Sanguis Astroism/The Magistratum/Allison

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Before reading about the specifics of the appeal, it is necessary to read a letter by Lady Allison, to Lady Alanya Costella, Queen of Libero Empire. This letter was accidentally sent to Queen Alanna Anaris, who forwarded it to Lady Alanya, who sent it to her fiancee, heathen Sejieda Vita, who sent it to Prophet Mathurin.

Letter from Allison Kabrinski
Message sent to Alanna Anaris

Would you pass on a message to your Fiance for me please. Tell him that I was wrong. Sanguis Astroism is spawning an abomination. I told him once before that SA wasn't what it used to be. I've been deluding myself for some time. So yes, Sanguis Astroism is becoming a joke. I fully expect to be excommunicated in the next few days. Telling the Prophet that he is a poor leader and fool is probably a good way to get excommunicated.

I may need asylum. I know I am not the most popular person in your realm. However if things happen as I suspect I will have a new enemy to fight. I ask that you consider it and let me know so that I can make some contingency plans.
Allison Kabrinski (Coffermistress of Xinhai)

Prophet Mathurin received some of this letter from Torenist Vita. Following accusations against Allison with regards to certain parts of the letter, she left Sanguis Astroism. Prophet Mathurin then declared Allison an enemy of the faith, and exiled her from Sanguis Astroism.

What follows is her appeal to rejoin the faith.

The Appeal Begins

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
Here are all the correspondences received so far that you have not otherwise been sent. The reason why I have not sent them to you was nothing was decided however if you wish to see them you shall:
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Judges of the Magesterium
I bring the response from Lady Allison:

Letter from Allison Kabrinski (9 hours, 12 minutes ago)


I saw the letter from Melania.

Could you please ask them what charges are officially being brought against me? What evidence do they have to support these charges? I can hardly call witnesses or bring evidence forth if I don't know what exactly I am being charged with. Allison Kabrinski

Coffermistress of Xinhai
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Melania Rahl
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Timast Solacesta
Honestly I am somewhat frustrated by Lady Allison's response. I was under the impression that the purpose of this was to consider more closely her current, past, and future state within the church, the result of which may be our reversal of Prophet Mathurin's declaration of her as an enemy of the church. Perhaps we should compile the reasons and circumstances leading up to Prophet Mathurin's declaration.
Melania Rahl (Haruspex Maximus of Astrum, Marchioness of Gelene Outskirts)

Letter from Timast Solacesta
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl
I am also disappointed in her behavior. We are not convened to decide her innocence or guilt in my opinion, please correct me if I am wrong on this. We are here to decide whether her heart is truly set on reconciling with a Church that has cast her out, and if so, what standards and procedures are needed to ensure that the truth and want of repentance is represented by an action or set of actions commiserate with one who's status is as hers is. (OOC: I apologize for my absences. Lots going on in my life at the moment. I do read everything, but do not have much time at the moment to respond deeply.)
Timast Solacesta (High Inquisitor of Niselur)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
I understand that her behavior does seem inappropriate but after speaking to her before the trial she considers the whole "letter to a foreign leader" thing to be a misunderstanding and therefore does not understand what constitutes her "misconduct". Remember when we clarified this for the faithful she was not present.
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Mathurin Hossenfeffer
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Constantine Meneldur, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta

I suppose the discussion on the nature of the appeal has been restricted largely to the full members of the Faith so perhaps Allison deserves some explanation of what lies before here.

This is not a trial, so there are no charges being brought against her.

She is an Enemy of the Faith who has sought reconciliation.

This is an appeal through which she can make a presentation to demonstrate why the Faith should accept her once more. It is not the past that matters, so much as the present and the future.
Mathurin Hossenfeffer (Holy Prophet of Sanguis Astroism)

Letter from Bengt Algotsson
Message sent to Allison Kabrinski, Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
Lady Kabrinski,

Personally, I see two main issues standing in the way of your reconciliation with the Church. The first one is Maligning the Faith, as shown in an older letter that you sent to a foreign, non-believing ruler. The second one is Apostasy, i.e. leaving the Church of your own free volition. Perhaps the other Justices see additional issues; I am sure they will let us know.

For each of these obstacles, the first task of the current proceedings is, I think, to determine its magnitude. How serious was the maligning act, and what were its consequences, if any? Is apostasy to be regarded lightly within the Church?

Second, we need to find ways to surmount the obstacles thus surveyed and bring you and the Church together. Perhaps the Church can take preventive measures, to avoid estrangement of important members in the future. Perhaps there are also actions that you wish to undertake, in order to show your regret (if any) and/or to facilitate this rapprochement. As always, when trying to pull together a larger and a smaller body, it is likely more practical for the smaller part to exhibit greater motion towards the final union.

Thus, if you wish to make some declaration regarding these issues, and any others that might come up, the reconciliation process could be greatly sped up by explaining to us your views, with regard to both the problems of the past, and to the potentialities of your future within the Church.

In Faith,
Bengt Algotsson (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Allison Kabrinski, Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
Holy Prophet, Judges of the Magesterium, Lady Kabrinski,

If I may say so this "crime of apostacy" should be no obstacle in returning into the faith. It has always been the tradition of this Church that we should be accepting of those who would wish to turn towards the Stars. Over the years we have accepted all nobles who have come to us including former Torenists and those who, if I may say so, have had blatant political motivation. As such it seems absurd that if former heretics be allowed in that nobles who left that faith and have since seen the light should be refused.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Allison Kabrinski, Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
Holy Prophet, Judges of the Magesterium, Lady Kabrinski,

If I may add to my previous letter I would also like to say that apostasy is self imposed and if Allison no longer imposes it upon herself then it is not up to the Church to continue treating her as an apostate.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Bengt Algotsson
Message sent to Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
While, as Light Constantine has pointed out, apostasy is by no means irremediable, I still believe it can't be disregarded altogether. At least the causes that drove the former believer to such a radical step need to be properly discussed, if the reconciliation is to be viable and solid. And, as the Prophet has pointed out, we are gathered here not to judge and condemn lady Allison for "crimes", but rather to provide spiritual guidance and help her be reunited with the Church. Maybe lady Allison was driven into apostasy by some severe deficiency in the organization of the Church; maybe she has suffered from a great dis-balance in the Star's influence on her blood; such things seem greatly relevant to the process at hand, in my humble opinion. However, if the other Justices, or the Prophet, consider apostasy to be a non-issue as well, then I will defer to their judgment.
Bengt Algotsson (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik)

Letter from Bengt Algotsson
Message sent to Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
And, if I may also add to my previous letter, it seems quite a different situation to see a Torenist finding the true light of the Stars; or even to allow one who is insincere in his motives to join the Church, in the hope that he may become enlightened through closer contact with truer believers. But one who has been very deeply inside Sanguis Astroism, one closely familiar with many points of doctrine, one who has interacted with the Prophet on numerous occasions - seeing such a person turning away from the Faith seems much more serious.
Bengt Algotsson (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Bengt Algotsson, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta
Judges of the Magesterium,

Lady Allison has issued this statement. Hopefully this will be able to move proceedings on apace:


First off I am not now, nor have I ever been an enemy of Sanguis Astroism.

The letter in question is being taken out of context. It was supposed to be private correspondence between Sejieda and I. It was never an attack against Sanguis Astroism. My thoughts and actions have always been for the expansion of Sanguis Astroism. I have apologized in the past and I do so again about the letter. I was angry when I wrote it. I hope we can put this all behind us.

Allison Kabrinski Coffermistress of Xinhai"

Have not all of us have at one point in our lives experienced anger and taken leave of our senses? This is a manifestation of the Maddening's influence and although I would agree that it should be kept under control we bar Allison from the faith simply for being human. As you can see she realizes the severity of her actions and is truly sorry for it. She has also assured me in private that such an event will not happen again. It was always been the position of the church to offer second chances. This is exactly what we are being asked to give here: A second chance to a woman who has given much to the faith but perhaps did not learn restraint when needed.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Allison Kabrinski

As for your most recent letter I have the following to say:

With regards to your contributions to the faith I don't think anyone can deny them. Your circumstances of being declared an "enemy" are, I believe between you and Mathurin.

As for your impression that this matter has made nobles afraid I think you are mistaken. In fact after you left we received one of the most outrageous outbursts from many of the Church's oldest members. I commend you greatly for refusing to establish a rival church of the Bloodstars and if the judges still refuse to allow you into the faith after your declaration I would like to cite that in your defense (with your permission of course).

As for Brother Bengt I had no idea he was to become Light of the Maddening and although I agree that he is a great man I have always felt him as more of an Austere individual myself. As you may have heard there was a recent campaign to get you into the position however I am very much opposed to it. Do not misunderstand me, if it had been before this whole "enemy" business then I would most certainly have agreed however to have you expelled as an enemy and then immediately instated as an elder because of popular demand would send out the message that to be an enemy is a trivial thing that is easily wiped away. While the circumstances of you excommunication may have been contested I think you will understand that stability, more than anything, is what we need at the moment. As soon as people think they can defy all church authority is the moment that the reform plan fails and we degenerate into anarchy. Contrary to what many think there is no conspiracy amongst the elders trying to block reform. Rather the reason why it is so slow is because very few people are contributing. We get a lot of things like "the elders need to be removed", "this isn't working" and "elders need clearly defined roles" but when the call goes out for what exactly these roles should be only a few members are active and the rest remain silent. This apathy is what is stopping the reform.

Now we come to your criticism of the Light appointments. I agree with you completely that the position of "Light of Maddening" has been poorly filled in the past. First we had Varchilde, who was definitely not mad (but luckily she got moved to Austere) and then that priest Arthur who never once spoke a word before mysteriously disappearing. Indeed I would have thought you a worthy candidate however as I have stated before I do not this that is a viable option for the time being. The problem is that at the moment the rank of Light has no set rules or guidelines on what powers they have. While an Austere or Auspicious Light can handle this but thinking things over and always consulting the other elders a Mad Light may, through no fault of their own, wield their power disproportionately compared to the other Lights and therefore cause strife within the Church. This is one of the reasons why clearly defined eldership roles are important and why the Holy Prophet has initiated reform.

Also, as I am speaking of my personal views, I would like to say that I disagree with your statement that the Holy Prophet rarely exercising his authority and going for long meditations is a bad thing. On the contrary I think that is one of the few reasons why the church has managed to stay together up until recently. If the Prophet were an opinionated person who lead the faith hand on and used his great authority no doubt many here would leave the faith, unsatisfied about where he is taking them. By being in the background he allows people of many different views to flourish within the faith so ensuring that an equilibrium between the various factions is maintained. Unfortunately, as I have said earlier, this method has recently fallen apart by a series of scandals and a desire for reform. The Prophet has risen to this task and has since been far more active trying to introduce reform. I very much fear that day that Mathurin dies for the amount of authority the office of Prophet wields could, in the wrong hands, corrupt this church absolutely.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Allison Kabrinski

By "appeal" it is meant that you are "appealing" to join the faith.

Also another, rather troubling, letter has been sent:

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (16 minutes ago) Message sent to: Constantine Meneldur, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta

I haven't heard from Justice Melania yet, but Justice Timast seems to agree with me that the apostasy issue is important as well. We would like lady Allison to address this issue. Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Nothing is decided but I fear we may have to contrast something to do with the so called "apostasy" as well. Then again if Melania disagrees we may not.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Light of the Auspicious)

Letter from Bengt Algotsson
Message sent to Everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (127 recipients)
The Magistratum of Sanguis Astroism, convened to examine the case of Allison Kabrinksi's reconciliation with the Church, has taken into account all evidence received and reached the following conclusions:

1. Allison Kabrinski has been a valuable and energetic member of the Church, although occasionally prone to unfortunate lapses of judgement. 2. The events that accompanied her apostasy and declaration as enemy of the Faith have been due to such a lapse in judgement, rather than to heresy or evil plans against the Church. 3. The Penitent has expressed regret for her actions.

Therefore, we find that Allison Kabrinski is to be received back into the Church and, in accordance with our mandate as given by the Holy Prophet, we grant her the rank of Aspirant. Beyond this mandate, we also advise the following:

1. To lady Allison, we strongly recommend a regimen of meditation upon the Auspicious Star, before important decisions, as a counterpart to the powerful influence of Maddening. 2. To the Church at large, we recommend the timely implementation of the reforms outlined by the Prophet, as a preventive action against future discontent and estrangement of important members from the Church. 3. We further recommend that lady Allison be granted full rights within the Church, and full member status, upon completion of an act of penance, which is to serve as a test of her regained balance and to dispel any lingering doubts as to her full reconciliation. The nature of this act of penance should be chosen by lady Allison herself and approved by the Holy Prophet.

Thus the Magistratum has spoken. We sincerely thank all who have given testimony in this important case.

Welcome back, sister Allison!


Melania Rahl, Justice of the Faith

Timast Solacesta, Justice of the Faith
Bengt Algotsson (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik)