units can always be trained further but equipment can never be improved. Archers rarely enter the melee and so it is of little importance to kit them out with good armour. What is more important is range - those with long range have less chance of moving forward in battle putting them in less danger and giving them another volley before the melee begins.


During a refit if you only need to repair, the smithies in The Well of Mimer and Freke's Deep are just as effective as those in Mimer and you can save a day of travel by using them rather than going all the way back to the city.

If you need to recruit as well, do so before you repair as new recruits often bring new, undamaged equipment.


Certain Paraphernalia are just as important for a functioning unit as your fighting troops.


It should be a routine duty for all nobles to scout surrounding regions regularly and post their scout reports to the entire realm. It is essential that the military staff know where any rogue forces are and whether they are moving for effective force deployment. Scouts also have the added benefit of being able to shorten your travel times. They automatically travel ahead of your unit and can often find shortcuts. It is recommended that every troop leader employs at least three scouts. Scouts can be recruited from The Well or Mimer and Freke's Deep.


Quite simply, healers rapidly increase the time it takes for any wounded men you have to recover. While archer units are usually quite adequately served by 1 healer, large infantry or cavalry units should consider employing 2 healers. Healers can be hired from Mimer and The Well of Mimer.


Bannermen display your crest on the battlefield, making it easier for infantry and cavalry to orientate themselves. Whilt they are unnecessary for archer units it is recommended that others carry 1 banner per 20 men. Though if short on money they are not completely essential. Bannermen can be hired from Mimer and The Well of Mimer.

See Paying Paraphernalia for the most efficient way to pay your extra staff.

Unit Settings

It is important to pay attention to the unit settings ordered by the Marshal as it is often the key to success in any battle to have units acting as one. If you do not follow the unit settings you often risk having your unit wiped out which is an unacceptable waste of gold.