Sanguis Astroism/The Magistratum/Garret/Evidence

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Letter from Garret Artemesia
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
High Inquisitor Stormcrow,

When I offered the federation of Aquilegia and Corsanctum, it was to grant the Church its eyes and ears, its cloaks and daggers, from the shadows and the light. In daylight shadows follow everyone. In twilight ghostly glows illuminate those who think they can conceal themselves from the light.

This organization, for all intents and purposes, does not exist. Any attempt to speak of it to anyone but myself will be met with likely confusion, followed by my denial. However, it is a most useful resource. For example, the Phantoms allowed me to catch whispers of a plan that the Grandmaster of Morek and the Alpha Imperator of Raivan Empire both confirmed. From the words of Alpha Imperator Raiva:

Letter from Edward Raiva
Message sent to Garret Artemesia
Greetings Asterion Garret,

She had been trying to offer pushing for me to take over Muspelheim as long as I let the duke be one of her choice. If I didn't agree the Warders would colony it eventually. My guess is it was her attempt to manipulate my realm into a more friendly stance with the new realm.

Edward Raiva (Alpha Imperator and Imperial Magistrate of Raivan Empire, Duke of Aegir)

Before this I had correspondence from the Grandmaster of Morek also supporting the "whispers" I heard. What resulted then was a rather interesting set of events where I had to consider whether risking Allison's ire, or staying silent. I think it is clear what choice I pursued.

I have selected you to establish a meeting place silently in Corsanctum. Having a central nexus of operations in the core of the Church would help the operatives relay necessary information quickly and effectively, in all areas in any and all things that require sensitive intelligence. Especially because you are the High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, I believe it would be very appropriate that you would be one of those who might network some operatives, such as to gain information not easily or readily gained otherwise, about members within the Church. After all, the rebellion in Niselur, and the situation in Averoth have shown that some members are only part of the Church for personal gain. It is time some of us demonstrated that even in the darkness deeds will come to light.

But let us not confuse this with honorless work of common infiltrators and assassins. We are the silent and concealed guardians of the Church, whose work goes unknown and unappreciated, but who protect the integrity of the faith.

Garret Artemesia (Asterion of Aquilegia, Marshal of the Covenant of Phantoms of Aquilegia)